Another Q&A Post

Jan 18, 2009 14:41

My dear Damned denizens, my name is Psyche. I love long walks on the be-- Oh, wait. Wrong post.

falseblack, my newest character, has the ability to hypnotize and control the minds of others by using his voice as a medium. He can command another to do a specific action or input suggestions into the person's thoughts with simple speech. Usually this power applies to everyone, but in Landel's, it has, as expected, been reduced.

This power will not work on the following: Landel's staff and monsters, strong-willed individuals, or those who cannot hear/understand or obstruct their hearing in some way.

For weak-willed patients, particularly those who show signs of dependency or easy sway, on the other hand, Nigredo will be able to make "strong suggestions" to. What this means is that the listener will want to do or think as he says (but not necessarily follow through).

Of course, the line between "strong" and "weak" (among other things) is difficult to determine, especially when it comes to such a varied populace. Therefore, I request the following from you, good players:

(1) Is there anything (mental guards, language barriers, handicaps) which would prevent his power from succeeding?

(2) How "strong" is your character's will? If your character is independent, relies on the self, is not easily influenced by anyone, etc., they will likely escape his power of suggestion.

(3) Is your character particularly dependent on another? Who are they dependent on? How is this relationship?

That should be everything. Thank you for your input! (Also, mods, could I have this post added to the After You're Accepted thread? Thanks!)

Edit: Hi, guys. I'll eventually get to replying to everyone's posts (just been caught in work and such). Letting you know I haven't forgotten anyone.

question for mods, question for player(s)

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