1. I've watched a bit of ep 4 of Monstar raw and I love it more and more! I love Sul Chan more and more too, and his piano duet with Sun Woo made me grin from ear to ear. Hooray for bromance
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Which brings me to my point - is nobody in this Universe concerned that the most powerful dude in the realm is stark raving mad? Worry, people! You want to live, right?
Honestly, I was very disappointed with Lucivar. While I can understand how it would be possible that Daemon could possibly inadvertently kill Jaenelle, why on earth would he believe anything that came out of the mouth of those witches?
Honestly, Daemon bugfuck insane is a terrifying proposition - he was capable of crazy levels of destruction just as the side effect of getting the ring off when he was in full possession of his faculties. They should bend over backwards to keep him happy even if he WAS a butchering rapist
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I've read all three books about Daemon and Jaenelle, and not to spoil anything for you but I never did get over what Lucivar did to to Daemon even by the end of the story. Which sucks because I really did like him a lot. But I did end up liking Saetan a lot better.
That's not spoiling anything - I would be very surprised if I ever got over Lucivar's actions barring about 20 years of sustained groveling and maybe saving Daemon's life a few times. I just found it such a betrayal - I mean, you expect Hecatah (and the rest of the bad witches) to try to drive Daemon nuts, and I expect nothing sensible from Jaenelle's horrible family, or even Cassandra because she has never shown liking for Daemon or concealed her own agenda, but for Daemon's own brother to hurt him so, a brother who was the sole person he ever loved before he found Jaenelle, and for whom he sacrificed so much - that just felt like such a betrayal and must have confirmed to Daemon that he did what the bad guys said he did.
Comments 10
When I ended the book, that's what I was thinking too. I wonder if they know Tvtropes has a page for something like this called Bullying the Dragonhttp://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BullyingADragon
Honestly, I was very disappointed with Lucivar. While I can understand how it would be possible that Daemon could possibly inadvertently kill Jaenelle, why on earth would he believe anything that came out of the mouth of those witches?
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