Big Barely-Work Related Post

Apr 15, 2009 02:33

Oh look, I'm going to post about things that aren't work, and am in fact going to only mention work in passing. And I'm going to give an update that I should have given over a week ago? WOAH ( Read more... )

the curries, drugs r bad 'mkay, friends: katy, family: dustin, my birthday, books: gaiman, fun, friends, bowling green, holiday, family, acquaintances, adventure, home, money, shopping, food, crafts: scrapbooking, entertainment, louisville, facebook, drinking, travel, boys, friends: currie, nashville, books

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Comments 2

rocketgirl13 April 15 2009, 08:37:41 UTC
not shooting. i was telling champ about the whole you were into him at one point thing. and i realized the same thing about him not being out yet. ODD.

:D i had fun!!


sabatoa April 15 2009, 11:46:15 UTC
haha, most tags EVER.


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