Night 51: M-B Block Hallway

Aug 28, 2010 16:11

[From here.]Locke made a point to be as careful and quiet as possible, looking past the hallway to make sure no one else was trailing him. Well, anyone with hostile intent, anyway. Once the cost was clear, he stepped quietly into the hallway, prioritizing in the most rational way as possible. He didn't have a weapon to protect himself with, nor ( Read more... )

von karma, sechs, guy, gumshoe, two-face, green arrow, matt, amaterasu, claude, sasuke, aidou, wolverine, snow, zack, locke, natalia

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Comments 29

noifsandsorbubs August 28 2010, 20:34:17 UTC
[from here]

The corridor with his room was the last, so Logan checked each one in turn as he went up the hall: no, no, and unsurprisingly no. Until now he hadn't actually had to hunt anybody down in the other blocks, so he was just going to take a right where he was supposed to and hope to christ that Kurt's room wasn't the other way. Somebody had to have a map he could copy, or even just look at; if he could only think of a non-stupid, non-obvious way to ask about it on the bulletin board. The only thing that came to mind was Scott Pilgrim's fake video game, and he couldn't call that anything but stupid and keep a straight face at the same time.

[To here.]


sixth_attack August 28 2010, 22:23:52 UTC
[From here.]

It was surprisingly quiet once Sechs entered the hall that connected to other patient's rooms. The Replica had taken little time to dash out of his room, plus his fellow prisoners were probably still getting ready to leave their cells. He had only caught sight of two other people so far; one skinny guy and a bigger, heftier looking man. Sechs wasn't up to socializing right then though.

Either way, Sechs had no business hanging around here, and he certainly didn't need to go back into that damned bathroom. He adjusted his axe and moved onwards.

[To here.]


razing_phoenix August 29 2010, 02:54:29 UTC
[From here.]

Other than one stranger who was heading for the block's exit, the area was completely empty. Guy knew that was because he'd been quick, and he really would expect no less of himself considering how long he had been here. If it wouldn't have been in bad taste considering Claude's condition, he would have even said that he could walk some of these halls blindfolded.

No, sight was important in this place, especially considering how easily monsters could sneak up on them already. Guy knew there really wasn't much he could do to help Claude other than observe and care for Natalia after she performed her healing arte, but he was still glad that he could be there.

He just hoped that Luke was all right. His friend hadn't responded to many of his notes that day, but Guy had to remember that Luke could take care of himself. He didn't have to always be by his side and supervising him anymore. Moving down a path he took often, Guy turned down the hall that would lead to Claude's room.


razing_phoenix August 29 2010, 04:07:11 UTC
[To here.]


perfectrecord August 30 2010, 04:31:32 UTC
[From here]

As expected, the trip to the patient block hallway had been uneventful. So far, the corridor appeared deserted. It was quiet... almost too quiet here. For good measure, von Karma swept the beam of his flashlight around to ensure that there was nothing lurking about, before opening the door to the men's restroom.

[To here]


perfectrecord September 2 2010, 08:09:43 UTC
[Back from here]Anyone present and attentive in the patient block hallway would likely notice the sudden commotion to the south: the door to the men's room swinging wide open, and an elderly man clad in Victorian era finery bolting from it, his face ashen and bearing the look of stifled horror. The knuckles of his hands were also white, as he gripped tightly onto both his flashlight and cane ( ... )


damned_monsters September 4 2010, 04:46:47 UTC
The prey was moving and the spider sped up to follow, crashing through the partially open door and out into the hallway beyond. The struggle to get through the door disorientated it momentarily, but it recovered quickly and cast about for its prey...

There! Old, weak prey that would be tougher than it liked, but prey nonetheless and close at hand as well. The spider chittered and shrieked, long, spindly limbs struggling to get it moving around fast enough to pursue its target before the patient had the chance to flee elsewhere. Once it had its jaws around the man, there would be no chance of escape and it could take its time with the kill and feeding.


perfectrecord September 5 2010, 22:41:08 UTC
Expecting to see only a closed door to the south, von Karma was dismayed to instead look upon the elongated limbs and -- even more unnerving -- the glistening fangs of that abhorrent spider he had just fled from. Verdammt! It had indeed broken through the door! He had tarried here for much too long, no thanks to the Head Lunatic's "experimentation" upon him ( ... )


arrowonline August 30 2010, 06:23:15 UTC
[from here]

The next hall seemed oddly empty, compared to the night before. Even with the echoes of voices from elsewhere in the building, it was eerily quiet. On the up side, Oliver supposed, that would make it easier to hear anyone approaching, unless they were particularly skilled at stealth.

Even so, he found himself checking the hall more carefully than might be strictly necessary as he made his way along it, the beam of his flashlight lingering now and then on pockets of deeper shadow. It was human nature to mistrust the dark, after all, and this place seemed darker by far than most.


arrowonline September 2 2010, 21:44:43 UTC
[to here]


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