The Ranch Hand, Chapter Four, Part One

Apr 26, 2010 22:53

Title: The Ranch Hand 4 of 12

Pairing: Ranch Hand Blake/The Boss’s Daughter Leighton

Rating: PG (Subject to change as the story progresses.)

Summary: The Lively Brothers’ offer their ranch hand services to Clyde Meester. Blake has to fight her attraction to the boss’s daughter, Leighton who isn’t making it easy for Blake.

A/N: Takes place in Oklahoma, early 1960’s. Which I know nothing about so anachronisms ahoy! This story is based on an anonymous kink meme prompt. Leighton rides her stud Pony! Take in any context you want to take it in.

“It’s beautiful night.” Leighton remarked as she looked at the stars above her and Blake.

She’d convinced the young man to come out with her to the stretch of field beyond the ranch. She’d laid out a blanket for them.

She thought the moment that she laid the blanket down onto the grass that Blake would pounce on her or at least try something but he’d been a gentlemen. She couldn’t figure the young man out.

She knew that Blake wanted her but he kept her at arm’s length. For as much time they managed to spend together (in secret) she realized she knew next to nothing about Blake. He didn’t speak much and what he said always seemed to have a hint of mystery to it.

Leighton was frustrated beyond belief. She’d always been the one to be pursued not the other way around. She was afraid if she was too forward he’d run away from her.

She didn’t want that. She wanted him to stay. Despite all the cons she’d fallen for the soft spoken boy. Damn holding back. Leighton had things she wanted to tell Blake and if he tried to run she’d grab him and not let him go. She’d never let him go if he would let her hold on.

“I think I could fall in love with you.” Leighton said softly.

Blake’s eyes widened briefly and she swallowed hard.

“You’re supposed to say something.” she replied embarrassed.

“I should go back.” Blake sat up.

Leighton sat up and grabbed Blake’s hand. “Don’t run from me.”

Blake turned her head to look at Leighton. She saw the longing in Leighton’s eyes and she was positive her eyes reflected back the same thing to Leighton.

“I don’t want to,” Blake whispered.

“Then don’t,”

Blake leaned in and pressed her mouth against Leighton’s. “I don’t think I could fall in love with you. I know I could. I am.” she whispered against Leighton’s mouth.

Leighton laid back and pulled Blake on top of her. Their kisses were hard and passionate. Blake lost herself in all of it. She wasn’t thinking about her lack of hardness or her bounded breasts.

Leighton’s hands went to Blake’s belt buckle.

Blake pulled back. “We shouldn’t,” she said nervously.

“I want to,” Leighton replied hands still on Blake’s belt. She tugged him forward.

“Stop!” Blake shouted frustrated. “I can’t! I just can’t!” she quickly stood up and ran off. The tears stinging her eyes.

End Chapter Four, Part One

chapter four part one, blake/leighton, the ranch hand, rated: pg

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