The Ranch Hand, Chapter Three

Jan 23, 2010 23:33

Title: The Ranch Hand 3 of 12

Pairing: Ranch Hand Blake/The Boss’s Daughter Leighton

Rating: PG (Subject to change as the story progresses.)

Summary: The Lively Brothers’ offer their ranch hand services to Clyde Meester. Blake has to fight her attraction to the boss’s daughter, Leighton who isn’t making it easy for Blake.

A/N: Takes place in Oklahoma, early 1960’s. Which I know nothing about so anachronisms ahoy! This story is based on an anonymous kink meme prompt. Leighton rides her stud Pony! Take in any context you want to take it in.

Eric shook his head. “You went and did it again.” he said amused but slightly disappointed.

Blake’s back is turned to Eric. She wrapped the ace bandaged tightly over her breasts. “Jealous?” she replied with a grin on her face. Even though she had moments of guilt about last night she felt good about what happened with Leighton.

“Maybe,” Eric replied good-naturedly before his tone became serious. “Be careful.”

Blake had run out of bandage. “It will be different this time.” she said, wanting to be optimistic about things with Leighton. She secured the bandage.


Blake couldn’t eat breakfast. She was too nervous. Even though, early morning breakfast in the Meester home consisted of herself, Eric, Clyde and Cynthia doing the cooking.

She couldn’t stop thinking about Leighton.

“Something wrong, Blake?” Cynthia asked and looked at the untouched food on Blake’s plate.

“No.” she replied quickly and picked up a piece of bacon biting into it.

Eric grinned to himself. He knew Blake’s lack of appetite had everything to do with a certain brunette beauty.

Blake wanted - - no needed to see Leighton.

Leighton walked into the kitchen, much to Blake’s surprise.

“You’re up early.” Cynthia remarked and refilled Clyde’s cup of coffee.

“Well,” Leighton smiled brightly. “I thought I could help with some of the ranch chores.” she replied with the intentions of spending as much time with Blake as possible in the process.

“You want to help with the ranch chore.” Clyde said skeptically.

Leighton nodded her head.

“I don’t need you out there fooling around doing things half assed.” Clyde replied.

“I won’t.”

“Will see about that,” Clyde still sounded skeptical.


Blake finished cleaning out the last stall in the barn. She took her hat off and wiped the back of her hand across her forehead.

“You’re sweating buckets.” Leighton remarked.

Blake jumped at the sound of Leighton’s voice causing the brunette to laugh.

“It’s just me.” Leighton said amused.

Blake placed her cowboy hat back onto her head and closed the stall.

Leighton continued. “I came out here to tell you lunch is ready.”

“Thanks, so, how do you like ranch work?”

“I hate it.”

Blake chuckled. “Why did you offer your services?”

The brunette looked down. “I wanted to see you.” she looked up.

Blake didn’t think her face could look more flushed if it wasn’t already flushed from the heat. “You see me.”

“I wanted to be close to you.” she took a step forward.

“Here I am,” she shrugged.

Blake’s words weren’t meant as an invitation to anything but that’s how Leighton took them. She closed the distance between herself and the ranch hand wrapping her arms around Blake’s neck.

“Here you are,” Leighton whispered.

Blake’s hands settled onto Leighton’s waist. “You’re beautiful.”

“You’re handsome and sweaty.” she replied playfully. “You obviously get hot. Why don’t you ever take off your shirt?”

“It’s not that hot.” Blake replied.

“You’re shirt is soaked.”

Blake leaned in and pressed her mouth against Leighton’s briefly. “We should go to lunch.” she pulled back.

“Blake, I don’t care that your body doesn’t look like your brother’s.”

“What do you mean?” she asked nervously. Had Leighton found out she was really a girl?

Leighton misunderstood Blake and thought he was being defensive. “Nothing, it’s just that - he’s bigger and I think you think that’s important to me but it’s not. You don’t have anything to be embarrassed about. I like you the way you are, Blake.”

Blake smiled. She wanted it to be true but she knew the moment she told Leighton the truth everything would be over. She just couldn’t do that. She was selfish. She wanted Leighton

End of Chapter 3

(Thought I’d post something short to see if people were still into me continuing this story. Let me know what you think, please. Thanks.)

chapter three, blake lively/leighton meester, the ranch hand

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