Friends and such

Jul 24, 2008 15:30

I've been using LJ for a long while now, and it's pretty cool. I spout off as if it were a diary, and sometimes people comment and sometimes they don't. No problem either way.

I don't read LJ nearly as much as I used to. When I get a chance and am inclined, I'll look through my (dwindling) friends list to see what's what. When I do read, I don't always comment (of course).

Anyway, time for some housekeeping, which is a euphemism for "time to drop people just because I feel like it." Everyone does this from time to time - you have a bunch of people listed as your Friend, but you don't interact with them much (them commenting in your journal and vice versa).

I used to think it was a sort of badge of honor (yeah, a nerdy badge of honor) to have a buttload of Friends, but it's no good if you're interacting with, say, 3%. Heh.

So. Comment here if you'd like to be kept on the ol' Frenz list. I'll check here in a week or so and do some deletin'.

Oh. And conversely, if you're sick of ME, all you need to do is drop me. :) I will not be put out about it. When I see you've dropped me, I'll do likewise. But regardless, this isn't anything important - ain't no thang! - just trying to tidy up a bit.
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