Oh look, a post!

Jan 24, 2011 10:12

It's time for me to admit to myself that posting is a habit, and like all habits, it needs active reinforcement. Thinking "oh, hey, I should post about X" and then not doing it is not active reinforcement. And a busy work schedule is not an excuse, since I always have a busy work schedule ( Read more... )

books: 2011, homicide: lots, the x-files, angel the series

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Comments 17

nicole_anell January 24 2011, 22:01:08 UTC
In particular, we're nearing the end of Cordelia as a likable, recognizable character, and I am starting to miss her already.
For me the writing was definitely on the wall from mid-season 3 -- the real destruction of Cordy didn't quite happen yet, but she'd already been stripped of a lot of her funny, shallow, insult-y charm and just became this Perfect Love Interest for Angel. :(

"Waiting in the Wings" is soooo painful. I just remember they had this exhausting Wes/Fred/Gunn triangle going on, and then GROO. GROO CAME BACK. SO THERE CAN BE AN ADDITIONAL TRIANGLE NO ONE CARES ABOUT.


danceswithwords January 24 2011, 22:45:07 UTC

Exactly! I also think it was at this point that I developed a strong and all-encompassing desire to punch Wesley in the face, which was heavily correlated with the way he handled his feelings for Fred.


cindergal January 24 2011, 22:14:51 UTC
I checked Dorothy Dunnett's The Game of Kings out from the library recently, but turned it back in after about 300 pages. I know her Lymond Chronicles is much-loved, and I can even see why--the story is complicated, expects the readers to keep up, and introduces characters with complex and often only partially-glimpsed motivations. I think what tripped me up is her style, which is so distinct, and must be a selling point to many people, but which I did not enjoy at all.

Oh dear. I gave up after 50 pages and was assured by a fan that if I just got through the first 100, it would all make sense! I am a fairly intelligent person and had NO idea what the heck was going on. And I agree about her style, though I'm told the other books are easier to read. I don't know if I have the patience to try again.


danceswithwords January 24 2011, 22:57:25 UTC
I am fairly conversant with at least English (if not Scottish) history for the period, and can pick my way through Medieval French, and I had some difficulty with that too. On a more basic mechanical level, it was often difficult simply to figure out who was speaking in dialogue, or who was being referred to in many places.

Wolf Hall doesn't give the readers a lot of overt exposition help either, but it's much easier for me to pick up the clues because Mantel's style is more straightforward.


brynnmck January 24 2011, 22:24:33 UTC

I have not watched Fairly Legal (despite a residual fondness for Sarah Shahi based on her thankless time as Will's assistant on Alias), but I do have to wonder what deal USA has going with Louboutin, since Annie on Covert Affairs wears them, too. Which is ALSO totally inappropriate to her surroundings, most of the time. Sigh.

However: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!


danceswithwords January 24 2011, 23:18:25 UTC
Hm! One is a coincidence, but two is a conspiracy!


willowgreen January 24 2011, 22:49:31 UTC
I've never been able to read anything by Dorothy Dunnett either, despite giving it a fairly good try years ago. It's nice to know I'm not alone.

Also, thank you so much for the link to the fake New York Times article. I am SO SICK of those things.


danceswithwords January 24 2011, 23:39:07 UTC
That article nailed everything that is insufferable about those pieces, didn't it?


(The comment has been removed)

danceswithwords January 25 2011, 03:41:52 UTC
Thanks for the spelling tip! I keep alternating, but I was too lazy to look it up.

And her character takes the ferry to the city, for crying out loud! The thought of walking from either ferry terminal to a place where she could hail a cab in those shoes makes my feet scream with pain.


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