Day 19 - Breakfast

Oct 22, 2006 13:36

As Ginji was ushered through the halls towards the cafeteria he felt a little dizzy. He felt like something was very, very wrong but he wasn't sure what. It wasn't just the fact that he had woken up in the middle of some strange place, or the fact that Ban was no where to be found. Something else was wrong. Something important. Something that he ( Read more... )

carnage, scholar ling, qui-gon jinn, axel, lust, dias, adelheid, haruhi fujioka, sora, scar, eric draven, azel, naminé, river, tamaki, ginji, ichigo, luxord, hojo, katan, hughes, greed, caim, revan, nigredo, elena (ffvii), vincent, roy, haru, cid, cliff, riku, schuldig, darman, kadaj, kyo, inara, riku replica, eddie brock, zack, nowe, rubedo, kurama, sanzo

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brilliant_azel October 22 2006, 23:18:40 UTC
Upon entering the cafeteria, Azel didn't see Tamaki anywhere, so he proceeded on his own to get a plate and find an empty spot somewhat away from everyone else. As he thought, this place also was different from what he remembered. Perhaps he had been moved to a separate facility. Did it have something to do with what they did to him? Would there be more incidents like that?

They hadn't run into anything dangerous last night, which was a blessing -- however, he knew they'd just been lucky. It wouldn't always be so easy to move around. He really needed to get his sword back, but doing that meant getting it off of Darman. And meeting up with Darman... wasn't exactly the top priority.

He really didn't want to go near the man right now. There were still bruises on his neck from where the clone had choked him into unconsciousness. Although Azel felt guilty and incredibly sorry for the other night, it couldn't be helped, and part of him knew it wasn't truly his fault. He'd been unable to govern his own body, unable to stop from hurting a friend.

The fork in his hand clattered loudly to the plate as it fell suddenly from his nerveless fingers. He held his head in his hands and shut his eyes tightly, as if he'd block out the memories that flashed through his mind by sheer force alone.


0ver_the_moon October 23 2006, 00:53:29 UTC
Haru'd woken up back in his room in time to hear the intercom go off this morning. Last night hadn't been very productive, and that annoyed him. Plus he'd not seen the Cat or Lust anywhere, which worried him on top of everything else. And coming into the cafeteria this morning didn't lighten his mood any either.

That damn intercom hadn't been joking with all the names it spouted off the night before. There were a lot of new faces in the room, and not a lot of familiar old ones. It looked like the damned hospital had played shuffle once again. He hoped his friends were alright. With as mixed up as things had been getting lately, it was near impossible to tell.

Filling his plate with the hospital's special - waffles and eggs, though he avoided the sausage with a wrinkle of his nose - he began looking for a place to sit. Spotting a young man not so far away who looked like he was having a rough time of it, Haru headed in that direction and plopped down next to him without so much as a by-your-leave, but a friendly smile hopefully enough to make up for it.

"This seat's not taken, is it? Good. Looks like you've had a rough morning already."


brilliant_azel October 23 2006, 02:45:52 UTC
Azel looked up, surprised that he'd been addressed. At first, he thought he was mistaken. Why would anyone want to be near him when before, in that other place, they'd steadfastly avoided him?

He quickly averted his face, brushing a hand over his eyes as if rubbing sleep from them. He didn't want others to know he'd been crying. It was shameful. Even the boy's smile didn't much alleiviate the weight on his heart.

"No... it's not taken." He said quietly, picking up his fork again. But he found that he had very little appetite, so Azel settled for pushing the food around on the plate.

"A rough few days, I guess you could say... I'm still not sure what I'm doing..." He continued in a murmur, took a deep breath to calm himself, and turned his attention to the one beside him. "My name's Azel..."


0ver_the_moon October 23 2006, 02:56:00 UTC
"Hatsuharu Sohma, though I usually just go by Haru. You new here? And don't worry, you get used to the 'not knowing what you're doing' bit," he replied with a rueful smile, not missing the way the other boy had quickly tried to hide the state of his emotions. Haru might be slow, but he didn't miss much when it came to reading other people. Then again, this place was enough to unsettle anyone. Hoping to put the other boy at ease, he dug into his own breakfast, hoping to distract him with conversation instead.

...Not his strong point, granted, but he'd give it a shot.


orenji_neko October 23 2006, 03:00:48 UTC
The walk to the cafeteria was unfamiliar which was odd. Even though his memory was a bit spotted he knew he'd been in the cafeteria before. Well, Kyo wasn't going to worry to much about it. His stomach was growling and demanded to be fed. The sound of it was so distracting that he nearly missed the familiar black and white hair at one of the tables.

His rumbling stomach forgotten, Kyo marched directly over to the Cow and hit him on the head. "Hey!" he snapped. "Where the hell have you been?"


brilliant_azel October 23 2006, 03:10:03 UTC
"It's nice to meet you... despite the circumstances." Azel said, offering a hand to the other. He gladly accepted the shift to a light conversation, happy to indulge and be diverted from his worried thoughts.

"I... I think I've been here for a couple of days, although it's hard to tell... three nights, including last night. That I know for certain." The first night had been the weird shifting thing, the second night he'd been under someone else's control, and the third he met Tamaki.

Then again, he could have been dreaming all that time, and woke up just now. Or he could be dreaming now. The knowledge to confirm one or another was beyond him. It couldn't be helped.

Azel took another deep breath -- he had to concentrate on the here and now. He couldn't waste time wondering what may or may not be.

He had thought to say something more to his new friend, but it was then the other boy made his appearance and he thought better of it. Obviously, the two had a history and it was better if he kept out of it.


0ver_the_moon October 23 2006, 03:14:31 UTC
Haru's head jolted forward from the smack and he lifted a hand to rub at the sore spot while shooting a glare at his cousin. "I was sick, where were you?" he shot back, then ignored him, turning instead to Azel and shaking his hand. "Which is probably why I haven't seen you to recognize you before now, I was out of it for a few days. Oh, and don't mind the loudmouth, he's always like this. Azel, this is Kyo. Kyo? Azel."


orenji_neko October 23 2006, 03:21:20 UTC
"What do you mean you were sick?" Kyo grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. He only briefly acknowledged the Azel, more concentrated on Haru. "How could you have gotten sick? And I was in my damn room. I figured you'd be by!"


brilliant_azel October 23 2006, 03:38:43 UTC
Obviously, he was in the way right now. Azel stood, leaving his plate where it was. He didn't know quite what to say, only to give Haru an apologetic look before taking a step away from the table. He didn't want to be where he wasn't wanted, that was for sure.

Like this, it felt like that other place. People barging in and making him feel like an intruder. This was not a new sensation to him, the half-embarrassment and flush that came to his face.

What did he expect, really?


0ver_the_moon October 23 2006, 03:44:43 UTC
Haru rolled his eyes. "Kyo? Sit down. Shut up. Eat some sausage. You're scaring the new kid," he commented dryly before shaking his head and shooting Azel an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, his head can only hold one thought at a time, and he usually follows it with all the persistence of a runaway freight train. Don't feel like you have to go, this place is tougher when you don't have people to face it with."


orenji_neko October 23 2006, 03:50:09 UTC
Kyo frowned but when Haru mentioned the sausage his stomache gave a rather audible rumble. Grumbling something he sat down and stabbed a sausage, sticking it in his mouth. "Stupid cow," he muttered though it didn't quite sound like that.


brilliant_azel October 23 2006, 03:56:07 UTC
"You don't have to worry about me." Azel said to Haru, brow furrowing, caught between wanting to flee the uncomfortable situation and wanting to stay for the possibility of having another friend.

"I don't want to intrude... it looks like... you already have a handful there." A glance to Kyo, but only a brief one.

Besides, did he really want to drag more people in, if things with Darman turned ugly? On the other hand, he really, really, didn't want to be alone. But it could be that he would just have to accept the state of things and move on.

He was fine by himself, right?



0ver_the_moon October 23 2006, 04:08:38 UTC
"Kyo has always been, and will always be a handful," Haru retorted dryly. "But he's my cousin and you get used to it after a while. You're not intruding. Please, have a seat, he'll stop grumbling so much once he eats something. He's not a morning person." But all the same, he gave Kyo a warning nudge in the ribs and a glance that told him to play nice. Although Haru wasn't about to start holding his breath for that to happen.

"So where are you from?"


orenji_neko October 23 2006, 04:14:02 UTC
He nudged Haru back, narrowing his eyes at him. Kyo didn't get what Haru was trying to do. It seemed pointless to make friends when they weren't going to be there long. He popped another sausage in his mouth and looked at the other boy, figuring it had to be sort of interesting.


the_clown_king October 23 2006, 11:02:47 UTC
Tamaki had no idea what had just happened. One moment he was wandering the halls with Azel, talking about home, and the next he was waking up in that room again! Had they drugged him again? How were they doing it? And what had happened to his new friend? He was still very much bothered by the idea that he had been kidnapped in the night. It didn't help that his nurse seemed completely unaffected by his kind words. Everything was all wrong in this place! And they couldn't even get his name right. But he was promised breakfast, and maybe someone would have a cell phone he could use....

Of course, the moment he set foot in the cafeteria, Tamaki's attention was taken with how many people were there. Was everyone a prisoner? What Azel had said the night before had made it seem that way. But... why? Tamaki could understand why someone would kidnap him - he was wealthy after all, and could be ransomed off nicely - but everyone else?

Tamaki honed in on Azel immediately. He ignored - for the moment - the two other young men with his new found friend and launched himself at Azel.

"What happened?" He demanded, frantic. "Are you alright? I can't remember anything! I just woke up in that horrible room again and you were gone!"


brilliant_azel October 23 2006, 13:13:19 UTC
Azel was deciding whether or not to settle back down at the table or abandon the idea of breakfast altogether. "I'm--" He was interrupted, having been distracted enough by his own worries that he didn't notice Tamaki until the barrage of questions was being leveled at him.

He caught the blond's arms in his hands, blinking. The other sounded truly, honestly worried. "I'm all right..." The swordsman reassured his friend, giving him a brief hug to prove it. "It's the same with me... it was odd, but I don't think anything happened to us..."

"Are you okay, Tamaki?" His demeanor shifted from flighty to soothing, as he focused on the boy before him. He smiled softly, glad to see him, and more than a little relieved.


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