Night 48: M21-30 Hallway

Mar 22, 2010 07:06

Shinji was worried. He'd been waiting for a while - Kaworu still hadn't arrived. He didn't know why and as always his insecurities had begun to flare up. Maybe he'd changed his mind. Maybe he didn't really want to see Shinji. Maybe he'd simply been hallucinating the whole thing. Shinji glanced down the darkened hallway, flashlight dangling from his ( Read more... )

kanone, shinji, s.t., guy, abe sapien, agatha, peter petrelli, sam winchester, indiana jones, lelouch, luke fon fabre, javert, howl, spock, ruby, l, roxas

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Re: M24 allroadslead March 25 2010, 09:38:29 UTC
Close to drifting off, Sam snapped his eyes open again when the door opened. He squinted at the piercing beam of light and shifted his gaze away as soon as he recognized the figure.

"One of the doctors," he replied, leaving it at that for now. He didn't care to think about a hunt right now, and Ruby was only ever interested on his behalf when it came to hunting anything that wasn't Lilith. "I think it's mostly my abilities screwing me over right now, anyway."

That part was more important than what the hell kind of creature the doctor had been. Or at least it was the part that he couldn't talk about with anyone but Ruby. It didn't matter whether she had the answers or not; it was just nice not to have to dance around it ( ... )


Re: M24 thatmaskedchick March 26 2010, 20:59:52 UTC
"You tried to exorcise a doctor?" Ruby didn't bother to hide the open incredulity in her voice. "Sam, there aren't any demons here." She sighed. Had the drugging occurred before or after he'd tried to pull a nonexistent demon out of a doctor working for an evil death hospital? She hoped it had happened before, or otherwise they'd be having a long talk about how to spot a demon that she could have sworn he'd had when he was six. Or younger. "What did he do?"

Whatever the case, he still looked like crap and probably felt that way too. Maybe it was the drugs mixing with the headache from using his abilities? It usually wasn't this bad.

Then again, she usually didn't have to sleep. Or eat. Or wait more than a few hours before traumatic wounds healed, and on a scale of 1 and getting shot in the chest, the gash in her thigh hadn't even rated ( ... )


allroadslead March 27 2010, 00:22:16 UTC
Sam grunted, still annoyed at himself. "Yeah, I know, she caught me off guard. She jumped me with a damn needle and latched on, I just-reacted."

She wasn't a demon, but he still maintained that she sure as hell sounded like one. But then again, those things usually all talked the same, anyway, so that might've been a moot point. Dean's deal hadn't exactly been secret, he was sure. The supernatural underworld might not have interacted a whole lot, but it wasn't as if they existed in isolated bubbles.

"Whatever's going on with my abilities, it's probably happening to you, too." He glanced up, frowning a little. "Reports have been pretty consistent about people being hindered more than usual in one way or another."

Unless there was nothing to hinder, apparently. At least, he hadn't heard Dean complaining of anything. It was still kind of weird to think of Dean as being the odd one out here for being completely normal as opposed to...whatever the rest of them were. Categorizing beyond not totally human was pretty much an impossibility ( ... )


thatmaskedchick March 27 2010, 05:59:32 UTC
So he had been sedated before he'd tried to pull the demon--from her, apparently. Well, that was somewhat reassuring. At least Ruby didn't have to screw Sam's head back on straight. As much. The demon looked over at him, eyebrow raised. "What do you mean, latched on?" He wasn't making a ton of sense right now, but that probably had more to do with the drugs and exhaustion than anything else.

He was so...vulnerable like this. She almost felt guilty about exploiting it.


"Probably happening to me? You think?" She groaned. "I hate to say this, but...we need to talk. About this. About what's happening to the both of us. And I need you to do some stuff for me." She shot him a meaningful look. "Starting with the C-word."


allroadslead March 27 2010, 08:12:15 UTC
"I mean she tore into my arm and started drinking."

That couldn't have given her much blood which meant...what? That she only needed a little bit to sustain herself? Or was it the only way she could do it without arousing suspicion?

If Sam hadn't been so out of it earlier, he would've thought to ask the rest of the patients. From what he could remember of that one time people had talked about this, though, it didn't sound like anyone had an experience such as his. Either someone had chosen to keep their mouth shut about it or he was the first. The only? A possibility.

He drew one leg up, resting his arm on his knee. "She said some shit about Dean, too, I don't know how much she knows for real or what."

Christ, he was too tired to think about this right now. Even before, he hadn't had this much on his hands. Institute crawling with supernatural crap, civilians he should've been able to easily keep out of harm's way but couldn't, the deal, Dean, being trapped here in the first place, and dammit, was Ruby really bringing that up ( ... )


thatmaskedchick March 28 2010, 07:00:34 UTC
Blood drinker? Now that was interesting. There were plenty of blood drinkers in the supernatural roster, of course, but not many could shake up an experienced hunter that badly. If Ruby could meet this mysterious doctor chick, maybe she'd be able to help Sam figure her out. If this woman was a threat to the plans for Sam, she needed to be eliminated. No questions asked. They'd come way too far, worked way too hard, to lose him to some random monster du jour ( ... )


allroadslead March 28 2010, 09:17:54 UTC
Sam hesitated, thoughts gathering slower than they should've as he tried to figure out where to begin with an explanation, and that was right around when Ruby moved onto-Oh. That would make sense.


He lifted an eyebrow. "You want me to try an exorcism on you?"

Though she was right. They needed some ground rules and Ruby was probably the easiest to start with out of the two of them. She was obviously still a demon, judging from the eyes-and he'd stopped dwelling on how it didn't even make him blink anymore, to see her switch them on and off-so it wasn't as though she'd somehow turned entirely human. That left determining just how much demon remained ( ... )


thatmaskedchick March 29 2010, 04:10:37 UTC
Ruby shrugged. "If that's what it takes, but I was figuring we'd start out a little smaller. You got any more salt besides the stuff above your door?" If her reactions were still the same, that would be one more question answered. She hadn't ever thought that she would actually welcome the idea of getting sprayed with something that burned and was generally unpleasant.

Funny how things changed.

"Demons aren't the only ones who take souls," she reminded Sam, “but other than that I don’t know if I can help you.” It would be hard to narrow it down, though, without Sam’s laptop and a way to search for lore. Her familiarity with those kinds of nasties wasn’t that extensive.

As for Dean… “I can’t tell you either way. It’s not as if this is exactly a common occurrence, and I can’t really ask. Not in any way you’d approve of, at least. I haven’t got a silver chalice, and it’s not exactly like I can go around procuring the lifeblood of an innocent. If I had sources to work here, trust me. I’d be asking. This is just too…


allroadslead March 29 2010, 06:29:27 UTC
All right, that was a good point. There were more than a couple of reapers here. And there had been one hounding him about Dean, though Sam hadn't seen him since. Still-there was a difference between reaping a soul and dragging it to hell. If Dean had simply died and moved on like normal, Sam might've been able to...

Well, it wasn't the same, that was all. If it came down to a choice between the two, he knew what he'd pick.

He dropped the subject, not too willing to get into it at the moment, not even with Ruby. She was right: there wasn't much either of them could do. They might as well sort out this thing with Ruby first. It was more productive.

"We're out," he replied. Of all the things they could run low on, salt was never one that should've been on the list. Their situation here was more than a little ridiculous; it was bordering precariously on outright pathetic. But they could barely get two steps out of the hallway without getting jumped at this point. "But we could start with a Christo instead ( ... )


thatmaskedchick March 30 2010, 05:39:15 UTC
Ruby had been prepared for the word, of course, but she still flinched. Hearing 'Christo' was about as pleasant as getting sand thrown in your face, but it was far from most annoying tool in the hunters' arsenal against demons. Effective, though.

"Well, that answers that question." So some things, at least, hadn't changed. That was comforting, sort of. Apparently whatever was happening to her hadn't changed what was fundamentally demonic. Still, it was slightly disappointing, as well. If Dean decided to start dropping Christos around her, she wouldn't be able to avoid the...awkwardness that would result.

She scooted her chair a little closer to Sam so that her knees brushed against the bed. "A hunter without salt? Kinda sad." They'd probably have go looking for more, wouldn't they? Especially after that ghost from last night.

"Oh, I heard we're going on a field trip tomorrow, by the way," she said conversationally, changing the topic slightly. "You know anything about that?"


allroadslead March 30 2010, 07:23:09 UTC
So whatever was taking away her advantages as a demon, it wasn't doing the same in reverse. Huh. Sam filed that bit away for later. Eventually, he was going to have to gather everything together into something official. There was only so much sorting out in his head he could do.

"Tell me about it."

Though the salt was a band-aid solution at best, if even that. You could spin a circle around yourself or you could chuck it at a spirit, but sooner or later, it was gonna come back to bite you in the ass. That was what burning the bones was for, except that wasn't exactly feasible. Tracking down the source of a spirit already took a few days as it was with all their resources on hand ( ... )


thatmaskedchick April 4 2010, 18:15:22 UTC
"Zombies. Good to know." Ruby had a feeling that she was going to stop being surprised very quickly. Zombies. Really. "Are we talking full-on voodoo zombies or Dawn of the Dead zombies?" A voodoo curse might make sense if it were a nightly-type event that was fairly widespread over a geographical area, but...who knew? It wasn't exactly as if they were playing by the rules here ( ... )


allroadslead April 5 2010, 06:30:31 UTC
"Dawn of the Dead. Head shots, anyone who got bit became infected. Effects wore off after awhile, though, so hell if I know what that's about. I was bitten, too, actually, but." Sam lifted a shoulder in a half-shrug. "Nothing happened to me."

He figured Ruby would find that as unsurprising as he did. There were only so many things that could infect the bloodstream at the same time, after all. The Croatoan virus had made that more than obvious. And while he wasn't going to turn away one of the few good things to having demon blood running through him, he couldn't say it was a comforting thought, either.

Dean's reaction when he'd told him had hardly helped. He knew he couldn't blame his brother for that, but it stung nevertheless, the way Dean always skirted around it or shrugged it away. We're not gonna acknowledge all the ways you're not normal.He shook it off ( ... )


thatmaskedchick April 7 2010, 06:34:56 UTC
Sam was bitten? Huh. Well, it wasn’t terrifically surprising that he’d been immune to the infection-they’d never really known the full extent of what demon blood could do to a human, but the experiments with the Croatoan virus had been pretty damn conclusive-but…well, the whole thing was weird. She was grateful that he wasn’t going around jonesing for brains, though. It would have made their relationship slightly awkward ( ... )


allroadslead April 7 2010, 07:16:54 UTC
And there was the ultimate question.

"That's pretty much what I've spent the past ten days or something trying to decide," Sam replied. "Half the time, it feels like everything's just fake, you know? I mean, it'd explain everything, I just, I don't know if it's the right answer. It's almost too neat."

He'd bounced back and forth with this issue on and off constantly, including earlier today, and he'd come up with no solid leads, not even close. He'd told Dean he wanted to look into it, figure this out, but Dean had asked him how, and yeah, he didn't know. Somehow was starting to feel less and less like a good response ( ... )


thatmaskedchick April 8 2010, 16:38:04 UTC
Ruby snorted. "So what, we're hooked up to the Matrix? Take the blue pill, and it'll all be over?" Wait, it was the blue pill, wasn't it? It was amazing how many times they showed that movie on TV, but she'd never seen it all the way through, start to finish. Funny how those things worked ( ... )


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