Level Up! Round Robin. Vol 1.

May 05, 2011 17:33

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Lara Threepwood is our hero, the founder of this Round Robin. She just moved to the mysterious land of my SimVille.PT

Lara is thrilled to be here, as she want's to make a home of this half-build town, so she greets the first passer by, his name is Gunthur voleste.

Gunthur is a moody guy, apparently Lara just made a joke about his remain her of a villan.

He took it badly... So Lara decided to give him time to cold off while she visited the park next door.

This park is fill with possibilities.... all nice and pretty pixel_trade possibilities

And Lara has fund her target this blonde is Brutus the_caaah

While Lara evalutes her choice, I took a random picture of this crazy for soccer girls who don't care about the weather or shoes for that matter.

Brutus has big plans on politics, or maybe is law... Lara isn't very certain.

So she discuss the matter with one of the only three game generated characters son far, the garden lady also know as the soccer in the rain champion.

Since that talk wasn't much help Lara  interrogated someone else this time Nell  freudroid the Wise.

Following her advise Lara decided to look at other options before settling.

A nice soccer game in this dark nigth against Athos  lizbeth120

That would help her in her search of a worthy mate.

The game took long... or

Maybe I took too many pictures of it...

So here another random shot this time of Milea keoni_chan

Guess who made himself confortable while our heroine was out.

But she ran out of stamina before figthing him off.

And did't even get in the check point on time. Passing out in the bedrooms floor will cost her points.

Athos didn't take well losing to a girl so he trashed her house early next morning I was busy so I didn't caugth  the evidence of his evilness but he DID IT! I KNOW!

And still Gunthur won't leave the house.. so Lara kind of got use to the fact is just hangs around for no reason.

She knows she has a reason to be in this world...

And hopes that througt art she'll find the reason of her existence.

Besides since she hasn't found her ideal job on the paper yet she has to gain money somehow.

Once again Nell imparts her wisdom on her. Any job will do while you wait for your destiny.

So we are all set!

While she waits for destiny to become apparent, Lara took on a new making money hobbie.

And makes a lot of phone calls to keep in touch with her crush.

Brutus finally came to visti one day.

And Lara decided to take a more direct aproach and stay on her undies the whole time.

They play...

but apparently Lara hurts the male pride more often than not.

So quick look at me! Underwear!.... Drools

Now one more test.

Let's see if you are smart enough to be the father of my children.

He passed!

Now let's talk!

Fitness training, she will not suffer a wimp for a husband to be.

Or a lover..

I love t when they hug.

Lara has been very hungry lately.

Oh look at that she is carrying,

More sawing.

More passing out.

That can't be good for the baby.

She is eating for two

or five. I can't be sure.

A little dancing to break the ice.

And some screaming a few hours afterwards...

Dude! Listen up!


Meet Drake Threepwood!

He is a bit slow, and realize a few hours later that he was a daddy. He moving in to be near his son.

Who grow quickly into a crazy toddler.

He is snow crazy.

He is a tired daddy.

While she is the  working mommy.

And this is.. and who is she again. Oh rigth the free babysitter Brutus sisters Vivviene the_caaah

She came to help with the baby.

And to try to teach his brother something about logic.

Drake seems to take after his mom...

Scratch that...

Making stuff kepts her happy, because still her ideal job won't show up.

In the mean time Drake is after his own goals in life.

A quest to walk, talk and be potty trained.

Baby steps.

Guess who has and awesome job.

Even more of and  awesome reward. The video play again apparently he had a baby but no recolection of actually making him. So as far as he is concerned this is the first time.

The training continues.

Drake will reach his goals before he rans out of time.

Family skilling!

Grow up time!

FWI: He did learn everything on time, therefore he deserves a nice night of sleep in his brand new bed.

Daddy deserves that too.

While mommy bought a computer that refuses to work for more than a few hours.

Brutus wants more children and I agreed with him at least one more. So we can have a poll.

Drake has discover his artistic side.

And his love for nature, birds just make him happy.

Brutus decided that now that it was time to make his move.

Lara was waiting for this she didn't wanna hurt his pride again by asking first.

Still she acts surprised

Oh is so brigth!..

And yes Brutus is inlove again, I don't when he forget he already loved her.

He is also a bit mad, because Lara should told him about the pregnancy before..

Well before it was time to give birth.

At least he is paying attention this time.

While Drake is getting close to the zone, so I decided not to bother him with something as trivial as the birth of his competition

Oh a mothers glow...

And it's a girl. Carmen lets hope she doesn't dissapear into the world before our next update.

This is all for today, tune in again this Sunday for more of their lives where a new villain hides in plain sigth!. 

pixel_trade, level up, sims

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