Buffy rewatch continues...

Aug 01, 2008 11:17

I had the best evening last night. filmi-girl came over and joined me in my Buffy rewatch, If there is one thing better than rewatching BtVS S2, it’s rewatching it with someone who also likes it ;)

Plus, they were three of the eps I really love: ‘Reptile Boy,’ ‘Halloween,’ and ‘Lie to Me.’

Thoughts and things )

buffy, screencaps

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Comments 27

bzoppa August 1 2008, 15:53:22 UTC
In RL, I’d want to kill her in two minutes, but in the show, she is hilarious and awesome.

When these eps aired, I was in England for the semester (fall 1997). I was talking to my mom and she said she wanted to bitch-slap Cordy in the ep. She has some great lines. Did you know the girl who plays the third sacrifice is PJ in My Boys? I don't watch the show (sports ain't my thing, and neither are sitcoms... or reality, for that matter) but I thought that was neat.

Though this brings me to wonder where Joyce is while her high-school daughter is entertaining a man in her bedroom. She was at a gallery showing in L.A. Buffy said it in the beginning, when she told Willow that Angel was going to be over. omg, how is it I STILL REMEMBER WHEN I HAVEN'T SEEN THIS EP IN PROBABLY 5 YEARS ( ... )


dangermousie August 1 2008, 18:46:33 UTC
She was at a gallery showing in L.A. Buffy said it in the beginning, when she told Willow that Angel was going to be over.

Heee, thanks, I forgot entirely, which is sad.

In hindsight (as in your realization in "Reptile Boy") they can be lame but they were revolutionary for the time... and being 20 years old.

Oh, I didn't think the ep was lame, I thought that the characters of frat boys were both (a) believably lame in cosmic sense (which they totally were supposed to be) and (b) believably not appearing so to a teenager who would be listening to their blandishments (which they were also supposed to be).

Let me know when you're having rewatch time,

Would love to. it's usually a spontaneous thing! :)


vanimy August 1 2008, 16:20:14 UTC
Oh, Buffy rewatch!

You know, most of the time 'Buffy''s just that show I was obsessed with when I was in high school and then I stumble on a rerun and I remember why I loved it so much. I think it ages quite well, actually. Some tidbits are cheesy now (lol at Angel being 12 emotionally, so true! ) but some are still hilarious and sweet and ansgty. And I think 'Lie to me' and 'Halloween' are really one of the best BtVS eppies. Season 2 is only topped by Season 3 IMO.

That is why him getting a soul in S7 was such a stupid plotline. That made him Angel redux, as opposed to this fascinating entity of his ownWord to that! I hated that 'let's give Spike a soul' storyline. Mainly because that was a recycled plot as you pointed out, 'been there, done that' with Angel, but also because it was badly handled (didn't change Spike's personality that much if you think about it... only stopped his evil deeds... as opposed to Angel really being different with/without soul) and removed all that was interesting in Spike to begin with ( ... )


dangermousie August 1 2008, 18:42:49 UTC
cheesy now (lol at Angel being 12 emotionally, so true! )

The funny thing is, I didn't mean 'Angel is 12 emotionally' as a bad thing at all. And not just because I get emotionally 12 myself, when in a relationship. I think the fact that he is so emotionally young is what makes me not have an 'eeeeek' reaction to think of him with teenage Buffy. And I love that unlike a lot of vamp stories, there is actually a reason why he is so emotionally young: he only started developing a functional personality after meeting her, really, in LA, before that he was too messed up for too long to have much. (Mr. Mousie always points out how girl-wish-fulfillment that whole scenario is: a hot guy for whom you are literally the meaning of existence. To which I always reply 'well, I am a girl.')

I agree re: S2 and 3. I can never decide which one I like best.

didn't change Spike's personality that much if you think about it... only stopped his evil deeds... as opposed to Angel really being different with/without soulExactly. Canon-inconsistent AND not ( ... )


vanimy August 2 2008, 22:07:23 UTC
I think the fact that he is so emotionally young is what makes me not have an 'eeeeek' reaction to think of him with teenage Buffy.

Oh, okay. I hadn't thought about it like that before but I guess you're right. It does explain why I never had an icky feeling either.

And yep, am a girl too and am totally in love with the concept of a guy for whom you mean everything. *whistles*

You make a good point re:Spike being evil and yet loving people and how that would've put a different spin to the show (is it this cool to kill vampires right and left?) That would've been interesting but I guess they wanted to content the Spike/Buffy shippers because the only way their relationship wouldn't be unhealthy (because it clearly was in Season 6...) was if Spike had a soul like Angel. I guess that's why they did it but in doing so they totally made a rehash of the Angel plotline. But well, I enjoyed Season 7 more than I did Season 6 at any rate.


dangermousie August 3 2008, 00:05:23 UTC
And yep, am a girl too and am totally in love with the concept of a guy for whom you mean everything. *whistles*

Padme/Anakin, anyone? :) *whistles too*

I guess that's why they did it but in doing so they totally made a rehash of the Angel plotline

I suppose you are right but they wouldn't have had to do it if they didn't screw up S6 so badly :) I like S6 better though, because the first few eps of it were quite good (and I love the musical ep) but there isn't a single ep in S7 I even mildly liked. And it had Kennedy. Hmmm, but I am a B/A shipper and it had smoochies, hmmm...


valarltd August 1 2008, 16:36:29 UTC
I'm enjoying this rewatch/recap.

My own daughter was teetering on the brink of adolescence when Buffy was on, so I always identified more with Joyce. I'm almost certain Willow and Tara gave Bun the courage to come out so early.


dangermousie August 1 2008, 18:38:02 UTC
That's wonderful, re: Bun!

I was only a little older than Buffy (the show started airing when I was in college) so I could identify with the gang. Now, many years later, I am sort of an in-between stage: too old to identify with Buffy (but I do remember being that young) and too young to id with Joyce et al.


village August 1 2008, 16:36:57 UTC
I really, really need to do a Buffy re-watch. I'm currently doing an Angel series re-watch (currently on S4 - oh season four) and it makes me nostalgic to watch pre-Angel er... Angel. Probably because we're in the part of the season where they have to call Angelus back and I remember some good times with BtVS!Angelus. Oh the angst! Oh the torture! SOMUCHLOVE.

And yes, Spike is such a fascinating character which is why, I too, was frustrated by the Spike gets a soul storyline. It's like Whedon & Co. felt that they had to pander to the masses and make Spike "good" in order for him and Buffy to make sense. So pointless.


dangermousie August 1 2008, 18:36:53 UTC
I have never really watched Angel but Filmi Girl promises to show it to me.

Spike "good" in order for him and Buffy to make sense. So pointless.

Exactly. When that wasn't what made him interesting at all (and don't even get me started on how bipolar they wrote him in S6).


village August 1 2008, 18:50:19 UTC
I have never really watched Angel but Filmi Girl promises to show it to me.

Oh, you must. You must. You like Faith, right? She makes a few appearances as well and so does Spike (he became somewhat of a main fixture in S5). It's strangely different from Buffy but still interesting. I'm watching with a Jossverse virgin right now and her reactions are quite hilarious.

Edited. Because Whedon virgin sounds a little...odd.


dangermousie August 1 2008, 19:49:16 UTC
Love Faith, of course! And Spike! I do plan to watch it :)


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dangermousie August 1 2008, 18:36:00 UTC
Willow cheat on Oz with Xander! I mean, Xander's great and all but Oz is Oz!

Oddly, much as I hated it, I understood it. She always wanted Xander since she was a kid, and all of a sudden she could have him. Even if it wasn't love, she was 'blinded' so to speak. But I loved that they reconciled.

does Jason Behr look way better in Lie To Me than in all three seasons of Roswell

Heeee. Not to me. Thought he was hotter in Roswell. All that yummy romantic angst. Or maybe I was just blinded by visceral hotness of Angel on BtVS to notice.


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dangermousie August 1 2008, 18:44:38 UTC
Angel's shiny shirts and coats on BtVS.

Be happy he didn't sparkle :)

Cordy got hurt as well

I like Cordy fine as a comic relief but I never was emotionally involved with her so that didn't bug me as much as the Oz thing. But oh Xander, so immature. He only jumped on Willow because it was 'last chance' so to speak, he didn't really want her.


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