GOS Prompt Challenge September

Oct 04, 2010 17:55

I had a lot of fun doing this challenge hopefully I'll be able to do a few more sims for the next one.

First we got Alex, she was done using the prompt brunette.
Alex is a a nice girl, sweet happy. She is artistic and caring, but be carefull with her temper she could by your head off if you make her angry. As long as she is in a good mood there's no one with a brigther smile.

Download Alex     No CC Version

Then there is her big brother Lou.

He is adrenaline, always doing some extreme sport, always  running and jumping around full of energy. He is a great guy to hang out with if you don't mind living a fast paced life. You would think he is rather tought but the true is with two sisters he is a bit of a softie when it comes to feeling, but he can always avoid the subject by running off to a new adventure.

Download Lou      No CC Version

The other girl in this family is Melina, she is based on the word Demeter. Like the one she is name after she is close to nature, she a caring soul, nurturing, you will find her taking care of the little garden behind her aparment, or looking out for Alex, patching up Lou after one of his latest stunts. She voluntiers where she can, specially things that are related to children or animals.

Download Melina   No CC Version

Avani, is the next one on our list, she was created using the word silk. Of hindu descend, Avani is a woman not to be taken slightly she knows what she wants, ans she'll get it. She might be soft spoken and of subtle movements, but every word and pretty much everything she does is carefully planed. Well at least it works that way most of time; the only exception is when she is with Lou her current love interest.

Download Avani    No CC Version

And last but not least is Basil, this shy teen is inspired on the word vert, arabic contries use the color green in most of their flags, so he is arab. He is rather shy, and will avoid most people just to not feel he is gonna blow it saying the wrong thing so if he is with people he will probably won't say much, or anything at all for that matter. But Alex has a developed a chrush on him so he is gonna have company whether he likes it or not.

Download Basil     No CC Version

Here they are as close as maxis as my game can show them to you.






And now a few random pictures of them

gos challenge, download a sim

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