Night 48: M21-30 Hallway

Mar 22, 2010 07:06

Shinji was worried. He'd been waiting for a while - Kaworu still hadn't arrived. He didn't know why and as always his insecurities had begun to flare up. Maybe he'd changed his mind. Maybe he didn't really want to see Shinji. Maybe he'd simply been hallucinating the whole thing. Shinji glanced down the darkened hallway, flashlight dangling from his ( Read more... )

kanone, shinji, s.t., guy, abe sapien, agatha, peter petrelli, sam winchester, indiana jones, lelouch, luke fon fabre, javert, howl, spock, ruby, l, roxas

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M22 replicatedorder March 23 2010, 18:05:37 UTC
[from here]

He stepped into the new hall and didn't waste anytime looking for the number that Asch gave him. He knew that unless Asch moved faster than him-it was possible, but not terribly likely-he would have to have crossed paths with Luke in order to get out of the room. He felt good about this; Asch would be in there. Frustrated, but definitely in there, and they would talk about what happened. It was possible it could even be done before Guy arrived, so his best friend wouldn't have to deal with speaking to Asch.

His body turned and moved him toward the room itself: M22. Though Luke hadn't had much of a chance notate it, he'd made sure to memorize it. There wasn't any other time that Asch would actually give him a chance to do this. And in the future, he realized he might have to make it so Asch didn't have much of a choice.

Disappointment hit him immediately when he stepped inside. There was no Asch, no familiar scowl and red hair. When Luke looked toward the other side of the room, he saw someone sleeping. Someone that definitely wasn't Asch. He considered waking him, but it didn't seem like a good idea. Whoever it was, they probably wouldn't appreciate Luke bothering them. And it wasn't like he ever thought twice about rifling through someone else's things before-though he doubted he would find anything like gald or apple gels lying around Asch's things.

He worked quickly to move through what remained. The flashlight was there, which was strange. Luke dropped it and looked for whatever else remained, and came upon the pipes that Asch mentioned before. It was with this finding that Luke realized that Asch simply wasn't here. The flashlight was one thing. Without it, he could make his presence unknown, if he wanted to be that daring. But without a weapon, he had no means to defend himself, and Luke knew it was unlikely that Asch would be that reckless, even after everything.

Truthfully, he would have preferred finding that Asch had taken his flashlight and gotten out before Luke found him. It was much better than finding him gone completely.


outside of M22 replicatedorder March 23 2010, 18:06:52 UTC
All the same, he stepped outside of Asch's room, and waited for Guy. It didn't seem like whoever was sleeping stirred at all, so Luke had a feeling he wouldn't even know that someone visited. Really, it was probably best that way.


Re: outside of M22 razing_phoenix March 24 2010, 08:42:15 UTC
[From here.]

Even though the room Guy was looking for was most of the way down the hall, he was only about halfway there when he realized that Luke was standing outside what had to be M22. That seemed strange. If Asch were around, they'd either both be out here or both be inside. Unless Asch had actually locked his door to get Luke to leave him alone? Could the doors even lock from the inside?

There was no point in speculating, though. Frowning to himself, Guy adjusted everything he was carrying (flashlight and the sack of metal in one hand, short sword in the other) and picked up the pace so that he could reach Luke that much faster. He was curious now.

"What happened?" he asked once he was in earshot of his friend. "Did you not get here in time?" Guy found that hard to believe, but you never really knew with Asch.


Re: outside of M22 replicatedorder March 24 2010, 08:55:47 UTC
With how determined Luke could be when it came to Asch, he knew there was no chance he got there while the other slipped out. He doubted Asch sensed him coming and hid. It wasn't like him to use tactics like that. Even when he followed him around Auldrant on that chase, which he admitted was probably pretty stupid now, Asch didn't use tactics to steer Luke in any other direction. And usually, he made time to yell at his replica for being stupid. No, it didn't seem like it could be any plainer. Asch wasn't in his room because Asch was gone-or taken, but that didn't seem like the kind of thing a roommate could just sleep through.

"That's not it," he replied, looking somewhat crestfallen. Asch's death had been reversed by this place-twice. And now that he was gone, it meant that he was either alive somewhere or ... Luke wasn't certain. Dead wasn't an option. If he was dead, Luke would know. This place didn't break their connection to that degree, and he remembered what happened before. Asch wouldn't have much strength to give, but their bond was unmistakable.

He turned toward the door. "His flashlight and pipes were here. Wherever he is, he's not looking to protect himself." Luke frowned, shaking his head. "I got here pretty fast. Unless he wanted to avoid me and is hiding, there's no way he could do it. And that doesn't seem like Asch, anyway." All that said, Luke managed to avoid saying the obvious: that Asch was gone. He figured Guy would pick up on it, anyway.


Re: outside of M22 razing_phoenix March 24 2010, 10:54:17 UTC
The second that Luke spoke up and Guy saw that look on his face, he was pretty certain that Asch was gone. He was used to reading Luke like a book, even when his friend wasn't being totally obvious about it. It made him feel bad for mentally badmouthing the God-General just a few moments earlier, but at the same time he knew that chances were Asch wasn't actually dead. Or was he? He had died back on Eldrant, but that all seemed to have been called into question at this point.

As Luke continued to explain, Guy found that his logic was pretty sound. As stupid as Asch was, it didn't make sense for him to run off somewhere while unarmed, even if what he had to choose from were just some pipes. He nodded, arms crossed over his chest as he tried to find a better explanation (for Luke's sake) and came up with nothing. "You're probably right. Still, he could come back. Don't worry too much, all right?" Easy for him to say, true, but he didn't need Luke getting any more down when he was most likely still trying to get over his brainwashing.

It seemed cruel to be pushing Luke onto the next objective, but Guy figured that keeping his friend's mind busy would probably be a good thing at this point. "The guy here who can make weapons... he's free tonight. I organized for us to go see him, if that's okay with you," he finished awkwardly. It was hard to offer a proper consolation when it was about Asch, and Guy felt bad for that. But he didn't want to seem insincere, either.


Re: outside of M22 replicatedorder March 24 2010, 18:05:37 UTC
Luke wouldn't have pushed it, anyway. He straightened up as best as he usually did and paid attention to Guy. They'd have a shot at getting an actual weapon, huh? It seemed like a nice thing to have, especially after how he felt about abandoning the Key of Lorelei again. That still remained as the one thing he wished he was able to keep from the night before. Not those thoughts, not those memories, but the Key itself. Then again, being able to contradict those thoughts now was a good thing. Maybe, under that light, it was a good thing he didn't lose them.

"All right," he said, making no comment on Asch. Again, he wasn't pushing it. It was hard enough for Guy to hear him caring about his original; he didn't want him to keep having to give false consolation. "We'll head over there, then. It probably means we won't get upstairs tonight unless we move fast, huh?" Not that this was a problem. That just meant they would have to move in that direction the next night, and since he was going to be out with Anise all day, maybe she could come with them next time.


Re: outside of M22 razing_phoenix March 25 2010, 06:15:42 UTC
Luckily, Luke was aware of Guy's issues with Asch, which meant that he'd decided to leave the subject at that. Guy appreciated it, and he also chose not to say anything. This was about as certain as they could be of Asch's disappearance, but what could really be said about it? These things happened, and it was probably for the best that Luke got used to the idea sooner rather than later. Even if Asch had vanished, that didn't mean he was gone for good, which was probably why Luke seemed to be taking it relatively well. With the link that the two had, Luke would probably knew if Asch had actually died.

When Luke mentioned that they probably wouldn't be able to get upstairs after this change of events, Guy gave it some thought and then shook his head. "We might still be able to, depending on how fast we move." There was no point in lingering around here if Asch was nowhere to be found, and so Guy started to head back the way he'd come, wanting to get them moving right away. "It is out of our way, but we probably won't run into any trouble on the way." That was his hope, anyway. Monster attacks around the halls were fairly rare.

[To here.]


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