Day 48: Cafeteria (Breakfast)

Mar 03, 2010 15:01

Luckily for Mele, the night had ended before Tenzen had changed his mind and deemed Mele appropriate for target practice. Even if the situation of who was mocking who had seemed to change into the Iga ninja's favor. Despite her behavior, perhaps the insolent woman could serve some sort of use nonetheless. He had been trapped in this place for a ( Read more... )

rika, kirk, klavier, axel, meche, kagura, tenzen, anise, minato, rude, leonard, the doctor, ranulf, england, indiana jones, naminé, utena, luke fon fabre, zex, niikura, taura, hayes, peter parker, kurogane, lunge, lana skye, mello, brainiac 5, xemnas, ange, albedo, anthy, nunnally, remy, tsukasa, agatha, peter petrelli, mele, two-face, yuffie, erika, the scarecrow, sync, battler, scourge, tyki, wolverine, zack, l, haseo, shinji, sechs, senna, haine, scott pilgrim, aigis, gumshoe, dahlia, ritsu, hanatarou, beatrice, sora, prussia, ashton, rei, claude, renamon, keman, guybrush, alkaid, von karma, hanekoma, guy, heat, kairi, kio, venom, depth charge, kibitoshin, allelujah, fai, riku, aerith, rolo, yue, ema skye, mccoy, scar (tlk)

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Comments 718

not_rly_fai March 3 2010, 17:28:19 UTC
It was probably a lucky thing that night had ended when it did. Whatever had possessed Sechs to come after them like that was dangerous to say the least. Moreover, he was worried about what was really going on and just how much Sechs was hiding, but... it wasn't his business, was it? These were the kind of things he was better off staying out of ( ... )


contentincloset March 3 2010, 17:47:48 UTC
Kurogane never remembered going to bed in this place because he was fairly certain he never had when he ended up back in his room come morning, only this particular morning he remembered less than was usual as even the night was gone. There hadn't been any leaving his room or even getting ready for some reason, although he did remember eating dinner. Mostly because he had been thinking about the need to track down the magician, something he apparently had not done ( ... )


not_rly_fai March 3 2010, 18:04:21 UTC
And of course, it was always the people he wanted to avoid that ended up finding him first. He supposed it was inevitable, especially given that yesterday he'd managed to duck out of even seeing the other man. But after that bulletin he'd taken down, and managing to avoid him for the night as well, he knew he was in for something. Whether it was a lecture or a fist, he wasn't sure.

"Good morning," he replied neutrally, glancing up with a plastic smile on his face. Until he knew which particular bone the man had to pick with him he wasn't about to volunteer any explanations.


contentincloset March 3 2010, 18:26:30 UTC
He stared a moment, as if evaluating the response, then sighed and looked down at his food. "Only you," he grumbled, then speared a piece of fruit on his plate.

In all honestly the ninja just didn't know where to start. He'd spent so long with just trying to find the magician alive and well, or well enough given how that eyepatch looked, that everything had had the chance to settle in. It made organizing his thoughts even more difficult a task than was normal, and voicing them harder still. The brainwashing, the arena, the night upstairs... just the whole place altogether! He couldn't make up his mind which had him more pissed than the next, so he went with what he knew and what he'd first noticed.

"What's with your eye?"


finalwitch March 3 2010, 17:40:11 UTC
Upon waking, the last in the line of Endless Witches decided on a few small but relatively important details.

Firstly, despite the sneaking and lock breaking, nights here were rather uninteresting. Perhaps on its own, her dull lifestyle was imposing upon the environment. No weird hospital, patient, or supposed monster could break the mold of monochrome and drab. Secondly, despite his exterior, Rolo was acceptable company. Certainly, they failed to hold much of a conversation, but such was an ideal, far preferable to giggling schoolgirls.

Finally, she decided Battler, Beatrice, and their incarnations had to have been some delusion. Yes, likely born from her usual addled mind. After all, it...

It wasn't important.Sense took proper hold of the young woman, and she noted with indifference that she had been escorted to a seat in the cafeteria, food tray in hand. The escort had probably been her nurse, though the woman was nowhere to be found. In whatever case, Ange pulled up the tray and started stabbing her sausages with a fork, the ( ... )


whos_da_man March 4 2010, 04:58:01 UTC
Junpei was both relieved and disappointed to have the night end. The bad was he and Asuka were removed from each others' presence. The good was he and Asuka were removed from each others' presence. Gods, the girl was hot, but what a bitch. Oh, he hadn't been as fooled by her sweet and sugar act as she probably thought he'd been. He was just willing to put up with a lot because she was a hot redhead that piloted a GIANT FRIGGIN' ROBOT. The Evangelion's cool points totally canceled out the bitch points ( ... )


finalwitch March 4 2010, 06:15:09 UTC
She stayed oblivious to the young man and his smile, albeit the fault tied more to past experience than a failure to win. Ushiromiya Ange, after all, had no social life. A boy wanting her company was outside of her range in comprehension. Therefore, she continued poking unceremoniously at her food, until the sausage links seemed to be on the verge of shredding.

Finally, eventually, Ange caught the tail-end of his question. Join her? "Eh?" she blurted out, blue eyes glancing up at the taller figure. It took a second to make out exactly what he was asking. "...Yeah. Sure."


whos_da_man March 4 2010, 06:32:20 UTC
The seconds ticked by in silence and Junpei was starting to wonder if he smelled or something. He hadn't exerted himself the previous night in any way, so he didn't think he smelled. Maybe the chick was just stunned by his rugged good looks and was at a loss for words. Never mind that she wasn't looking at him ( ... )


itneverwas March 3 2010, 17:46:04 UTC
Once again, 'surprise' may have been an appropriate emotion to experience. Or perhaps a certain sense of alarm, confusion. Though his brain certainly experienced the results of a sudden shift between locations and positions as the Nobody awoke with a start, this hollow shell of a man could not experience surprise or confusion. All there was was a sense of disorientation before his brain caught on to the situation at hand ( ... )


hajike_tobiume March 4 2010, 07:22:40 UTC
Momo sighed when she awoke in her room. They had just gotten to the ruins when the night ended. One would think she'd be used to it, having been held captive for close to a month now, if not longer. Yet, some things would always stay unnatural and jarring.

After having stashed her sword, the diminutive shinigami was ushered into the cafeteria and given her meal. At least she could handle more solid food with grease now. She made a mental note to never let herself starve again. Finding a place to sit was not hard, but Momo chose a silver-haired man that looked familiar. She'd never spoken to him before, but she could have sworn he had been around as long as she had.

"Hello. May I join you?"


itneverwas March 4 2010, 19:38:43 UTC
Xemnas observed the various patients entering the room, watching as they acquired their food and found their way towards a vacant seat. Those that were held captive came in variety, not containing a pattern as far as he could perceive on appearances. All the while nurses kept close watch upon their charges, yet their presence had been severely lacking during the darkness. It certainly provided an illusion of normalcy, yet the night he had experienced tore such a fallacy to shreds.

A patient approaching him appeared to be an inevitable occurrence, but the Superior welcomed it. The answers Erika had provided were useful, but not enough. This young woman, perhaps she could provide some of the knowledge he was seeking.

"Good morning," he offered, before he nodded and made a gesture towards the seat across him. "You may."


hajike_tobiume March 5 2010, 03:41:56 UTC
The polite reply was met with a gracious smile as Momo took a seat.

"Whether the morning is good or not, I guess, depends on how each person's night ended. I would not consider it good, but certainly not bad," she said. "But I'm used to it by now. I would think the same goes for you. After a while it tends to blend together."

She smiled again. "I'm Vice Captain Hinamori Momo. I've seen you around, but this is the first time I've spoken to you. I hope you've been getting along well."


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hat_einen_vogel March 3 2010, 19:54:21 UTC
Waking came in a sudden rush of awareness, and Prussia bolted upright the instant his eyes opened.

He wasn't outside. He was inside, in a room-the same room he'd found himself in last night by the looks of things. He didn't know how he could have gotten back there; he'd been outside with Keman and Howl, escaping. He didn't remember getting caught. The only people who had even been nearby were those two; had they tricked him, and knocked him out once his back was turned?

Prussia felt at his head for any sign of trauma, but there was nothing. No bump, no tender bruise, no lingering headache that might have proved that something had happened even if the injury had already disappeared... It was like he'd just suddenly awoken from a dream-or more likely, a nightmare. Only the matching rooms from then and now and the ache of what he was missing convinced him that no, last night had happened. It had been real, and how he'd ended up in this room again was just one more question he didn't have an answer to ( ... )


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hat_einen_vogel March 4 2010, 02:37:14 UTC
"Asking me that?" Prussia hissed, glaring at England. "You're the one who put me here! You should know!"

...Well, it would have been him and America, Russia, and France, but the details didn't seem particularly important right now. England was here in front of him and the others weren't, and that was what mattered.

He released England's shirt, yanking his wrists back in an attempt to free himself from the other Nation's tight grasp. His lips curved into a feral grin. "The only thing I'm trying to do is smash your face in while I've got the chance. Now hold still."


kagurazuki March 3 2010, 18:12:27 UTC
Last night had been a confusing mess, but at least Ritsu was alright. She hadn't had a chance to get much of an explanation out of him, but it was worrying and not at all like him to leave his room and be gone for so long without reason. And if he'd just been waiting for her in the hall, she would've seen him, right? She felt sorry for running to Bridget with her problems, only to find that Ritsu was back out in the hallway. Something just wasn't adding up. Plus, she hadn't been able to get the things she needed for Toshiro ( ... )


cigarettes_plz March 4 2010, 05:41:13 UTC
Well, that was some night. At least it was finally over.

Despite losing a whole pack of cigarettes to Mihai - THE TRAITOR - this morning, he had to admit the familiarity was... Actually, no, it wasn't welcome. He'd just lost a whole pack of smokes. A whole pack of smokes. And probably his stash too, when Mihai found it. Fuck his life right in the ass.

He scanned the cafeteria for his Pasty McWhiteface partner and caught sight of Alkaid, Renamon, Snowflake (who probably had a name)... and Sohma sulking around by herself, looking for someone. Well, he was supposed to meet Haine (who had no real reason to kill him right at the moment) but a buffer wouldn't be too bad. Besides, how could he pass up an opportunity like this? He needed a little more cheer in his shitty assfucked life.

Badou came to a stop by her table and grinned. "Hey Sohma, what's up?"


kagurazuki March 4 2010, 06:54:12 UTC
No sign of Ritsu yet, but Kagura smiled when she saw a familiar face approach. After last night, a friendly smile was just what she needed. She straightened and looked up at him, making sure to greet him properly.

"Good morning Badou-san," she replied in a small, quiet voice. "Ah... I just got here and was looking for m-my cousin. But if you like, you're... you're welcome to join me. I... I'm sure I'll find him before the day is out."

At least, she hoped so. He'd been in the hallway last night, so that meant he hadn't been in any of those awful experiments, but... why had he been out in the hall? Why hadn't she run across him before she got to Bridget's room?


cigarettes_plz March 4 2010, 17:09:11 UTC
Badou slid into the seat across from her. "What's he look like? I'll keep an eye out for you." It wasn't like he'd have to go out of his way and hey, maybe Sohma would relax a little.

"You manage ok last night?" He picked a strawberry out of his tray (one a week to ward off scurvy) and popped it into his mouth. He wasn't particularly hungry but picking at his breakfast kept his hands busy when he really wanted to get back to his room and hide his smokes better.


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