Your powers--give them to me!

Nov 03, 2008 08:35

So, another one of those posts. Kakashi here has the ability to copy abilities from other people, provided he sees them under certain circumstances, and provided that they are certain sorts of abilities. To that end, this post is mostly for my easy reference. So what I need to know is basically, can Kakashi copy your technique, and what the details of the technique are.

1. If it is purely physical, then he can copy it. A good example of this is Sanosuke's futae no kiwami, which is just a special way of hitting things. No extra energy or anything is required, so it can be copied.

2. if the energy used to fuel the technique comes from within the user, then he possibly can copy it, depending on the condition below. Take Bleach. Shinigami's kidou draws on their own energy to use, while Quincy use enegy from around them. Thus kidou can be copied, Quincy abilities can not be. Another example are the alchemists from Full Metal Alchemist. They draw their energy in from outside themselves, so Kakashi could not copy this ability.

3. If the ability can be learned/is not genetic, it can be copied. This is the tricky one to explain, but I'll do my best. In Naruto, certain abilities exist that are born due to family lineage called bloodline limits. These cannot be copied. Examples off the top of my head would include telepathy, Shinigami eyes, and most of those "unique to this character" abilities. It's something of a grey area, so if you're unsure, list it and we can discuss?

So! Tl;dr: if your character has abilities listed that meet the criteria above, please list them, the effects, and the specific limitations, if you don't mind? Thanks!

EDIT: I should have made this clearer, but I mean specific techniques, particularly in the realm of the physical. Kakashi is a ninja, so generally speaking, he'd use his own fighting style.

EDIT 2: I'm specifically asking about abilities in damned, and the limitations in the game. This is because Kakashi would copy the ability exactly as seen, meaning he would have the same use AND suffer the same effects as the original user. Fail post is fail.

No one saw me post with the wrong journal. No one.
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