Day 19 - Breakfast

Oct 22, 2006 13:36

As Ginji was ushered through the halls towards the cafeteria he felt a little dizzy. He felt like something was very, very wrong but he wasn't sure what. It wasn't just the fact that he had woken up in the middle of some strange place, or the fact that Ban was no where to be found. Something else was wrong. Something important. Something that he ( Read more... )

carnage, scholar ling, qui-gon jinn, axel, lust, dias, adelheid, haruhi fujioka, sora, scar, eric draven, azel, naminé, river, tamaki, ginji, ichigo, luxord, hojo, katan, hughes, greed, caim, revan, nigredo, elena (ffvii), vincent, roy, haru, cid, cliff, riku, schuldig, darman, kadaj, kyo, inara, riku replica, eddie brock, zack, nowe, rubedo, kurama, sanzo

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Comments 389

angels_inflight October 22 2006, 21:35:54 UTC
Naminé was very sore when she woke up, almost to the point of immobility. If it were not for the pangs of hunger stabbing her thin frame (and the fact she was still clutching the files from the other night to her chest), she would have begged the nurse for a day of rest. However, not only did hunger win, but Naminé had to quickly choose a place to hide her files. The underside of the mattress seemed too common, yet the dresser seemed too obvious, but she chose the dresser anyway, burying the files under sketches done when she was bored. Hopefully the nurses didn't clean the dressers out ( ... )


clockmongler October 22 2006, 21:57:03 UTC
Had it not been for Nursey McNursingson's promise of withholding her syringes laced with death, the need to hide his weapons, and the desire to check on Naminé, Luxord would never have bothered leaving the bed. It felt as though someone had subjected his entire body to a throughoutly good beating and it was much like…

The time he, Xaldin, and Xigbar were to scout China for a good Heartless candidate, and No. II's words angered a very large Hun-army. Yes, it felt exactly like how he did the end of that trip.

"Come on, Daniel. I know the mattress isn't that terrible," Nursingson chided playfully as he scowled at her. Her hand rested against his shoulder, guiding the gambler along as he tried all but not to hobble towards an empty chair. "And I'm serious this time. You have to eat something or you're going to get really sick. You gotta keep your strength up, kay?" These words were received with a sneer, much like the plate she pushed into his arms ( ... )


angels_inflight October 22 2006, 22:03:17 UTC
Naminé looked up, smiling with relief. So Luxord did make it out alive! He looked grouchy and worse for wear, like the time he went on a scouting trip to the Land of Dragons with Xigbar and Xaldin (she never really heard the details on that particular mission), but he was alright!

"Yes, I'm fine. Thanks to you," Naminé nodded with gratitude. She looked around and leaned closer. Maybe she was overdoing it a little? But they put so much work into getting those files, Naminé didn't want to risk losing them when she hadn't even had the chance to look at them. "I have your file in my room. I'll get it out when night comes around if you still want to read it?"

Leaning back, Naminé noticed the Gambler's food had been left untouched.

"You're not going to eat? The waffles are really fluffy!"


clockmongler October 22 2006, 22:26:26 UTC
He smiled in return, taking a seat across from the girl and pulling up his own plate for more observational reasons than to actually eat anything on it. "I promised I would not let any harm come to you, did I not? As a gentleman, I keep my promises," he said, poking at a piece of sausage warily, as though it was infected with some flesh-eating virus. It could have been, for all he knew. For all he knew, they were putting drugs in the food to gain control of their will and their power… perhaps he had been reading too many books. "Us Nobodies have to stick together," the blond finished with a nod, pushing the plate away from himself once more. Better safe than sorry, he thought with a shrug, listening in to the smaller Nobody's words ( ... )


brilliant_azel October 22 2006, 23:18:40 UTC
Upon entering the cafeteria, Azel didn't see Tamaki anywhere, so he proceeded on his own to get a plate and find an empty spot somewhat away from everyone else. As he thought, this place also was different from what he remembered. Perhaps he had been moved to a separate facility. Did it have something to do with what they did to him? Would there be more incidents like that ( ... )


0ver_the_moon October 23 2006, 00:53:29 UTC
Haru'd woken up back in his room in time to hear the intercom go off this morning. Last night hadn't been very productive, and that annoyed him. Plus he'd not seen the Cat or Lust anywhere, which worried him on top of everything else. And coming into the cafeteria this morning didn't lighten his mood any either.

That damn intercom hadn't been joking with all the names it spouted off the night before. There were a lot of new faces in the room, and not a lot of familiar old ones. It looked like the damned hospital had played shuffle once again. He hoped his friends were alright. With as mixed up as things had been getting lately, it was near impossible to tell ( ... )


brilliant_azel October 23 2006, 02:45:52 UTC
Azel looked up, surprised that he'd been addressed. At first, he thought he was mistaken. Why would anyone want to be near him when before, in that other place, they'd steadfastly avoided him?

He quickly averted his face, brushing a hand over his eyes as if rubbing sleep from them. He didn't want others to know he'd been crying. It was shameful. Even the boy's smile didn't much alleiviate the weight on his heart.

"No... it's not taken." He said quietly, picking up his fork again. But he found that he had very little appetite, so Azel settled for pushing the food around on the plate.

"A rough few days, I guess you could say... I'm still not sure what I'm doing..." He continued in a murmur, took a deep breath to calm himself, and turned his attention to the one beside him. "My name's Azel..."


0ver_the_moon October 23 2006, 02:56:00 UTC
"Hatsuharu Sohma, though I usually just go by Haru. You new here? And don't worry, you get used to the 'not knowing what you're doing' bit," he replied with a rueful smile, not missing the way the other boy had quickly tried to hide the state of his emotions. Haru might be slow, but he didn't miss much when it came to reading other people. Then again, this place was enough to unsettle anyone. Hoping to put the other boy at ease, he dug into his own breakfast, hoping to distract him with conversation instead.

...Not his strong point, granted, but he'd give it a shot.


31st_of_china October 22 2006, 23:43:40 UTC
Sanzo woke up with the pistol in his hands, his knuckles white from the death grip he'd had on it. The monk stared at it with more than a little disbelief ( ... )


class_one October 23 2006, 00:47:04 UTC
That had been surreal. One moment Zack was reveling in the fact that he'd just gotten to punch Hojo in the nose and the next he was back in that room, the storm gone and the sun out.

Meeting the nurse had been an ordeal, especially when he had to try (and ultimately fail) to convince her that his name was not Parker. Then again, RC had mentioned that things were somewhat off during the day (in a different way than at night), so Zack tried not to be overly spooked about the general unsettling atmosphere.

Either way, breakfast sounded like a great idea. He'd been dead for far too long and food had been scarce during the last few weeks of his life. He was famished. He was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that he was alive, but he knew there was no point in looking a gift horse in the mouth ( ... )


31st_of_china October 23 2006, 01:54:33 UTC
The breakfast looked incredibly foreign. Sanzo hadn't ever seen anything like it: what he had on his plate looked like some sort of attempt at a pastry, made up of squares, that'd gone wrong. He understood the other parts of the meal, but this one was baffling.

Goku wouldn't even have bothered giving it the questioning once-over that he had. Half the time he swallowed down shit without even asking what was in it. It was going to get him hurt one day.

The man sitting down gave him the perfect excuse to postpone trying out these "waffles". Sanzo settled on the fruit toppings.

"Yes, I am," the monk answered. He didn't return the friendly smile; instead, he quickly got to the point. "And before you ask, I've only been here two days, so I can't tell you what the hell is going on here."


class_one October 23 2006, 02:59:09 UTC
Oh, so he had happened upon an unfriendly sort. Zack was hardly bothered by it, though. Two of the people he knew best were the brooding, generally grumpy types. A gruff nature wasn't enough to scare him away.

The way he figured it, both of them had one thing in common: they were stuck in this mysterious place and they didn't want to be. He wondered if the blond had died and been brought back as well. That was a fair enough question to ask, wasn't it? Then he would know if this was all the result of some breakthrough that allowed people to bring the dead back to life, or if there was something greater going on...

"Fair enough," he responded with a simple smile. "So did you die and wake up here, or is that just me?" He hoped he didn't disarm the stranger overly much with that question; it needed to be asked.


red_dragon_mode October 23 2006, 00:43:17 UTC
(( Sorry. ^^'' Forgot something. ))

Junior was still trying to figure out what was going on when he found himself waking up in his room. Last he remembered, the hall had gotten a bit crowded and before that there was fighting and...Albedo. He was there, Junior had seen him. But he had also seen his brother die. He'd wanted to run after him, but his mind was still saying that it couldn't possibly be him, and that the heartbeat he'd felt was a memory. Not to mention running around alone without a weapon probably wasn't a good idea, considering what he'd been told.

But...he'd woken up. He wasn't sure if he'd really dreamt that or not. How could his twin be in this hell hole? It just didn't make sense.

Well, no surprise there, the redhead thought to himself. Since he'd woken up in this place, it had only served to confuse him and screw with his brain ( ... )


kukai October 23 2006, 01:14:12 UTC
It was then that the doors to the cafeteria swung open, and a slim young nurse with an immensely irritating smile sauntered through the doorway, followed shortly by one rather disheveled-looking Gaignun Kukai. He stared blankly at the back of her head as they walked together, his deep green eyes narrowed, both contemplative and baffled. Several places on his arms were wrapped in a thick layer of gauze ( ... )


red_dragon_mode October 23 2006, 02:18:23 UTC
Junior had been scanning the people that were trickling in so intently for a head of white hair that he wrote the other familiar face off as just someone who looked like the black-haired variant. That is, until he heard the voice. With the exception of the lady he'd talked to when he first arrived and maybe that asshole with the goatee, most everyone else he'd had a conversation with had been a teenager, and he didn't remember any of their voices being that deep. Or that familiar, for that matter.

"Gaignun?" he asked, turning to face the other. He allowed his jaw to hang open for a second before repeating himself. "Gaignun? How the hell--" he broke off, shaking his head. Irony was a cruel thing. "I guess Fifth Jerusalem is about as safe as the Durandal, huh?" he finally said, giving the man a look that was a mix between a smile and a grimace and shrugging. "You look like crap. What happened ( ... )


kukai October 23 2006, 03:01:24 UTC
Gaignun knew that he should be feeling some measure of regret that Jr. was trapped in this place alongside him, but after the initial shock faded, all he could find was relief at sighting a familiar face. Familiarity was something he took great comfort in, and it showed in his face, which had taken on a slightly less grim expression the moment he had spotted his redheaded companion ( ... )


soul_defender October 23 2006, 01:18:14 UTC
For once, much to the delight of the young man's nurse, Ichigo Kurosaki was almost pleasant come the morning. He didn't put up a fuss or a fight when the curtains of his room were thrown open to let in the sun's waking glow, not for an instant; instead, he merely rolled his way out of a tangled mess of covers and bed sheets when asked, stretching out the sleep from his strong, lanky limbs, and went about his business. His normally clentched jaws opening wide, Ichigo let out a deep, bellowing yawn as he ran his fingers like a comb through the fields of his orange hair as he shuffled out of his bedroom yet again and shuffled his way down the hallways towards the cafeteria ( ... )


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soul_defender October 23 2006, 02:22:31 UTC
While the cafeteria quicly began to fill, each patron seemingly more strange than the last, the sour berry-head did his best to look disinterested. Resting his chin in the upturned palm of his hand, the young man stared off with soft, quiet eyes into the distance while idly chewing his food. Yet, any hopes of remaining aloof he might have had disappeared instantly; clearly surprised, Ichigo had a mouthful of strawberries the moment Elena appeared, and nearly choked on it immediately, his head bobbing forward with the jam in his throat ( ... )


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