Liar's Game [jdrama, Matsuda Shota, Toda Erika] - ep 1

Apr 16, 2007 22:48

So I finished ep 1 of Liar's Game.

My (positive) thoughts are ( Are behind the cut )

doramas6, liar game, matsuda shota

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Comments 43

janlake83 April 17 2007, 02:54:33 UTC
i have yet to see the whole eps since i got caught up talking to a friend who has a sister at va tech, the sis is fine but yeah...

i have to say shota my god his getting hotter...... drooling when he came on..

i might watch more smiling pasta to cheer me up a little


dangermousie April 17 2007, 03:02:30 UTC
seriously, he is scarily hot. Mmmm...smiling pasta :)


meganbmoore April 17 2007, 02:55:42 UTC
So, can toda Erica be Noi in the LA Wallflower now?

And YAY! For liking it.

Also, this is only the second time I've seen one of my icons massively used outside my LJ, and it makes me EEEEE!!!


dangermousie April 17 2007, 03:05:23 UTC
Well, those are awesome icons.

And yeah, she can be Noi :)

Just you wait re: icon material. I am preppiing some awesome Kyo/Tohru and Ayame/Mine (there is one shot there that made me melt. Melting with Kyo/Tohu is expected but melting for Ayame/Mine was unexpected and extra sweet) picspam


meganbmoore April 17 2007, 03:12:43 UTC
I assumed I was expected to continue the service w/ future picspams(though you've seen theextra of my coloring abilities for B&W scans)

(seriously though,anything you want an icon of, get it to me and I'll do what I can)

And good, because she's just perfect for Noi.


magalamb April 17 2007, 03:00:12 UTC
what are they going to do for 11 eps?

I did wonder that as well... I'll have to ask someone who's read the manga...

Hopefully make out.

Oh yes. Poor Toda Erica. After being dumped by Kame for Yamapi in Nobuta and being psychotically obsessed with MatsuJun in Hanadan, she has at last learned to stay away from Johnnys and deserves some make-out time to make up for her spurned in love parts before...


dangermousie April 17 2007, 03:01:53 UTC
LOL. Exactly. Go Erika! Get it on! :) This thing is airing in a late time slot :)


outof_focus April 17 2007, 03:08:40 UTC
Agree with most of your comments.

I've never watched Kurosagi before, and if Liar Game is an inferior, I've to watch it ASAP.

I am curious how they are going to keep it up for multiple eps though.
Me too. I thought they were going to stretch it until the last ep, and I realized that would be too boring. I am guessing there will be more consequences and the game mastermind won't just let a player win.


dangermousie April 18 2007, 02:06:09 UTC
The consequences thing makes sense.

And yes, do watch Kurosagi. It's awesome (see icon).


rubypurple April 17 2007, 03:16:51 UTC
I started downloading this one.. and hopefully will be able to watch it. :)


dangermousie April 18 2007, 02:06:25 UTC
Yay! It's quite fun.


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