Night 48: M21-30 Hallway

Mar 22, 2010 07:06

Shinji was worried. He'd been waiting for a while - Kaworu still hadn't arrived. He didn't know why and as always his insecurities had begun to flare up. Maybe he'd changed his mind. Maybe he didn't really want to see Shinji. Maybe he'd simply been hallucinating the whole thing. Shinji glanced down the darkened hallway, flashlight dangling from his ( Read more... )

kanone, shinji, s.t., guy, abe sapien, agatha, peter petrelli, sam winchester, indiana jones, lelouch, luke fon fabre, javert, howl, spock, ruby, l, roxas

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Re: M24 allroadslead March 25 2010, 09:38:29 UTC
Close to drifting off, Sam snapped his eyes open again when the door opened. He squinted at the piercing beam of light and shifted his gaze away as soon as he recognized the figure.

"One of the doctors," he replied, leaving it at that for now. He didn't care to think about a hunt right now, and Ruby was only ever interested on his behalf when it came to hunting anything that wasn't Lilith. "I think it's mostly my abilities screwing me over right now, anyway."

That part was more important than what the hell kind of creature the doctor had been. Or at least it was the part that he couldn't talk about with anyone but Ruby. It didn't matter whether she had the answers or not; it was just nice not to have to dance around it ( ... )


allroadslead April 9 2010, 09:55:14 UTC
Yeah, that'd be nice, wouldn't it. Going back to before. Not that before had been good in any sense of the word, but at least he'd known where the hell he'd stood and, you know. Simple things like who was actually dead and who was alive ( ... )


thatmaskedchick April 11 2010, 04:23:37 UTC
Sam moving over to accommodate her on the bed was encouraging. Ruby didn’t lie down, but she did settle in, get comfortable. She smiled, giving him a slightly playful shove. “Maybe I’ve found my true calling after all. Screw being an abomination against nature, I can go on the circuit as a motivational speaker!”

She leaned back, resting on her elbows, and gave Sam a long look. “How are you feeling, by the way? You still look like crap, but your color’s starting to come back.” He looked slightly less like he wanted to crawl into a ditch and die than he had when she’d first come in. That was improvement, at least. Mixing sedatives with Sam’s already weakened powers obviously hadn’t worked very well. Was it the specific mix of sedatives, or was it just this place? There was no way to know, really.


allroadslead April 11 2010, 09:02:14 UTC
Sam grunted, noncommittal bordering on amusement. "I wouldn't quit your day job." Sometimes he wasn't sure how to respond to Ruby. He could figure her out just fine when they were on the hunt-which they were most of the time and he told himself he preferred it that way-but then there was everything else ( ... )


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