Night 48: M21-30 Hallway

Mar 22, 2010 07:06

Shinji was worried. He'd been waiting for a while - Kaworu still hadn't arrived. He didn't know why and as always his insecurities had begun to flare up. Maybe he'd changed his mind. Maybe he didn't really want to see Shinji. Maybe he'd simply been hallucinating the whole thing. Shinji glanced down the darkened hallway, flashlight dangling from his ( Read more... )

kanone, shinji, s.t., guy, abe sapien, agatha, peter petrelli, sam winchester, indiana jones, lelouch, luke fon fabre, javert, howl, spock, ruby, l, roxas

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Comments 65

M25 quarter_english March 23 2010, 00:04:28 UTC
L gave his full attention to the two successive announcements on the intercom, then clicked the switch on his flashlight.

All day, he had taken minor satisfaction -- a pleasure that was real, but that he knew to be pointless -- in Landel's apparent discomfort. Reveling in mild, vicious amusement over the sniffles was all right as far as it went, in perspective, but it shouldn't be a distraction from what was being said.

More patients were to be experimental subjects tonight, with the indication that none had ever been selected twice before, and now would be. Why? He was curious about what the experiments entailed, but perhaps not so curious that he wanted to be subjected to them himself. Still, if they have not yet selected me, what are the criteria for a repeat performance? The question made him frown, and a small knot of anxiety began to form in the pit of his stomach: the scale of experimentation appeared to be much broader than he had previously understood. How much longer can I expect to avoid it?Like any other fear, he would ( ... )


Re: M25 bprd_fishman March 23 2010, 02:25:37 UTC
Abe was finishing up his dessert when the announcement came on. Another of their number down, then, though it seemed to make no difference.

"Of course. More organization among the more resourceful of us can only be a good thing." Abe found it hardly elitism to admit that most of the patients were either untrained or simpletons. It wasn't their fault, not everyone had the benefit of an analytical mind or years of government training in combat and investigation, but it did make them rather useless for anything but protecting.

Speaking of protecting...oh god, Scarecrow. "Do we know who they've taken this time?" Abe asked quietly, trying to hide his nervousness in the last of his food. He'd be long gone by now, there'd be nothing Abe could do even if he bolted out the door and ran upstairs. The last time he'd done something so not to think of it.


Re: M25 its_the_mileage March 23 2010, 02:45:29 UTC
[from here]

Indy counted rooms as he went; M25 was just past the halfway point of the hallway. He stopped briefly in front of the door to listen and caught the muted strains of Ryuuzaki's voice and one other--roommate, Indy figured, since he was one of the first ones in the halls.

No point in standing around. He rapped on the door with the knuckles of his flashlight hand, announcing, "It's Indiana Jones" loud enough to be heard inside the room as he did.


Re: M25 quarter_english March 23 2010, 02:59:40 UTC
L opened his mouth to answer Abe, but before he could get a single word out, he was interrupted by a knock on the door, and Dr. Jones announcing himself. He hopped out of his chair, made his way to the door, and snapped it open, leaving a gap of about twelve centimeters or so.

He peered into the hall. Jones's torch gave off enough light that L didn't need his own to confirm that his visitor was alone. He stepped back from the door and swung it open, then moved back to his chair, and greeted the new arrival with a nod.

"Dr. Jones. Abe and I were discussing the experimental trials." He returned his attention to his roommate. "As I was going to say before Dr. Jones arrived, I have no idea who has been taken. Mr. Javert intends to look into their welfare later this evening, though."


M24 allroadslead March 23 2010, 03:21:12 UTC
Moving felt like it would take more effort than Sam was willing to exert at the moment, so he just sat there for the next minute or two after Peter left, idly picking at a hangnail as he watched the door. After last night, he hoped Peter would be okay. There were so many people he should've been able to protect-or at least try his best to protect-but it was damn near impossible here, and the frustration of that was starting to overload to the point where he could feel apathy sneaking over him. Which made him feel guilty in turn, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't starting to grow numb towards that, too ( ... )


Re: M24 thatmaskedchick March 25 2010, 05:42:45 UTC
[from here.]Ruby barely even bothered to knock on Sam’s door this time. She rapped her knuckles against it lightly-more out of formality than anything else-and then opened the door without waiting for an answer. Sam wasn’t expecting her, but she would never have been able to gain his trust the way she had if she showed up only when called ( ... )


Re: M24 allroadslead March 25 2010, 09:38:29 UTC
Close to drifting off, Sam snapped his eyes open again when the door opened. He squinted at the piercing beam of light and shifted his gaze away as soon as he recognized the figure.

"One of the doctors," he replied, leaving it at that for now. He didn't care to think about a hunt right now, and Ruby was only ever interested on his behalf when it came to hunting anything that wasn't Lilith. "I think it's mostly my abilities screwing me over right now, anyway."

That part was more important than what the hell kind of creature the doctor had been. Or at least it was the part that he couldn't talk about with anyone but Ruby. It didn't matter whether she had the answers or not; it was just nice not to have to dance around it ( ... )


Re: M24 thatmaskedchick March 26 2010, 20:59:52 UTC
"You tried to exorcise a doctor?" Ruby didn't bother to hide the open incredulity in her voice. "Sam, there aren't any demons here." She sighed. Had the drugging occurred before or after he'd tried to pull a nonexistent demon out of a doctor working for an evil death hospital? She hoped it had happened before, or otherwise they'd be having a long talk about how to spot a demon that she could have sworn he'd had when he was six. Or younger. "What did he do?"

Whatever the case, he still looked like crap and probably felt that way too. Maybe it was the drugs mixing with the headache from using his abilities? It usually wasn't this bad.

Then again, she usually didn't have to sleep. Or eat. Or wait more than a few hours before traumatic wounds healed, and on a scale of 1 and getting shot in the chest, the gash in her thigh hadn't even rated ( ... )


M22 replicatedorder March 23 2010, 18:05:37 UTC
[from here]He stepped into the new hall and didn't waste anytime looking for the number that Asch gave him. He knew that unless Asch moved faster than him-it was possible, but not terribly likely-he would have to have crossed paths with Luke in order to get out of the room. He felt good about this; Asch would be in there. Frustrated, but definitely in there, and they would talk about what happened. It was possible it could even be done before Guy arrived, so his best friend wouldn't have to deal with speaking to Asch ( ... )


outside of M22 replicatedorder March 23 2010, 18:06:52 UTC
All the same, he stepped outside of Asch's room, and waited for Guy. It didn't seem like whoever was sleeping stirred at all, so Luke had a feeling he wouldn't even know that someone visited. Really, it was probably best that way.


Re: outside of M22 razing_phoenix March 24 2010, 08:42:15 UTC
[From here.]

Even though the room Guy was looking for was most of the way down the hall, he was only about halfway there when he realized that Luke was standing outside what had to be M22. That seemed strange. If Asch were around, they'd either both be out here or both be inside. Unless Asch had actually locked his door to get Luke to leave him alone? Could the doors even lock from the inside?

There was no point in speculating, though. Frowning to himself, Guy adjusted everything he was carrying (flashlight and the sack of metal in one hand, short sword in the other) and picked up the pace so that he could reach Luke that much faster. He was curious now.

"What happened?" he asked once he was in earshot of his friend. "Did you not get here in time?" Guy found that hard to believe, but you never really knew with Asch.


Re: outside of M22 replicatedorder March 24 2010, 08:55:47 UTC
With how determined Luke could be when it came to Asch, he knew there was no chance he got there while the other slipped out. He doubted Asch sensed him coming and hid. It wasn't like him to use tactics like that. Even when he followed him around Auldrant on that chase, which he admitted was probably pretty stupid now, Asch didn't use tactics to steer Luke in any other direction. And usually, he made time to yell at his replica for being stupid. No, it didn't seem like it could be any plainer. Asch wasn't in his room because Asch was gone-or taken, but that didn't seem like the kind of thing a roommate could just sleep through.

"That's not it," he replied, looking somewhat crestfallen. Asch's death had been reversed by this place-twice. And now that he was gone, it meant that he was either alive somewhere or ... Luke wasn't certain. Dead wasn't an option. If he was dead, Luke would know. This place didn't break their connection to that degree, and he remembered what happened before. Asch wouldn't have much strength to give, but ( ... )


human_sponge March 24 2010, 00:11:52 UTC
It was only when he headed off of his bed and for the closet that Peter remembered how he'd dropped his shovel last night. There hadn't been much of a choice, when his arm had been in shreds. The limb was still almost impossible to move, but he was pretty good at knowing how to rest a wound ( ... )


M27 7_to_midnight March 24 2010, 11:22:09 UTC
Another night, another routine, another flashlight, radio, and quiet steps past a too-familiar roommate. Sylar's lip curled as he made his way over the door's threshold and into the hallway; dinner had at least been a little more quiet, a little less annoying than usual. Then again, today had been quiet in general: after his shower, Sylar had started feeling woozy and spent most of his waking hours either on one of the Sun Room couches or in his room. Even Spock's presence hadn't been enough to get him out of the haze, although the intercom announcement certainly was. Any chance to get the hell away from some logic-obsessed doppelganger? Yeah, he'd take it ( ... )


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