Open Letters to Pick the Stars characters

Mar 01, 2010 12:07

After watching ep 15 of Pick the Stars, my feelings of rage can only be contained in a series of open letters.

Dear Secondary HagYou bugfuck insane vicious bitch - WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? You have achieved your objective, roping in your stalking victim, only through blackmail and the man loathes the sight of you. Let's see, should you ( Read more... )

advice to fictional characters, pick the stars, doramas2

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Comments 18

mishane March 1 2010, 17:22:12 UTC
ARGH! I'm behind on this, I need to catch up!!

That's the bad thing about reading the DB recaps; it sates my curiosity but then makes it so that I'm not in a rush to watch the episode. I had to stop myself from reading the Women Who Gets Married (whatever it's called) recaps because if I keep reading them, I won't want to actually watch the drama. GRRRR.


dangermousie March 1 2010, 18:55:03 UTC
Catch up - it is totally beyond adorable and moves very fast :)


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dangermousie March 1 2010, 18:54:32 UTC
I think she is even crazier than the Bali girl because at least Bali girl never claimed to be in love with prospective hubby or want him to love her baaaaaack.

It was all pride and possessiveness.

But crazy girl here claims to love him and wants to win his love - I am confused how she thinks blackmailing him and wrecking his life is going to do that.


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dangermousie March 1 2010, 19:03:47 UTC
Well, heroine is actually also his (secret) granddaughter. I am not sure how well she can run a corporation but at least she possesses common sense and is also not stupid enough to engage in illegal activity (I am sure blackmail is illegal in Korea).

I mean, I can imagine Hag try to do a deal - 'what do you mean they don't like our offer? Break their executives' knees until they agree!'

Also, I keep LOLing that since Hag obviously can't admit she blackmailed her fiance into engagement she goes around beaming telling everyone the guy is marrying her because she begged and pleaded so much he finally gave in. Yeah, that's something to be proud about.


ambergold March 2 2010, 00:14:19 UTC
ahahahah. this is one of the funniest things I've read all work. It's also simultaneously encouraging and discouraging me from watching this - I am workign my way through it very slowly due to busyness and other dramas but the main reason is that I know it takes so freaking long for any OTP action! I mean, what ep are you on now and what's there been, one hug? aiyah. I mean, Brilliant Legacy was like that too but on the upside there was tons and tons - pretty much constant - OTP interaction at least. This one - seems like it only gradually becomes a plot point. I'm on ep 5 and that's about the number of times they've been onscreen together.

oh! and I started When It's at Night and it's adorable:)


dangermousie March 2 2010, 01:00:29 UTC
Yay re WIAN!

They actually begin to have a lot of OTP interactions shortly after ep 5, I promise - maybe ep 7 is where it starts? :)


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dangermousie March 2 2010, 04:26:37 UTC
The problem with Secondary Girl, for me, is that she's gotten so repulsive (I don't remember a character I loathed this much since stepmom in Brilliant Legacy) and she is on screen so much that it's ruining the drama for me - I get so irritated when I see her on screen I end up grumpy by the end of the ep. It's gotten so bad that if I had any willpower I'd wait until the last 5 eps were done and just skip her parts reading summaries for them. Seriously. She is not even fun to hate, she's just plain hateful ( ... )


yunhalove March 2 2010, 03:06:44 UTC
NOOOOOOO. Shin Dongwook was so amazing in Soulmate, though- you can't let the suckiness that is Junha tarnish his general awesome. DDDDD: I can relate though. Honestly, my fondness of his character in Soulmate is the only thing that is keeping me from wanting to claw his face off here. It's just sad that he can go from playing perfectly likeable lead roles to cowardly secondary ones.

But yeah. Hag needs to hurry up and gdiaf so that Kang squared can go make multitudes of babies to add to their already enormous list.


dangermousie March 2 2010, 04:28:05 UTC
I don't think I'll be able to watch Soulmate any time soon - not until my views on JH (I want to twist his head off) calm down a bit. He is so horrible.

Re: Kang Squared (perfect name btw) - yes, they need more babies of their own. LOL at Mr. Icy OCD ending up with a gigantic brood.


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