Fandom: None.
Prompt: prompt 57-barophobia
Warnings: Umh. Biting and blood.
Rating: PG-13, just in case
Summary: Alana takes Sarah clubbing. Maybe it was too early.
A/N: It might be a bit weird to read, but it's like that because of how Sarah is at that time. lol. And i almost forgot to post it. lol. Ops. And the circle thing brush is called dv_circles (but I don't know who made it. It's an old brush). I don't know what is the name of the flower pattern one, but if someone does know it, let me know, please so I can credit?
Sooooo I'm just a little dizzy. Not a big deal. I kind of lost Alana even when she told me to stick close to her since she knows all about this life here but I lost her when we were leaving. The crowd can totally brutal and this guy asked me if I was lost. Which I think I nodded to and he was all I'll help you then. Where do you want to go?
I have no idea at all what I told him or even if I told him anything at all. I just followed him because he seemed nice. I know there are some not so nice people around but he was just so nice. Which is why the whole biting of my neck kinda surprised me, but hey, who knows maybe it's a thing they do. It was kinda nice after that initial discomfort but then I think he saw something that freaked him out because he abruptly left me to my bleeding neck and the before mentioned dizzy-ness.
"Sarah, didn't I tell you not to wander away from... Woah, okay why is your neck bleeding?" My Alana-shaped friend asked me when she finally found me and it wasn't that hard because I hadn't left the spot the guy left me in. I was bleeding?
"This nice guy. He was helping me and then he bit me, and it was kinda nice. But then he left and didn't come back, can we look for him?" I asked her because I wanted to know what spooked him, I didn't want him spooked. He was nice. But I didn't like the look on Alana's who was all dark and serious, even though it was kinda dark inside. It was like a darkness from inside and as scary as hell.
"Sarah, sweety, you let a kid of Lilith bite you. That's not good or nice, that's bad. Okay, so it can be nice but he was obviously taking advantage of you." Alana told me in this kinda tone that made me think that she was talking to a five year old and it made me wanna say 'Sweety, shut the fuck up' but I'm nice so I don't. I still don't get it. Lilith, I think I remember something about her from back in the day but I'm drawing a blank here and Alana can see it on my face.
"A vampire. Someone totally tasted your neck." She told me and was all in my personal space looking at my neck. Kinda uncomfortable because she can be a little creepy sometimes and lets not start with her whole contact lenses (which I know what are now. Yay.) and the huge, intricate tattoo on her back. Like damn. "I wonder what you taste like." She murmurs to me and yeah, okay getting scared now. Because she's licking her lips and watching me with those creepy yet enchanting red eyes of hers.
She's all in my personal space and I think she just licked my neck. Yeah, she just LICKED my neck and I think there's still blood welling a bit from my neck wound after that guy, nice guy bit me. It wasn't bad, but why is she licking it?
I really wanted to bite down on her neck. It's not like I can't do it, I'm free of anything. But I actually like her and there is just so much that I can teach her yet. About the most stupid things, she kind of needs me. If I bite down just for a cheap thrill I'll be no better than a certain vamp I think is responsible for this.
I don't hate the vamps or anything, but that's not my thing really.
I've done these kinda things before but I just got so damn bored of it. Always just the same thing going on. Bite, bite, bite. Never a change. For now I just wanted to get us out of this place. I admit that maybe it was a bit too early to take her clubbing but I was bored. Mary was always on me to take better care of her because we're all close in age and all that. I love the old lady and all, but blah blah blah.
Speaking of the devil, or so to speak, I just spotted him near the bar. I'd have to have a word with him about not taking advantage of my new friend until she fully knows what he's up to.
"Sam, how nice to see you. I see that you've been up to your old tricks. Just wish you wouldn't take my friend here, Sarah to perform them. She thinks you were a very nice guy who bit her neck. she's new to all this. So could you do your tricks on someone else." I told Sam, before he could even say Hi but he had opened his mouth but it ended in a smrik which can be really hot but right now it just bugged me to hell.
"That's your friend? Well, I've gotta tell you that you've started to hang around some seriously weird people." The smirking red head told me while he kept looking at Sarah who was just... out of it. Not sure she had anything alcoholic to drink, so it might just be the blood loss.
"What the hell are you talking about? When have I ever associated with normal people?" I told him, while he ordered himself something to drink from the bar. Plus what's up with him talking about weird people? He's the freaking vampire. People keep bumping into you since we're right next to the bar almost now and some say the whole 'sorry. Excuse me. Etc.' but others don't even seem to notice you.
"Your little friend suddenly sprouted wings. I'm not kidding. One second she has like wings and then pfft, their gone. She's a totally freak." Again how funny is it to hear a vampire call someone a freak. Please, he's the blood drinker.
I've seen her back. The scars, it's obvious what happened to her if you know about such things. She was paranoid when getting dressed earlier about how the top would not showing her back, probably a good idea. Then people might really think she was a freak. People can be so mean.
"Are you sure it's just not the effect of something you've taken. You know how those things can really fuck you up." I told him, because he really does frequent the drug using and so maybe I can just make him think that he's really high.
"What? No, I was not seeing things and I'm not high. The damn wings were real. I'm not a druggie, I haven't taken anything tonight yet." He told me while someone just totally bumped into me and if I wasn't busy right now said person would be getting a stiletto heel in their eye.
"Now why the heck would my friend, Sarah the innocent have some freaky ghost wings? Maybe your coming down with something. You should get that looked at." I told him and he looked at me like I was a complete loon. But then he doesn't know the truth about me. He thinks I hail from his home. What with the eyes and all, I can't blame him. I've visited but I've never stayed long.
Okay, so I'm getting pretty bored just standing here while Alana fights with this guy. I just want to lie down somewhere and go to sleep.
"Are you barophobic?" Alana asked that Sam guy, but I don't know why she would say that and he's looking at her with this What the fuck? look on his face. Maybe she meant something else, people often make mistakes.
"He has fear of gravity? because he doesn't look like he does. Alana, can't we just go already?" I asked her, and I swear she blushed. I guess because of the wronf word she used and all that. I was supposed to be all out of it and still I know the meaning of that weird word. These phobias all have very strange names that you probably can't say right straight away.
"Just leave her alone, Sam. I suggest you have your head checked. Lets go, Sarah." Alana told me, as she tugged on my arm and I waved to the nice guy who gave me that pleasant buzz that's sadly wearing off now.
Don't know why the hell Alana was fighting with him. And what was this about my wings? because my wings are long gone. maybe they had a thing and it ended badly. Well, I think this was a successful night. Now just for some sleep. Comfy bed and not thinking about Alana's total licking of my neck. That was just weird... but not bad.
The End.