Day 50: Arts & Crafts Room (4th Shift)

Jun 27, 2010 20:56

It barely felt like she'd been outside for any time at all when the intercom sounded and the nurse came to fetch her. "Can't I stay a little longer?" she asked, but the woman only clicked her tongue and frowned, reaching to feel her forehead as though testing for a fever. "The weather simply isn't good enough, Natalie dear," the nurse said, once ( Read more... )

lelouch, hanekoma, s.t., carter, renamon, nunnally, agatha, anise, aigis, elle, l, natalia

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jouer_sans_voir June 28 2010, 04:32:48 UTC
Did the next fold go diagonally or horizontally? Nunnally frowned at the sheet of paper, the tip of her tongue sticking out as she tried to remember the instructions she'd followed before. One fold didn't look quite right so she tried another, then hesitated at the sound of approaching footsteps. "Good afternoon, Brother," she replied with a smile dawning as she looked up at him.

After a moment's consideration she pushed away the half-finished figure and reached for a new sheet of paper. Maybe if she started over she could figure it out? "They said that you had a visitor?" It was half a statement and half a question, asked out of hope that maybe... well, Suzaku was supposed to have been "released," wasn't he? So that meant he was still here somewhere. Though if Suzaku had visited and she hadn't been able to see him, she would have been disappointed.


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yin_yang_fox June 28 2010, 06:36:42 UTC
Concern could not be helped, given the circumstances. One who had assisted her acting strangely could not be ignored. She would be more watchful of Nataku. Even if he was something called a god, he was still a child, even so.

Like another she had met. Renamon returned to the arts and crafts room after checking the bulletin board again--the same reason as before. She had not seen Jiraiya today, and still he did not appear. The Digimon had half a mind to look elsewhere when she noticed a small girl in discussion with another. Normally, she would not think to bother, but she only wanted to confirm the girl's well-being. She approached slowly, stopping a few feet away to incline her head in a gentle bow. "Excuse me," she interrupted, before offering a slight smile to Nunnally. "I was only checking to see if you were well."


nobleobliged June 28 2010, 08:06:12 UTC
Where would I be, Natalia wondered, if I was Anise? The question posed quite the challenge; putting herself into Anise's mind did not come naturally to the princess. It seemed a slightly better tactic than wandering from room to room and peeking hopefully inside, yet for its likelihood of success, to wander may have been the best option. Still, Natalia felt happy enough to try.

She sought the younger girl in part out of a process of elimination; after Guy and Luke, Anise remained of her friends whose writing had confirmed their presence here. It would be erroneous to think of completion, as such a thing could only be possible with more, and in their world (for Natalia had accepted that this was a different one, yesterday in a more desperate, unclear fashion, and today with near-serene confidence, thanks to Edgar and her friends).

Listing the reasons why she wanted to see Anise was far less important than finding her, and after peering outside, then into the game room, Natalia faced opposition from her nurse, and little room to ( ... )


gald_digger June 28 2010, 18:44:14 UTC
When Anise returned to the Sun Room, she felt she knew what was going to happen next. Like every week, someone would come to visit her, and to tell her she wasn't who she thought she was. Would it be her parents, Ion, or someone else ( ... )


nobleobliged June 29 2010, 01:19:46 UTC
After her search had been prematurely cut short, Natalia had not expected to see Anise so soon. As such, the girl's voice made her jump, jerking into a sharp turn in her seat, hands shooting to her neck (one finger more dusted than caked in red, if dust were thick and nearly moist). Surprise gave way to that today-common joy, and she waved in exuberant turn.

"Anise!" Natalia breathed, and nodded, it had been a while. "I--I really don't know," a laugh, and she directed a quizzical look to the tube, "the nurse left this here, as if I should do something with it. It has quite an interesting consistency, I suppose comparable to bread or cookie doughs."

Not that Natalia had much experience with making successful doughs, but she had been present for the process in the castle kitchen on at least one occasion. The label said that it was edible; was she meant to eat it? Bringing the previously immersed finger to her mouth, she took a taste--and blanched. Terribly salty, to say the least. That couldn't be right.

"More importantly, how are ( ... )


gald_digger June 29 2010, 18:43:29 UTC
"Huh... so it's dough?" Judging by Natalia's reaction, it didn't seem to taste that good. Anise leaned over the table as she took a look at the container. 'Play-dough'... Dough meant to be played with?

The girl grinned when Natalia started asking questions. She sounded pretty happy to see her! But then again, who wouldn't be? "I'm doing good! Well, as good as you can get in a dump like this." It was hard to be completely satisfied when she was still technically a prisoner. "And I guess it's been... a little over three weeks now."

Anise may have appeared a bit distracted, turning her head to look over her shoulder at the shelves that lined the wall. "Oh! There's more of it over there." She stood and walked over to take a look, selecting several containers with lids of varying colors, then bringing an armful back to the table.

She picked one up and glanced over the small-print section of the label. So this was some kind of modeling clay...? Well, this was Arts and Crafts ( ... )


no_dont_go June 28 2010, 16:30:08 UTC
Aigis was again at a loss for where to go for her free shift. After informing her nurse that she was not hungry, the woman then pulled the android to yet another room just off the Sun Room. Another room full of objects Aigis was not familiar with. She sat at a table near the door, unsure of how to approach this room ( ... )


stlg13bomber June 29 2010, 03:29:55 UTC
Eventually one of the nurses caved and showed Carter how to work the Seedy Player. The concept was fascinating, to keep music in such a tiny place, but the music itself sounded like a train was running over the band. He didn't like the cut of the 'rock' stuff, and the 'metal' stuff just hurt his ears. He asked if there was anything softer like cloth music or pillow music, and received only laughter in response ( ... )


no_dont_go June 29 2010, 15:56:07 UTC
"Hmm?" Aigis looked up, surprised by an unfamiliar male voice addressing her. She blinked her blue eyes, trying to remember if she had met him before. But no, he didn't register as a familiar face in her memory banks. He seemed quite friendly for a stranger.

"Indeed, it is a dog. But he is not mine," Aigis replied. She glanced back down at her drawing. "He is a friend. Koromaru-san. He worked alongside me back home."

She took a moment and thought back on his words. He had mentioned a prison. "You had a dog when... you were a jailer? Was he a guard dog?" That was the most logical explanation, but it seemed polite to ask rather than just assume.


stlg13bomber June 29 2010, 16:21:12 UTC
"No, I was one of the prisoners. He snuck in from outside." Hah, him a jailer. Carter chuckled at the very thought as he sat down beside her. "But we did have guard dogs. They were pretty nice, we got them trained to obey us instead of the guards so they were never really as mean as they acted." But boy, what an act it was.

Koromarusan was a pretty long name for a dog. Almost a Japanese kind of name, but the girl had blue eyes and blonde hair so she couldn't be Japanese. He knew what she meant, though, some dogs just belonged to themselves and all you did was feed them and pet them and maybe let them inside when Mom wasn't looking.


toxicspiderman June 29 2010, 00:49:03 UTC
Curiosity was a trait the human genome had had a long, involved, love-hate relationship with.  Too much sent entire populations off cliffs in little rafts (before the advent of the internal combustion engine, this was generally a one-way ticket at best).  Too little, and all they were good for were lavish sword and sandal epics long after the Empire had fallen.  Sangamon Taylor was one of the idiots in the boats, a fact he would readily admit.  Sometimes it got him laid.  It also had led inevitably to being fired by Mass Anal and spending his nights knee-deep in toxic waste and his days facing off against talking heads.  So far, it hadn't gotten him killed.  Yet ( ... )


quarter_english June 29 2010, 16:48:07 UTC
After L left the library, he spent a few quiet minutes in the Sun Room ( ... )


toxicspiderman June 30 2010, 12:02:12 UTC
S.T. was happily piling mixing up layers of papier-mâché to spackle his image of the model patient when one Grade-A geek surfaced and attempted human interaction. The smarter they got, the fewer normal wavelengths they tuned in to, on average. S.T. liked to think he bucked the general trend. He and Dolmacher balanced each other out -- anyone meeting them thought Dolmacher was the smart one until about two point five seconds after he opened his mouth ( ... )


quarter_english July 6 2010, 17:29:08 UTC
L waited for Taylor to call the nurse over. Any curiosity he might have felt about Taylor's request was ancillary, unimportant -- the only reason he was intrigued at all was that the little he had seen suggested that Taylor wasn't the art-for-art's-sake type. L himself wouldn't have wanted to speak while the nurse was hovering; he waited for her to pad away.

When she had gone, he kept his voice low and articulate. "Yes. Well -- maybe. It will depend. How familiar are you with toxins, and their possibilities for modification? My specific interest is in those which might have an effect on the human brain and nervous system. It might be more of a medical question, but it's hard to say."

As he asked, he pushed magnets around on the board, without intent. His goal was to look busy.


mistressmadgirl June 29 2010, 07:56:21 UTC
Agatha had made great strides in self-control, otherwise That Nurse would have been pounded flat before she could call for help. "I thought you wanted to see the movie?" she pressed, in that infuriatingly unconcerned tone.

"I'm not in the mood," growled Agatha. "It's funny how sending in constructs to look like my parents-" That Nurse gave her the pitying look she was seriously sick of- "will do that. I just want to make something, you know? With my hands? You do get the point of that, right?"

That was how Agatha had ended up parked in a seat in this room, staring at a tableful of things which were absolutely useless. She hadn't played with this stuff even as a kid, but trying to figure out something with it was at least better than thinking about what had just happened.

[Late, but free!]


catstreetblues June 30 2010, 04:26:24 UTC
Sanae really couldn't care less for the plot of King Kong; to him it seemed like a really contrived way of showing off the Empire State Building. But it had given him something mindless to do until he could get to the real meat of the day: Arts and Crafts.

There really were few rooms or times that he enjoyed more, and even though all the stuff in the Arts and Crafts room was meant for small children, it was okay because art supplies were art supplies. A real artist was always ready to improvise. It was part of the creative process.

He wasn't sure what he wanted to draw this time, though. Neku didn't need any more pins, and Joshua was gone. He had, though, at one time wanted to do some good old painting on a wall some night. Maybe he could make a decal or two - ah, and there was a pile of stuff sitting right there!

"Hey." Sanae walked up to yet another girl with excessively colored hair. "Ya plannin' on usin' this?" He picked up a pair of scissors and a piece of construction paper up off the table and shook them a bit.


mistressmadgirl June 30 2010, 04:53:37 UTC
"Feel free," said Agatha, in a grim monotone far removed from her usual voice. She hadn't really wanted to do anything with fakey plastic scissors and colored paper anyway; metal and glass and chemicals were much better materials, which was exactly why they wouldn't be giving her any. The guy who wanted them seemed fairly upbeat, at least. Agatha didn't really need someone as overwhelmed as she was at the moment.

After a few moments, though, her natural curiosity overcame her sour mood. "What are you doing with them?"


catstreetblues June 30 2010, 19:28:44 UTC
"Thanks," Sanae said before also grabbing a marker from the pile and sitting down at the table. He initially resisted starting up a conversation; this girl looked like she was a little upset and needed some alone time - or something like that. Instead, he focused on starting up with the design he'd been doing almost his entire life: CAT.

It was a simple design. Begin with the cat's face. One star for an eye, an 'x' for the other. Paws curved high over the face - like a puppeteer's hands, almost. It was his subtle way of reminding the bigs in Shibuya just who was running the show behind the scenes.

"Uh--" Sanae floundered for a bit when suddenly the girl next to him piped up. "It's a decal." He hefted the scissors and cut the air experimentally a few times. "I have some spray paint back in my room, so I thought I'd make a few - just in case I ever got the urge."


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