Another Q&A Post

Jan 18, 2009 14:41

My dear Damned denizens, my name is Psyche. I love long walks on the be-- Oh, wait. Wrong post.

falseblack, my newest character, has the ability to hypnotize and control the minds of others by using his voice as a medium. He can command another to do a specific action or input suggestions into the person's thoughts with simple speech. Usually this power ( Read more... )

question for mods, question for player(s)

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Comments 240

oftemptation January 18 2009, 22:11:54 UTC
Okay, so.

Edgeworth: MU headvoice might play with it? Regardless, though, I don't think he would be particularly susceptible; he's pretty strong-willed, and not particularly dependent on others. (Phoenix being his weak point.)

Shiki: Nothing to keep it from working. She's not particularly dependent on anyone.

Akihiko: I think his Persona would interfere with it working. Besides that, he's pretty independent, with the exception of SEES folks.

Endrance: Easy target #2. XD; There's not anything that would keep it from working, and you know about how Endrance attaches to other people. (Particularly Haseo, in canon, and Mia/Macha.)


kobayashi89 January 18 2009, 22:18:00 UTC
NOOO! You stole my 1st! ಠ_ಠ


falseblack January 25 2009, 09:52:47 UTC
Based upon your answers, how about definite "no control" on Edgeworth and Akihiko and "significant control" on Shiki and Endrance?


oftemptation January 25 2009, 20:37:53 UTC
That sounds more than fair to me. ^^


purpletaint January 18 2009, 22:15:41 UTC
Bwahahaha--I mean...

1. Renamon may be a problem for him because of "language barriers". Aka, if he gives her commands in binary, it might work.
2. She's completely self-relient, and self-disiplined. Most likely won't work.
3. But here would be Rika. But even at her most dependent, Renamon was still able to successfully exist.

1. Senna should be fine, from that standpoint.
2. She's pretty self-relient, but pretty internally insecure about herself.
3. No one.

1. Hate. =D
2. Self-relient. =D
3. ...yeah. You know the drill. To an extreme. =D


falseblack January 25 2009, 09:56:30 UTC
I think Renamon is a good category for no hypnosis while Senna will likely be situational. Would that work for you?

As for Albedo, I'll put him in the super-awesome URTV category (AKA we could use it as a plot point if needs be). :D


purpletaint January 25 2009, 18:10:24 UTC
Yeah, I'll agree with the first, but unless it's something really weird, Senna will probably be cake to Nigredo because she likes kids a lot, and would want to help him anyway. =P

Exactly. =D


1st wwwwww kobayashi89 January 18 2009, 22:16:27 UTC
Yukari Yakumo:
1. She probably had a mind-barrier at home, or could make one, but not here in Landels
2. Extremely strong will; she pretty much does whatever she wants, is used to mind games and doesn't really listen to anyone. Is usually the manipulator, so is fairly resistant to manipulation.
3. She's "dependant" on Ran in the sense that she makes Ran do everything for her...

Death the Kid (assuming I get him):
1. None
2. He has a strong sense of order, propriety and justice, so it will be fairly hard to convince to do anything that is "wrong" or out of order. Convincing him to uphold justice, the order of things or otherwise balance, align or fix things should be fairly easy, so a lot of it could depend on how the suggestion is phrased.
3. He's dependent on Liz and Patty to drag him out of depression, confusion, or nausea when confronted by disorder or lack of symmetry, so if he falls into one of these funk periods, he becomes pretty easy to influence.


Re: 1st wwwwww falseblack January 25 2009, 09:58:34 UTC
Let me know if Kid gets accepted so I can give you my official answer for him (although I honestly think no hypnosis in his case). As for Yukari, I'll say no hypnosis for her as well.


udo_retrovirus January 18 2009, 22:22:21 UTC
Nigredoooooo~ ♥

Ahem. Anyway.

Junior would probably have some mental guards built up over the years in Nigredo's future and living with him. As for how strong his will is, he usually tends to be pretty independent. However, I'd imagine that it wouldn't be too hard for Nigredo to get through if he really wanted to, since those barriers are probably going to crack a bit.

Matsuda, on the other hand, has no barriers. While he tends to try to be independent, he's also pretty easily influenced by people and tends to be a bit dependent on the people he's worked with that he knows are smarter than him (which in this case would probably be Light and L, who are currently both missing). The hypnosis would totally work here.

Mitsuru's Persona would likely get in the way, in addition to her strong will, so I get the feeling it would be really difficult to have the hypnosis succeed with her.


falseblack January 25 2009, 10:00:06 UTC
Hi, big not-crazy brother~ ♥

Okay, how is situational for Junior, yes on hypnosis for Matsuda, and no hypnosis for Mitsuru?


miltia March 25 2009, 22:19:30 UTC
...Why did I never realize you wanted to double-check these. I FAIL. ANYWAY, UM. YES, that sounds about right.


traitors_smile January 18 2009, 22:24:20 UTC
Gin: Probably the most difficult of my characters. D: He keeps his guard up almost all the time and is not exactly easy to manipulate. He doesn't get close to others so he's very independant as well.

Fai: Probably the weakest of mine. He's not terribly strong willed and would probably be pretty easy. Pretty dependant on Kurogane and to a lesser extent on the other L&F members, Yue/Yuki, Orihime, Ururu, Shiki, Keman... etc.

Allen: Allen is kind of weird I guess? He's got another spirit kind of haunting his head, which kind of keeps a lot of the bad things out. So... yeah. He's really strong willed though and now that most of his friends are gone, he's not really dependant on anyone.

Kagura: She's very strong willed, but kind of weak-minded and easily influenced to other people's ideas.

Honey: He looks like a cute loli-shota, but he's strong body and mind, I think he'd probably be at least a little difficult to break. He's very dependant on Takashi Mori though.

Sakura: Sakura has another personality in her head too. Her " ( ... )


falseblack January 25 2009, 10:02:01 UTC
How about a definite no hypnosis on Gin, Allen, Honey, and Sakura while the effect on Fai and Kagura will be situational?


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