Nightshift 49: Main Hallway 2-Center

May 18, 2010 14:15

[From here]

622 risked a glance over the railing as they passed the Sun Room down below. Nothing there yet. Not even something guarding the area. "Hmm." That was odd. There was always a guard stationed there. Maybe he just couldn't see it, but shouldn't people be trying to head through there by now? There would be evidence if they had.

tk-622, meche, russia, sora, scar (tlk), mello, neku, the flash, matt

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Comments 19

vodka_jump May 18 2010, 19:03:49 UTC
He followed the man upstairs and down another hallway. The place wasn't even all that big, and even with the darkness, not too difficult to navigate. But when the sergeant stopped, he glanced over to follow his gaze. There was nothing out of the ordinary, so far as he could tell. But then, he'd never been here, so he couldn't be sure what out of the ordinary consisted of.

"Is there a problem Sergeant?" he asked, genuinely curious.


loyal_soldier May 18 2010, 19:53:44 UTC
622 started moving again, not quite sure whether the second floor was within the target area for anything that might be in the Sun Room, explaining as he went. "There's always a guard of some kind stationed down below, and people attempting to make their way through the area, but there's no evidence of that tonight, which means no one's been through there." Which never happened. There was the kitchen and the basement entrance down there, everyone seemed to try getting there at least once.

He'd just have to be extra alert heading forward.

[to here]


arc_wrench May 18 2010, 20:20:13 UTC
[From here]

This place was irritatingly quiet tonight. Where were the gunshots, the shouts of surprised prisoners, the exclamations of pain? Where were the holes in the Sun Room roof? Why was this place so dull tonight?

[To here]


swornandbroken May 19 2010, 00:31:57 UTC
[from here]

"There's a room where they supposedly keep our shit, but I heard it doesn't have anything useful in it. I've been looking for my fucking gun for four days." Which he hated to admit had been a lost cause, so far, but it was obvious he didn't have it.

Two months. Matt knew, and he didn't, what they'd accomplished and learnt in that time, and what Mello had said to convince him to help. No. Mello knew what the answer to that always was, and he'd known it for years: you assumed someone would help, and simply told them what you expected from them. He shouldn't have had to remind himself. And going on five days lost here. Five days, and more than time. He still couldn't move at all back home until that damn picture was ashes, not even knowing all the players by name now. But this wasn't the time to think about that. Dwelling on it only made him want to throw things some more. "So we were closing in. Why were you so pissed when you first saw me? And why'd you think I brought you here?"


gamingsostfu May 19 2010, 04:01:22 UTC
Matt nodded slowly, reluctantly following. He hated this situation; it was weird and awkward, and damn it all if he didn't want to just run for that front door - but he just kept following some Mello he barely knew. Who didn't know him. It made his hand twitch all over again, the pinky especially. He made sure to keep his footsteps quiet as he went along, clicking on his own flashlight so he wasn't just stumbling around blindly in the dark.

"It'd help to at least check it, right?" A useless question; he already knew it was. Checking the room lessened the likelihood of them missing something important. He wasn't surprised that Mello had been on a relative warpath over his gun; there was many a time where Matt found it exceedingly disturbing, and he tried not to even joke about his friend's relationship with his firearm.

"Look, I've just been real pissy today, since I gotta deal with all this crap with no smokes." He eyed Mello's back, knowing well that the other man might not know how bad his smoking had gotten - again, weird. He ( ... )


swornandbroken May 19 2010, 05:49:27 UTC
Sore topic right now, Matt, and not the time to joke about it. Mello shot a glare back over his shoulder at him. "I lost a day. They'll sedate you at the drop of a fucking hat." He'd become perversely proud of that, actually, of having made enough of a scene to force action from the usually implacable staff, even if it had cost him.

"And that room's on my list." He wasn't about to admit he didn't know exactly where it was, and was heading for the places he knew contained useful things first. He bit his tongue on an explanation of the delay. Never apologize, never explain. That was one of the rules he'd lived by for the last five years, and another thing he should never have questioned. Fuck, Matt was going to wise up soon that Mello wasn't himself. "Along with a place some smokes might be stashed." There, that would distract him. Mello had hardly thought of Matt at all since getting dragged here, but one thing that had instantly called his friend to mind had been the tobacco smell in the doctors' office hallway on his second night.

... )


scintillatingly May 19 2010, 02:04:41 UTC
[From here.]

The second floor never got too crowded, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. It made it easier to get around quickly, and if they kept moving they'd be at the file room in no time. Though as they headed down the hall, Sora couldn't help chancing a look over the side of the railing, down into the Sun Room. He'd been expecting some kind of activity there, but instead, it was completely empty.

That was weird. He knew there weren't always guards in there, but patients still ran through pretty frequently. He wondered if maybe, because of that reconstruction Mr. Landel had mentioned, the door into that room was blocked off. Hopefully not, but it was strange either way.

"Umm," he spoke up upon realizing that he'd lapsed into silence, "so... what file are you looking for, anyway?" He turned back to Neku, looking genuinely curious.


composers_proxy May 19 2010, 02:38:10 UTC
Neku was a little more cautious as they passed the Sun Room balcony, unable to forget what'd happened just last night here. But at least Sora's questions helped distract him somewhat. The file, right.

"A few I guess," he shrugged, distracted with trying to look for the slightest movement that wasn't just the other patients rummaging through the halls.

"Sho's, and maybe Mr. H's. Mine, out of curiosity, if it's there." Maybe Leonard's too. Probably wouldn't hurt the guy to get him information on why he was here. Then he wouldn't have to ask so many questions. It was the least he could do, really.


scintillatingly May 19 2010, 07:13:57 UTC
Sho was the guy who was obsessed with math and who was also responsible for Joshua's death, which meant that Mr. H had to be the person Neku had told him all about on the bus ride. It made sense that those were the two people Neku was most curious about, though Sora wondered if he might look for Joshua's file, too. He chose not to bring it up for the moment, though ( ... )


longlivetehking May 20 2010, 17:50:48 UTC
[From here]

Scar spared a glance into the sun room as he passed the railing. Usually, there would be a battle raging on below. Be it a Special Counseling patient or one of the head doctor's pets, that area was always guarded. But now there was mere silence. Oh, it hardly meant there wouldn't be a guard standing there on this very moment, but certainly seemed odd no one had entered it yet. That area was always quite popular, after all.

Well, he supposed it didn't quite matter. The area he was in now appeared to be lacking in guards as well. He eyed the various doors near the railing, but he realized that - other than the chapel - he barely had an idea of where they led to.

Hnn. He supposed he could make use of this peace and quiet and do some exploring. The former lion moved over to the nearest door and attempted to open it. Of course, it was locked.

[For Wally~!]


scarletspeedstr May 21 2010, 14:20:30 UTC
[from here]Entering the next part of the hall, Wally paused, looking around for anything that might be out of place or a potential danger here. Getting attacked because he was blindly rushing around wouldn't do much good. Besides, the whole point of him coming up here was to try and see what he could find that might be useful, so as much as a part of him - the part that was used to speed and running and everything else - wanted to move as quickly as possible with the search, he had to remember that wasn't really a good idea anymore ( ... )


longlivetehking May 26 2010, 22:38:19 UTC
When help presented itself, Scar wasn't one to object to such convenient kindness. He had been in the progress of inwardly complaining at having to break this door open thinking of an efficient way to breaking this door open, when a man approached him out of nowhere. The former lion studied the man for a moment, concluding he was only a fellow patient. Just so happened to be heading this way was well, hmm? How very convenient...

Very well, who was he to deny a human's desire to get rid of obstacles?

"Not at all," he said - even politely - before stepping aside, allowing the other man the room he needed.


scarletspeedstr May 27 2010, 08:28:03 UTC
"Thanks," Wally answered, flashing a quick grin at the man before bringing the flashlight down heavily on the door knob. It took a few tries, but eventually he felt it give and stepped back to direct a powerful kick to it to open it the rest of the way.

"See? No problem," he said once that was done. Waving back at the other patient with a loose, 'this way' gesture, Wally slipped through the now open door.

[ Better bring your raincoat, Scar...]


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