Nightshift 49: Main Hallway 2-Center

May 18, 2010 14:15

[From here]

622 risked a glance over the railing as they passed the Sun Room down below. Nothing there yet. Not even something guarding the area. "Hmm." That was odd. There was always a guard stationed there. Maybe he just couldn't see it, but shouldn't people be trying to head through there by now? There would be evidence if they had.

tk-622, meche, russia, sora, scar (tlk), mello, neku, the flash, matt

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gamingsostfu May 19 2010, 04:01:22 UTC
Matt nodded slowly, reluctantly following. He hated this situation; it was weird and awkward, and damn it all if he didn't want to just run for that front door - but he just kept following some Mello he barely knew. Who didn't know him. It made his hand twitch all over again, the pinky especially. He made sure to keep his footsteps quiet as he went along, clicking on his own flashlight so he wasn't just stumbling around blindly in the dark.

"It'd help to at least check it, right?" A useless question; he already knew it was. Checking the room lessened the likelihood of them missing something important. He wasn't surprised that Mello had been on a relative warpath over his gun; there was many a time where Matt found it exceedingly disturbing, and he tried not to even joke about his friend's relationship with his firearm.

"Look, I've just been real pissy today, since I gotta deal with all this crap with no smokes." He eyed Mello's back, knowing well that the other man might not know how bad his smoking had gotten - again, weird. He had to be careful around this one; as unsure as he was about the entire situation, having to deal with a Mello who just plain didn't remember him was definitely not something that helped. He glanced around a moment, to make sure there weren't many people in the hall - which there weren't. "There's no one else who knows who or where I am. You're the only one who could've brought me to any hospital if something had happened." A very plausible reason, and one Matt found himself more than eager to accept as well.

Too bad he knew the truth.

He came closer behind Mello, not wanting to get left too far behind; as usual, the blond was moving at quite the brisk pace, and it was leaving Matt a bit winded. Maybe he'd catch on? He wouldn't put much faith in that happening. "You've been looking for that gun for four days?" How was it that he hadn't been able to break out already? "'ve you just been sittin' on your ass or something?" Matt chuckled softly, knowing that wasn't true; joking about it was one way he could deal with the reality of such a difficult situation.


swornandbroken May 19 2010, 05:49:27 UTC
Sore topic right now, Matt, and not the time to joke about it. Mello shot a glare back over his shoulder at him. "I lost a day. They'll sedate you at the drop of a fucking hat." He'd become perversely proud of that, actually, of having made enough of a scene to force action from the usually implacable staff, even if it had cost him.

"And that room's on my list." He wasn't about to admit he didn't know exactly where it was, and was heading for the places he knew contained useful things first. He bit his tongue on an explanation of the delay. Never apologize, never explain. That was one of the rules he'd lived by for the last five years, and another thing he should never have questioned. Fuck, Matt was going to wise up soon that Mello wasn't himself. "Along with a place some smokes might be stashed." There, that would distract him. Mello had hardly thought of Matt at all since getting dragged here, but one thing that had instantly called his friend to mind had been the tobacco smell in the doctors' office hallway on his second night.

[to here]


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