Big Barely-Work Related Post

Apr 15, 2009 02:33

Oh look, I'm going to post about things that aren't work, and am in fact going to only mention work in passing. And I'm going to give an update that I should have given over a week ago? WOAH

So Birthday weekend, three days off work. Friday was spent sleeping, since I got off at 7am that morning. I'm sure I did something, though I don't remember what. Saturday was the Day of Plans. I drove to Louisville, an hour late because I suck and octopusouphut texted me, waking me up where my alarm failed.

Got to Louisville and immediately felt like I was home, and was saddened because I would be leaving before the day was out. Met up with Tracy, saw their place and she gave me my birthday gift. A gift card to Archivers, and a coupon for the place as well. We went and I was a bit overwhelmed (SCRAPBOOKING STUFF!). I spent everything on the gift card, and then $20 more.

We then ventured to JoAnn's where I spent some more money. By this point Tracy and I were making jokes about my definition of sex - Anytime something is inside something else they are having sex.

We then met up with Tracy's boyfriend baroque_n_roll, who I enjoyed quite muchly. His sense of humor is spot on. We went to Starbucks, where a hot employee made blowjob motions at me. Seriously, he was hot! but the blowjob motions were surely just misinterpreted, he was trying to get my attention to make me a drink, and the place was a little loud and he was surely just trying to mime drinking to me. SURELY!

We went to a Michael's, where I spent more money, and then to a park. Much jokes, fail benching, and swinging was had. There are photos on my facebook.

Back at Tracy's I looked at some of her scrap work, and then ventured off to meet The Curries for dinner at Bristol. I had the best Rib Eye steak ever, and free chocolate oreo cheesecake. I fit with this couple so well. I used to think we would live together into old age and raise kids or at least farm cats. Odd to think that they were just married (in November, I didn't attend) and that I introduced them in 2002.

We visited some mutual friends, had a drink and a smoke, and hung out until midnight. I felt safe at this point because The Curries had already made it clear that I was staying the night at their new home, which I had yet to see.

We slept, I froze and woke at 9, to a chilly sunshine. They twisted my arm (yeah right) and I accompanied them to Edinburgh, IN for some Outlet Shopping. I found an Izod store and since my Favorite Pair of Jeans that I can remember were IZOD's I tried a pair on. I fit into a 38! I tried two different pair before settling on a Classic Fit in a lighter color because of the amazing fit around my crotch. I also purchased three bottles of wine, two of which made from my favorite wine grapes (Vignoles).

We ventured back to Louisville and I took my leave. Home was quiet and I settled back into a work week.

My Aunt called me Thursday while I was driving to work, to see if she could take my brother and I to Olive Garden in Nashville to celebrate our birthdays (mine just past, the brother's 3 months ago). Since I was working, she coordinated a lunch for the next day.

We met Friday morning and quickly traveled to the Rivergate area. Olive Garden was delicious and I came home with both mine and my aunts leftover 5-Cheese Ziti. We then went to JoAnn's and I purchased an Options Grab 'N Go organizer at half price as well as a Color Box cat's eye stamp pad set. When we arrived, they were gathering customers in the middle of the store due to the Tornado.

We left there, and went to Bed Bath & Beyond, which I'm sure is the first time I've been there. Perused everything and then went to Michael's. I bought brads and a letter 'D' stamp set because they were on sale. And then I had to rush the group of us back to Bowling Green because I had to be at work by 3pm.

Saturday was nice because I did absolutely nothing, and didn't have to work until 3rd shift, which meant 11pm. rocketgirl13 texted me close to 8pm to see if I still wanted to hang with her while she was in town. We had both forgotten. I was about to nap before work, but KT was more important and fun. Met her and her brother at Target, and we went to Sonic for Ice cream. Had much fun with the gay and improved little brother (seriously KT, he's sorta still cute, don't shoot). Thinking back on hit, I was attracted to him before he came out. Odd since I've always doubted my gaydar, also odd because he's my little brothers age, and my best friends little brother.

He left KT and I to do our thing, we ventured to Barnes & Noble where I spent money on a gay mag, a puzzle variety book, Coraline (GAIMAN), and What the Dickens (Maguire). Took KT home, got her spiffy Save The Date Magnet, and headed to work.

Easter Sunday. Set my alarm for 12, so I could be ready for family lunch at 1. My aunt called at 12:45 to see why I wasn't there. I had turned my alarm off in my sleep. D'OH

I rushed to the grandmothers house to find I was the third to arrive. Way to rush for nothing. Dinner was good, didn't eat a lot, but had a good time. Helped the kids be monkeys in the trees, helped them hunt Easter Eggs. Left early so I could sleep some more before another 3rd shift.

And that is the past two weekends. I know tl;dr, but seriously, I talked about half my friends list! and this tag list is long!

the curries, drugs r bad 'mkay, friends: katy, family: dustin, my birthday, books: gaiman, fun, friends, bowling green, holiday, family, acquaintances, adventure, home, money, shopping, food, crafts: scrapbooking, entertainment, louisville, facebook, drinking, travel, boys, friends: currie, nashville, books

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