Night 50: F-A Block Hallway

Jul 09, 2010 13:55

[from here]Like a ghost story, Natalia told herself as one hallway opened into another. Reminding herself that these were the same halls she had been escorted through during the day had not served to ease the hairs on the neck, nor her quickening heartbeat. An adventure, a quest through haunted rooms to find the one responsible. That she was not, ( Read more... )

minako, tsubaki, bella, kairi, anise, aigis, mele, elle, rita, claire littleton, elaine, maya, utena, amaterasu, cloud, yomi, elena gilbert, claire bennet, edward cullen, morgan, ema skye, zack, lana skye, natalia

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Comments 77

bodhiandspirit July 9 2010, 22:20:49 UTC
[from here]

Rita kept the ring in the palm of her hand, feeling it as she walked through the hallways. There didn't seem to be anything unusual about it, and if it weren't for the fact that so many bizarre and ridiculous things had already happened to her here, she would have doubted that it had any special properties at all.

Her other hand firmly held her flashlight, pointing it to illuminate her path as she continued forward. The halls seemed empty, possibly because Rita had been quick to leave her room tonight. They would likely fill up with people before long.

[to here]


kingdomless July 9 2010, 23:11:54 UTC
( from here. )

Once in the F-A block, Kairi clicked off her flashlight, having memorized the way to the usual meeting point. Sticking the small light in her pocket, she kept her hand pressed gently to the wall, fingertips gliding over the paint and wallpaper gently.

Without a look back, she continued on, moving down the hallways and towards the Sun Room.


kingdomless July 10 2010, 02:20:50 UTC
( ... )


vitale July 9 2010, 23:18:56 UTC
( herp derp derp. )

When Bella exited her room and entered the second hallway, she was still oogling the ring on her finger. She would have to share it with Claire, for sure. It was only fair, right?

... And then, a second thought. Did Edward get one?

She'd have to ask. Bella ran her fingers through her hair once before moving out of the hallway, her mind now flooded with thoughts of her future husband. How was she going to break it to him that she had not one, but two other injuries other than her cut palms? She only hoped he wasn't going to have a major panic attack.

... Maybe she wouldn't mention one was a semi dagger/stab wound. He didn't need to know everything.


vitale July 10 2010, 02:15:58 UTC
( .... )


vitale July 15 2010, 13:40:25 UTC
( ... )

"Besides, I found it," Bella muttered under her breath as they entered the F-A block, pouting slightly. "Maybe it won't even work for you, since it fell into my possession in the first place."

She knew that Edward had last been in a place that was at least outside of the institute, therefore making it better than the place she had last been, but she was too worried. Call her a hypocrite, but she was terrified that once she used the ring, something would happen to him. She had already been traumatized enough after seeing him be stabbed, she didn't think she could handle another event like that without the outcome being a mental breakdown.

"Let's just forget about it," she suggested, shrugging. "We can use it after finding out how it works, how about that?"


sanguinario July 18 2010, 04:04:36 UTC
He wasn't happy with her answer, but she did have a point. If he kept going the way he was going, she was just going to continually be irritated with him - and, as moronic as it was considering their situation, he wanted some kind of good memory from the place. He hitched the bag onto his back, twisting the end of the pillow case between his fingers.

... amazing. Those wishes almost made him sound like an optimist.

"Fair enough," he replied to her suggestion, following quite close behind her through the hallways. He had several things to tell her, but he was unsure as to what her reaction to either might be. Instead of asking the questions he meant to eventually, he inquired, "What are we going back to your room for? I really hope it is not a shard of glass."


fangirlfatale July 9 2010, 23:46:29 UTC
[from here]

Morgan still moved cautiously and kept her fingers splayed over the end of the flashlight to dim the glow some--stealth was an art form, after all--but she didn't put as much effort into tiptoeing along the wall as she had last night. Not that she was going to let her guard down, but she hadn't seen anything yet that suggested they were in immediate danger around here. Besides, right now she wanted (uh, if that was the word for it) to be seen, at least by one person. This was where she was supposed to meet Elaiiinne.

She got as far down as where they'd run into each other last night and stopped, keeping a weather eye on her surroundings and a firm grip on her weapon. Uh, if that was the word for it.


selfrescuer July 10 2010, 21:41:39 UTC
[From here]

Sure enough, Elaine could see Morgan passing by the hallway junction ahead just as she approached. At the very least, the hunter was punctual; Elaine could give her that.

Elaine alerted Morgan to her presence with a quick hand signal, offering the other woman a little more courtesy in her approach than she had the previous night. "Evening," she greeted, short and professional, followed by a gesture to the bathroom door on the opposite wall with her torchlight. "Well, shall we make the arduous trek to our destination?" she asked with a wry grin. From what she had seen during the day, the pipes in the bathroom had, if not all the metal they would need, then at least most of it. If they really needed more, Elaine was willing to bet the male blocks were equipped with the same facilities.


fangirlfatale July 11 2010, 18:57:13 UTC
Elaine had held off on the pillowcase-on-the-head look tonight, Morgan saw. Good. At least she wouldn't have to be embarrassed to be seen with the woman. Not having the flashlight beam in her face was a definite plus too.

"Hey," she greeted simply in return, and turned toward the governor as she spoke again. The bathroom had occurred to Morgan as a pretty good source of metal too, if they could manage to get the pipes or the fixtures off. It also had the advantage of being close and easy to find, unlike anywhere else they could try. "Let's go," she agreed, already crossing to the door on the opposite side of the hall.

[to here]


ai_no_minako July 10 2010, 01:05:59 UTC
[from here]

Now... where exactly was she going, again? Minako paused in the hallway for a minute to think that over again, now that she wasn't distracted by the weirdness of the ring. There was that first door they'd gone through last night, the one that led out onto the field. She'd noticed ealier in the day that the walls around the field were relatively low, and wouldn't be that hard to get over. Maybe there would be some kind of clue outside?

Hopefully it wouldn't just lead her into the empty nothing that had surrounded that pit in the ground last night. Though then she hadn't even seen the building itself, so maybe that had been pretty far away. Did she really have any other ideas at the moment, though? Since the answer was no, that sounded like the best idea.


ai_no_minako July 10 2010, 01:10:47 UTC
[to here]


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