Why don't you introduce yourself?

Nov 29, 2009 23:44

Hello, Damnedites. It's become necessary that I post this since Angel dropped a while back, and I was piggybacking off of his question post.

So the question is simply this. Renamon can tell whether you are a human, Digimon, or none of the above. Which do you and yours fit into?

--For the more complicated characters, it has been more of a scale thing. Like Jiraiya comes off as human, but with supremely slight questionable feelings. Vlad Masters, when he was here, came off as pure question marks since he was (I believe) half human and ghost. Shinigami and Nobodies come off as not. Things in human form come off as not.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them here. Disclaimer reads that Renamon isn't going to use this to out your characters--she just interacts differently depending, and might bring it up.

I appreciate this in advance guys! Thanks!~


question for player(s)

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