"Oh by the way, you'll be working with a Mountie that's got a wolf who's a florist."

Dec 02, 2007 17:54

The weather today has been gloomy and gray and cold and it's already been dark for a while and I am so ready to see the other side of the winter solstice. I worked some very long hours last week, and there's just something about being at work five hours after sunset and getting re-acquainted with the night cleaning crew that I'm finding more ( Read more... )

my stargate is pastede on yay, due south, meme sheepage

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Comments 28

katie_m December 3 2007, 02:49:11 UTC
I like Frontline! You know, when it doesn't make me want to go sit in a corner and cry. Which it does, sometimes.

I did survive EIGHT of them on Stargate

Good God, was it really that many?


danceswithwords December 3 2007, 03:27:06 UTC
I was thinking perhaps "enjoy" wasn't the right term for Frontline. Heh.

Good God, was it really that many?

I'm pretty sure they had one a season until Season 9--when, perhaps not coincidentally, they went to the 20-episode season.


Babylon 5! laurashapiro December 3 2007, 02:54:28 UTC
Let's do this together. SRSLY. It'll be so much fun.

As ever, I love and admire your DS reviews.


Re: Babylon 5! danceswithwords December 3 2007, 03:33:35 UTC
That would be fun. Let's do it!


Re: Babylon 5! laurashapiro December 3 2007, 17:59:05 UTC
Excellent. Maybe Wednesday or Thursday evenings?


Re: Babylon 5! danceswithwords December 10 2007, 08:51:22 UTC
(I am so sorry for not replying to this until now. Last week was A Week.)

Either of those would work for me. Yay!


50mm December 3 2007, 04:03:14 UTC
LJ/SA sold off or partnered with SUP for the Russian LJ userbase, a year or two back? I forget specifics. Apparently the Russian LJ users have been less than happy w/SUP, so I'm slightly concerned. Also Russia's not exactly the friendliest place these days, although is probably irrelevant here (or so I hope).

I also saw in the new lj_2008 comm, under their '100 Day plan' this: "Improve tagging and flagging (e.g. commercial or offensive content)" and also "Establish a clear set of policy guidelines". All sorts of interesting things there...

I fear me and boofadil are going to be the only non-Due South people at bitchinparty. eek! :D Although I would be happy to have a The Office viewing party, because OMG I LOVE THIS SHOW. I've gone back and watched all the commentaries already (I never do that). RE the embarrassment squick, someone in one of the commentaries (I think it was for "The Christmas Party") made the comment that in S2 the chaos results from Michael being happy as opposed to in S1 where it came out of him being a jerk. I agree--S2 is easier ( ... )


danceswithwords December 3 2007, 04:30:13 UTC
Russian companies have a less than stellar record with transparency, privacy, and consumer rights, so I'm more than a little concerned. I guess we won't really know how it's going to go until the transfer is complete, but I have a bad feeling. Especially since I get the feeling 6A was eager to unload their problem child.

I'm not really actively fannish about dS, so you won't be that alone. Especially if asta77 can make it. And there's always Dante's Cove!

in S2 the chaos results from Michael being happy as opposed to in S1 where it came out of him being a jerk. I agree--S2 is easier to watch than S1. They also flesh out the other characters which takes the focus off Michael's asshattery.S2 is where the show really develops its identity separate from the original UK version, and a big part of that, I think, is tempering Michael's asshatery with the glimpses of his desperate loneliness and the bits of joy he can squeeze out of being what he thinks of as the cool boss. And you get to know the whole office; even the really minor ( ... )


mlyn December 3 2007, 04:40:30 UTC
The plotting in this episode is extremely weak: the corruption investigation is ludicrous, the fact that the Ray switch didn't have an internal bureaucratic paper trail is nonsensical, the outcome hinging on 0s being smiley faces in the evidence log and a lineup is just silly. (Given my reaction to "All the Queen's Horses," I guess I should be prepared to continue having problems with plotting now that Paul Gross is an executive producer.)

I felt the same way about S3/4, and for a while it made me so sad and irritated, I didn't watch the episodes again. That was in 2005, and I just recently watched a few for the second time, to see the Vecchio bits again. I like RayK more without so much baggage on me, but the plots are still irritating.

apparently makes coffee using tap water and skittles

Instant coffee, and apparently Canadian Smarties are made with chocolate. *Shrug*

The glasses were a nice symbol of everything Ray's afraid he didn't shed about the loser he once thought he was.

Wow, great insight!


danceswithwords December 3 2007, 17:08:06 UTC
Having come into the show knowing that Ray V was only there for a limited time, I don't think I have a lot of baggage around the switch, as fond as I am of Ray V. But there is a certain element to the writing in S1 and early S2--episodes like "Gift of the Wheelman"--that really appealed to me, so it will be interesting to see how I do with the change of tone.


cofax7 December 3 2007, 04:58:14 UTC
Hey, I have a Season Pass for Frontline! Um, but I don't usually watch them, because like Katie, they make me depressed. ::sigh::


danceswithwords December 3 2007, 17:09:21 UTC
I sometimes have to watch them in small parts for the same reason. Heh. And part of what I usually find depressing isn't the content of a particular show but just the fact that there is so little of that kind of investigative journalism on television anymore.


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