I've Tried So Hard To Find Sweet Serenity [12/]

Sep 26, 2010 05:44

Title: I’ve Tried So Hard To Find Sweet Serenity
Author: damnedifidoyah
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth
POV: 3rd Person
Summary: It all ended in a fight, Jack hurriedly pick up the car keys and went out, but wait.. It was made clear that Jack shouldn't drive.
Disclaimer: I do not own All Time Low, and this did not happen, title from the song High of the Speaks..
Author Notes: Here's another cutesy fluffy whatever. :)

Oh, I've got Tumblr and formspring

Mommy B smiled at the sight when she entered the house later that day. Alex and Jack cuddled each other in the couch giggling to the movie they’re watching which is Home Alone nonetheless. Whatever Jack saw in that movie was beyond her but she’s so glad to see the two boys getting along just fine or maybe more.

She cleared her throat with a soft cough effect to get their attention. Jack lifted his head and smiled at his Mom.

“Hey Mom, how’s your day?” he asked sitting up and helping Alex get comfortable in his lap.

“Fantastic! I decided to have tomorrow a day off and we’ll go to the beach.” She said smiling sweetly towards the couple. In all honesty she just thought of that the minute she entered the house and saw that the two had made up.

“Really?” asked the not too excited Alex. Note the sarcasm please.

“Yes, now if you two just get dressed will go grab some things we need for tomorrow.” Mommy B said enthusiastically.

Alex got up but manage to tease Jack by grinding a little before moving away, which in turn earned a soft slap on the ass. Jack giggled and reach for his hand but he avoided it and run upstairs. Jack smirked and run after him.

“I’m going to get you Lex.” He teased reaching his room but Alex was nowhere in sight.

“Oh really now?!” Jack said in frustration. He just wanted to grab Alex and devour the lips of his little teaser.

“Aleeexx…” he called out while giggling, he searched his room to where Alex could possibly be.

He heard a little scratch in the closet and grinned while he slowly and quietly walked towards the source of the noise. He opened it with a jerk and frowned when he saw that there was no gorgeous boy in there ready to get molested.

He heard Alex giggled before he latched his body to Jack’s back, “I got you!” he squeled.

Jack couldn’t help but laugh, “You’re so childish babe.”

Alex frowned and got off his back, he faced him and saw his pout. “Alex…” he cupped his face so that he can look straight to his beautiful eyes. He saw the shine of love illuminated deep in them and felt overwhelmed, his heart heaved with happiness, he’s thrilled that he felt contented and satisfied in life with one simple glance.

He drawed him closer and stop when their faces were only an inch away, he looked at him hoping that whatever he felt will be mirrored through his eyes, “I love you…” and kissed him softly, instinctively Alex put his hands in Jack’s neck and tangled his fingers to Jack’s dark wavy locks, their kiss deepened completely forgotten what they’re suppose to do. Jack started to tug at the bottom of his shirt when they’re interrupted by a soft knock.

“Boys I hate to cut you short but we need to get going now, you can continue that later.” Mommy B trailed off with a tease.
Alex sighed out of frustration so Jack grabbed him for one more intent kiss. When he let go, Alex moaned a protest, “Babe, we’ll continue later. I promise.” He winked and grab the first shirt he saw.

“Hmmmp..” Alex was somewhat pissed and pouted as much.

“And you called me pervert.” laughed Jack at him which he returned with a glare saying that he better keep his thoughts to himself. Jack pushed him to the closet to get him moving.

He smiled while getting dressed, he felt insatiable of Jack’s taste, the minute he thought it was too much was the minute he’d realize that he can’t get enough. But he won’t let Jack know about it, he won’t give him that satisfaction, at that thought a small laugh creeped out his lips. Jack looked at him with a questioning smile which he answered with a stuck out tongue.


The streaks of daylight started to dart through the window, he stretched lazily and was cut short by a tackle from Jack.

“You look so adorable when you wake up and stretched out like a little kitten.” He said while pushing his hair away from his face, he dropped little kisses all over his face that he could reach.

“Jack, please don’t get started, you know we have to be early today.” He whined.

Jack laughed dryly, “I know babe. Come on, we have to help Mom prepare.”

They walked down holding hands and saw Mommy B already started putting the food in their picnic basket.

The drive to the beach was comfortably silent. They just listened to Blink 182 all the way. Yes, even Mommy B listens to them, that’s how cool they are.


A/N: So, I was actually planning to end this fic in this Chapter, but Alas! as I was away for two days, I've read your comments and some said that they actually like this story, so.. hahaha xD

And oh, one more thing, I just find it amusing so I'm gonna share this to you guys, my formspring rarely got any messages and then I checked today and saw this hate message saying I'm annoying and that my fics don't even make sense, LMAO

So to just piss whoever that anon was I'm planning to sticking with this story for quite sometime, I'm not even forcing you guys to read this and surely I'm not begging for comments though it really makes me happy when someone leaves one, I love to annoy people especially those who leave hate and not having the courage to show themselves, so yeah, this has been a post, am I so mean? Sorry.. X/

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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