Got my mountain bike out today for the first time in 6 months and im a bit saddle sore. It is NOT comfortable sitting down, my poor little bottom is very sensitive, I'm just lucky I'm not gay
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I'm gonna buy a proper piano for my flat. I'm sick of wasting time trying to play at my sisters (2 kids & messiest person in the world & no respect for other peoples belongings makes for a bad place to keep a piano) and the digital in my flat just doesn't cut it anymore so now I'm buying a brand new one little modern one. Only thing is I'm not
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I just bought a new car, or at least new to me. Been taking a few longer trips lately and found my little fiat was leaving me cramped after more than an hours solid driving so I traded for a Primera 2.0 SRi. It's ok but now I back in that 'looks ok but lets see if anything falls off it in the next 3 months' limbo that you're always in when you
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While the rest of the country is out celebrating the football I'm ... .looking at share prices! YES, I really know how to live it up! Oh well, the real world cup has only just begun, and I'm not fanatic anyway
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Bought myself a nice little upright piano this week! Only cost me £100, plus £50 for the removal guys. Not bad for a pretty decent one which this is
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Course finished and final assesment submitted with 8 mins to go and no sleep for the last 36 hours cos I'm an idiot and mixed up my dates
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One of the tube bombs was n the line my brother uses for work. The phone networks were down (apparentyl to prevent mobile being used as detonation devices on any further explosives) so I couldn't get hold of him, except to send a email to sit in each of his addresses
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