Night 47: Main Hallway, 1-Center

Feb 11, 2010 19:50

[From here]Tyki moved further down the hallway at an easy pace, noticing the lack of other patients around here but he didn't really care much about it. Perhaps it meant no one would snag any smokes away from under his nose this time, but then again, that may have been too optimistic. Eh, but that hardly meant that another person would get away ( Read more... )

kirk, tsuchimiya kagura, albedo, klavier, meche, kagura, bella, faith, peter petrelli, kaito, depth charge, nigredo, beatrice, allen, yomi, niikura, roland, battler, tyki, mello, hime

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Re: [Waiting just in front of the Sun Room door] wearsthehakama February 15 2010, 22:00:00 UTC
"It's still early, though, isn't it?" Kaoru replied and switched hands on her frying pan. "I don't mind waiting." She rubbed her eyes with one hand, banishing away her sleepy feelings. What she wouldn't give right now for a hot cup of tea to wake her up.

Well, at least it meant she'd be more alert than the people who'd stayed awake all day long. "I'm sure they're on their way."


chainsaw_royal February 13 2010, 08:03:33 UTC
[From here]

Hime paused as they neared the doors to the Sun Room. A few people seemed to be readying to enter, and it sounded as though others were already inside. There weren't noises of fighting yet, but there were sure to be soon. While they could wait for the others to go in and provide even further distraction, Hime didn't want to waste too much time now. It was time to take the plunge into the abyss.

"Alright. It seems we may be able to get through yet before battle breaks out," she said once the group arrived at the door. "The relative merits of who goes in first are thus: Kagura can probably go in first undetected and at least see what's going on so we aren't simply ambushed the moment we step inside, but Depth Charge is probably best able to deal with such an ambush. In either case, if we are not attacked and this is useless worrying, then make haste to the cafeteria. In case we are attacked, try to avoid conflict and go there anyway. There's no point in getting caught in a fight at this point in the evening ( ... )


scalyfishman February 13 2010, 08:51:51 UTC
Depth Charge raised an eyebrow straight back. Now that was... interesting. And here he'd been thinking he'd be the tank- taking the hits, throwing the big ones and generally getting himself scrapped, for what it was worth. He couldn't decide if Hime was crazy or not for taking the diplomatic route, but hey, if it meant he wouldn't be standing around like a drone and taking orders? Bring it on ( ... )


ninelivesonce February 13 2010, 15:29:48 UTC
[from here]

She wasn't the first one here, but she wasn't the last. Taura breathed a sigh of relief as she surveyed the hall. Kenshin and Kaoru were chatting across the hall by the doors -- waiting for the group, not waiting for a lone straggler.

She waved at them from her vantage point -- somewhere she could see anything approaching them from behind, and they could do the same. That accounted for, she leaned up against the wall and waited.


notachick February 16 2010, 00:18:05 UTC
[from here]

And there she was. Okita kept a careful guard up even as he let an easy smile grace his lips as he approached Taura. He could see Himura and his friend waiting as well, but he made sure to avoid them as much as possible. After what had happened the last time they met, Okita doubted Kaoru would be very hospitable or even open to the idea of Okita so much as greeting them.

Taura was easy enough to spot. Her tall frame made her stand out among the patients during the daytime well enough, and at night even more so. Okita didn't waste any time in walking up to her, waving slightly as he did so. "Good evening, Taura-san. I hope I did not keep you waiting for too long."


ninelivesonce February 16 2010, 02:09:16 UTC
"No, not long. Though it was long enough to see a group come staggering back out. There's something in there." She paused, and then offered more tentatively, "We may need both groups working together to get one through."

She would play decoy, if it was asked of her, but she was curious about the basement. It was another mysterious destination, one she hoped was more than a well-guarded armory.


notachick February 16 2010, 04:16:01 UTC
Something in there indeed. Okita moved closer to the doors and listened for a moment, closing his eyes as he strained to hear through the Sun Room doors. The sound of a battle reached him, and words that he couldn't make out, but it was obvious what was going on. He took a step back and nodded at Taura's assessment. They'd need both groups if any of them were going to make it through. Or they'd need to take a secondary route. "It would appear that tonight is the night they brainwash the patients and force them to work for the Institute."

He turned to look at Taura, resting one hand on the hilt of his sword as he thought. "The Sun Room is certainly a popular destination, isn't it? I wonder why it's always so heavily guarded."


repeatingfate February 14 2010, 20:41:14 UTC
[From here]

She paused, clicking off her flashlight and looking into the Sun Room. Rika's curiosity was piqued - she recognized Battler, and something felt...strange about the blonde woman he was standing next to. Not familiar, exactly, but strange.

With that, she turned around - was she being followed?


purpletaint February 14 2010, 23:28:34 UTC
[two steps behind from here]

The girl moved forward, the hesitation from their eyes meeting an afterthought. He frowned as she stepped in the path his eyes had made, creeping to the doors and pausing. Lonely? Of course. But who was she to make such claims, peering in doorways like one left behind? A companion?

He stepped to where the girl had halted, the female child, and crossed his arms. "Are you going in?" he asked dryly. Violet eyes. "There's many places to play further up and further in." Down, actually. Down, down underground. But it all was the same in the end. It all remained.


repeatingfate February 14 2010, 23:42:45 UTC
"So I've heard," Rika answered, quietly. "Further up and further in...I hear that's where the answers are."

[She'll say more once they're here.]


purpletaint July 26 2010, 03:27:10 UTC

goldenroulette February 15 2010, 04:11:45 UTC
[from here]

Beatrice made sure she was a few feet away, and in the shadows, before leaning against the wall, coughing. "I really was trying to throw up a barrier for the both of us, you idiot. Don't assume I wasn't trying to fight back."

Her voice softened then, though - no. Not softened, so much as questioned. "How did you know what I was going to ask you?"


dreadofthegrave February 15 2010, 21:33:05 UTC
"Oh? I'm supposed to block something even a witch couldn't evade?" Battler returned on a light note of sarcasm. It did sound like something he might try, or maybe more accurately, something he might think of. In fairytales, the knight often protected the princess even with his own back. He probably would have, if given the chance, but those kind of stories were named such because they never quite fit into reality. He wasn't a knight, nor she a princess. Unequal footing wouldn't necessarily work in his favor; his strength wasn't automatically guaranteed solely by the color of his pieces. When facing a stronger opponent, it was inevitable that white might end up in check. Right now, it was more appropriate to at least be glad it hadn't ended in mate ( ... )


goldenroulette February 15 2010, 23:06:37 UTC
"...Tch." She tried to fold her arms over her chest, turning away just a bit to again try and hide the worst of that blow, but she couldn't. Blood stained her lips, though it wasn't visible in the dim light. The first thoughts that came to her mind were teasing, but she kept them to herself for the moment, for the most part. "I wouldn't have put it past you to try to do so. It runs in your family, Battler ( ... )


dreadofthegrave February 18 2010, 00:27:47 UTC
.... So, the use of red was prohibited? Or maybe just restricted. Considering where they were, that could mean a lot of things. There was something blocking it, the rules were different here, or she was intentionally leading him astray. The last actually seemed the least likely at this point; they were past the stage of petty tricks. Perhaps the reason didn't even matter so much as the fact it was denied; in the world of the gameboard, of conflicting truths, where witches and demons roamed freely, it was the only real guarantee of anything. In other words, without that red, nothing was going to be confirmed or denied ( ... )


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