I’ve Tried So Hard To Find Sweet Serenity [11/]

Sep 24, 2010 03:57

Title: I’ve Tried So Hard To Find Sweet Serenity
Author: damnedifidoyah
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth
POV: 3rd Person
Summary: It all ended in a fight, Jack hurriedly pick up the car keys and went out, but wait.. It was made clear that Jack shouldn't drive.
Disclaimer: I do not own All Time Low, and this did not happen, title from the song High of the Speaks..
Author Notes: I don't know about this one but I'm actually happy about it, which is a first.

Oh, I've got Tumblr and formspring

Alex woke up for the first time in this month with a satisfied and contented feeling, he can’t help but smile at the thought of what happened earlier that day.

“What’s the smile for babe?” he felt Jack tugged him closer and nuzzled his head in the crook of his neck inhaling his scent. He giggled as Jack exhaled feeling the hot air swept to his sensitive skin.

“I’m just happy, I didn’t think this day would actually come, after all the fear I had for hiding the truth about Rian.” Alex said with a heavy sigh.

Jack frowned, “You should know by now that you shouldn’t hide anything from me Lex, you know I’ll try to understand it, right?” he said matter of factly.

Alex looked at Jack, bemused by the way the younger boy was talking to him, it felt like he was talking to the old Jack, the Jack who was understanding and caring and loving in his own way, he wasn’t the Jack in the Hospital whose always confused and wary of all the things that’s happening around him. And that brought back the event earlier that day when Jack called him with his own endearment.

“Jack..” he started.

Which he returned with a soft, hmmm..

“Remember earlier when you called me, you know, sweetcakes?”

Jack smiled, “what about it babe?”

“Well, you’re the only one who calls me that, and uhm, I’m just wondering why.” He said not really knowing how to form his confusion with words.

“I don’t know, it just came out, something from a fragment memory I guess.” He said while he stifled a yawn. He dropped soft kisses on Alex’s right shoulder blade, which left Alex shivering whenever Jack’s breath touch the damp trail left there.

“Jack..” Alex whined while shifting so that he’s facing Jack.

Jack took advantage and captured his lips in a long passionate kiss. Alex tried to fight for dominance which he failed miserably when Jack started stroking his sides, he gasped for air while Jack slid his tongue and tasted Alex, sucking the sweet nectar of his mouth, he moaned and gripped Jack’s hair, tugging him closer, deepening the kiss.

Jack moved so that his on top of Alex, not breaking the kiss he started stroking and teasing his nipples, Alex stifled a moan and bit the bottom of Jack’s lip. He felt the heat of Jack’s hand roamed dangerously lower which brought him half hard.

“Jack, isn’t it too soon?” he stated breathlessly.

Jack groaned, “Too soon for round two? But I’ve let you take a rest.” and winked at him.

Alex was left agape, and almost laughed at Jack’s half hearted plea, “Lex common, one more before dinner?”

“Jack!” he glared and punched him slightly.


“Pervert!” he said, laughing.

Jack attempted to look hurt and pouted furiously, which looked too adorable for Alex. He cupped his face and brought it closer to his own, he kissed him softly tugging at his bottom lip and sucking the inside of Jack’s mouth, which left Jack moaning and whimpering for more.

“So, I’ll get my fair share?”

Jack raised his head and looked at Alex slightly confused.

“Remember how it’s supposed to be a fifty-fifty deal in relationships?” and he smiled innocently masking the lust that burns in his eyes.

Jack finally comprehended and smiled wickedly.

“Well, I suppose it’s time.” He lowered himself on the bed and laid there limply.

“Come on, do your worst.”

Alex laughed dryly. “Oh Jacky, I’ll have you begging in no time.”

He started kissing Jack from his forehead, to his eyebrows, dropping a feathery kiss on the tip of nose, to the corners of his mouth, leaving his lips untouched. He kissed and nipped at his neck, determined to leave a mark, Jack moved his head giving Alex more access to the sensitive skin. He groaned in protest when Alex lips left his neck and moved from him, he felt awkwardly helpless.

“Aleeex..” he whined.

“Be patient Jacky.” Alex moved atop him and straddled his hips. He kissed Jack’s collarbones and licked the length, biting and nibbling leaving trail of marks in every exposed skin. Alex pushed his hips down which created great friction towards their erection. Jack groaned, throw his head back intoxicated by the strong feeling engulfing his entire being. Was Alex trying to drive him crazy? Cause damn he’s almost on the verge, but he let Alex do whatever he wanted because he promised Alex with this fifty-fifty thing he kept saying.

Alex grinded their hips together, finding a rhythm as he continued to drop kisses all over Jack’s body leaving little marks and an idea hit him. He smiled while licking Jack’s stomach, he started leaving a straight trail of tiny marks above his right hip and continued onwards determined to keep his plan in motion, after a few more nipping and biting he lifted his head to see his creation and saw a perfectly outline of ‘M’, he smiled seemingly satisfied by his work, continued.

Jack felt that there’s something wrong and unusual to whatever Alex is doing, when he lifted his head and supported his weight by his elbows to see what Alex is up too. His eyes widened when he saw Alex’s own brand of art work splattered across his stomach. A clear outline of ‘MINE’ written by the little marks left by Alex.

Feeling that there’s someone watching him, Alex lifted his head and saw the glint in Jack’s eyes. He flashed him again with his oh so innocent smile.

“Alex, what the hell are you doing?”

“What?” he asked still acting like whatever he did is not out of the ordinary.

“You possessive little witch!” Jack glared acting as if he’s angry but the laughter in his eyes belied his words.

Alex stuck his tongue out and said, “Well, you’re mine, right?” he asked still playing the innocent kitten.

Jack grabbed his face and dragged him slowly so that his atop him again, he looked at him passionately, “Forever babe.” And he kissed him, deep sloppy kisses, as he sighed contentedly.


What would you feel if I update this later saying

Chapter 12/12

Jack finally remembered everything and they all live happy ever after.

The end.


would that be okay?

haha, I know it's okay, since I really don't have readers, lol xD

alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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