Level Up! Round Robin. Vol 1. Chapter 2.

May 28, 2011 11:09

So posting all this took longer than I had originally plan, much longer but in the brigth side now I have lots to worked with..

Welcome again... Last time you where here a two babies were born, Drake and Carmen.

Are you ready to continue?




Now Carmen is a toddler, a blonde just like daddy (Brutus the_caaah)...

While Drake is planing his and his sister future expeditions.

Lara is getting tired of the same meal, at least if she was at sea she could be having adventures but no, she stuck been a family woman since her dream job still refuses to appear.

While Lara is restless around the house, Brutus once again takes care of the baby training.

And all of the toddlers needs.

Deep, deep inside Lara loves her children. She is just unable to show them affection or care, or any form of attention for that matter.

All this girlies are dress up because is wedding day, the girl in pink is well she a pixel trade sim of that I'm certain.

Brutus sisters came for the wedding, this one is the eternal babysitter Vivviene the_caaah

A little pre-marital kissing is the show of the day.

The yellow girl is Milea keoni_chan, who after a brief apperence on our last chapter has become a great friend of Brutus, Nell freudroid the Wise came to give her bleesing to the couple as she is Lara's only friend.

After a shower, or maybe before it Brutus is convincing Lara to go throug with the wedding the only way he knows.

Athos  lizbeth120   is here as the wedding crasher..

Since what as happening inside the house is rated R, the teen sister of Brutus, Katherina the_caaah   has to dance the day away on the street.

The rest of the adults came to her rescue.

The groom is worry...

He is hoping his earlier performance scores him enough point to be happily marry.

Here we go the moment of truth.

Is happening people, it's happening!

Now is time to party!

Maybe Viv is considering getting them a new couch....

Oh, picture time eyes looking at the camara...

They seem happy enough..

While Drake couldn't care less about his parents wedding he is to busy making travel plans.

Yummy cake... I'll stay just for cake

The redhead dude is Fact charterzard

Brutus is teling Carmen all about the wedding

And later some family dancing.

Lara keeps on relesing her adventure frustration by making killer sailor outfits.

I belive Carmen is living up to her name and traning to be a criminal mastermind, she does not touch other toys.

And Brutus has just helped her acomplish the first in a series of carefully plans steps. Once you can talk you can lie and manipulate, well you can manipule before talking too. I've seen babies are quick studies.

Lara decided to help, a little just a little in her daugther's education.

Step number two, befriend family members. Friends come handy...

Lara keeps trying to be a good mother but is not very constant.

Homework the best way to earn your parent respect.

Specially before hitting the teen years.

Drake may have a tiny narcissism problem.

While Brutus trys to keep Lara happy so she doesn't sail away.

Even evil mastermind deserve some dancing fun.

She is almost a self sufficient girl, she walks, talks...

and is completly potty trained.

What adventures does my future holds?

Lets check online for treasure hunting jobs.

Carmen is growing.

And her taste for game hasn't change.

Maybe I should order a violin, girls love a man with talent.

Ask and you shall recive.

Treasure hunting is dangerous job, you most be in top physical condition.

You should also bathe often.

Lara refuses to hire a handy man.

And so she pays the price.


Toasty just like the way I like it!

Aww study groups, I don''t miss you at all...

Nell is angry for the lack of attencion of the main follower of her cult...

Carmen enjoys playing by herself although she is always ready to be challenge.

I'm the best bro, no kid can ever caught up with be me so give up...

Where in the world could Lara's maternal affection be?

Maybe Carmen dreams of running around concert halls, stealing away the hearts of the public.

The Treepwood family is united by music. Well all of them minus the founder.

pixel_trade, level up, sims

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