Night 47: Main Hallway, 1-Center

Feb 11, 2010 19:50

[From here]Tyki moved further down the hallway at an easy pace, noticing the lack of other patients around here but he didn't really care much about it. Perhaps it meant no one would snag any smokes away from under his nose this time, but then again, that may have been too optimistic. Eh, but that hardly meant that another person would get away ( Read more... )

kirk, tsuchimiya kagura, albedo, klavier, meche, kagura, bella, faith, peter petrelli, kaito, depth charge, nigredo, beatrice, allen, yomi, niikura, roland, battler, tyki, mello, hime

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Comments 106

vitale February 12 2010, 00:01:08 UTC
( from here. )

When Bella ran into the next hall, she stopped next to the Sun Room entrance and pulled out her map to check if she was going the right way. (Then again, if she had taken a wrong turn she would have been humiliated - she was supposed to only be going in a straight line from this point on, god dammit. There was no possible way she could mess that up.)

Tracing her finger down the hallway, she stopped on the stairway that she was headed for, nodding her head. Almost there.

After catching her breath for a few seconds, Bella soon took off again, glad to be a little bit closer to her destination.


vitale February 12 2010, 00:17:55 UTC
( to here. )


dreadofthegrave February 12 2010, 00:14:37 UTC
[from here]That was easy enough. Just a few corners, and he was already there. The question was, did he stay out here, or go inside? He did get that warning on the bulletin that the Sun Room was some kind of hotspot at night, but who knew what that meant. It probably had something to do with those monsters he'd heard mentioned, but Battler couldn't help but feel instinctually safe. Rather than a dangerous situation, this somehow felt more like one of those stupid tests of courage you'd do in middle school; all the sense of fear was created from the atmosphere rather than actual dangers. The idea of wandering around in a mental hospital in the dark was pretty creepy, but wasn't that just an associative fear? As a kid, you heard weird stories like that all the time, but stories were just stories. And even though he'd arrived fairly quickly, there was a possibility that Beato had arrived first, especially since he'd taken the time to look around his portion of his room ( ... )


number1smiley February 12 2010, 04:39:45 UTC
[from here]

Perhaps Teresa will inquire with Homura what the man knew about the ruins.

"Hime and her band of merry minions are heading into the bowels of the building this night," she informed Morgan. It wasn't as if Hime had asked her to keep the information confidential, nor did she own the Royal any obligation to do so even if she had.


swornandbroken February 12 2010, 05:01:23 UTC
"I was hoping to get a look at the ruins myself tonight, if there's time." This was the main reason he'd bothered putting on the coat and boots. "The person who told me about it mentioned there was something that looked like it had been a doctor's office.

"And what's down there?" If Mello had learned anything about this place in the last twenty-four hours, it was that he shouldn't have been so quick to assume that there was nothing more to the hospital and its surroundings than met the eye. A room with useful shit, hidden behind a closet; mysterious ruins... he was slowly coming to terms with the fact that escape wouldn't be straightforward, and that he shouldn't discount information that seemed meaningless on the surface, or write people off who seemed as if they wouldn't know anything useful. He made a mental note to investigate this Hime person, on the strength of her having so-called minions.


number1smiley February 12 2010, 05:25:43 UTC
"Trials of some sort - quite dangerous, I've been told," Teresa replied. "Other than that, I know nothing. Those that have been down there seem very tight-lipped about it. Or perhaps they simply lack the ability to describe it properly."


swornandbroken February 12 2010, 06:01:14 UTC
"Trials?" All right, now he was really fucking curious, and eager to find out what the story was, and to pit himself against whatever was down there. "What's the reward?" There had to be one, right?


destroyeroftime February 12 2010, 08:37:24 UTC
[from here]

Once Allen got into the next hallway, he paused and looked around. There were several choices he could make, so he pulled out the map and looked at it. The Sun Room was nearby, of course, but he didn't think he'd find Usopp there. The doctors, or whoever they were, had taken him somewhere, so...was he on the second floor? That seemed like a good place to start. The first floor didn't look like there was anything too interesting on it for tonight.

He folded the map up, put it away again, and started moving towards the next end of the hallway, thinking to take that staircase instead of the one he'd already passed.


tyki_pon February 12 2010, 18:34:53 UTC

Tyki had been about to continue on his way to the doctor offices when a familiar head of white hair passed by. Said familiar head of white hair apparently hadn't seen him yet, or the kid was once again demonstrating what kind of bad stalker he was. Whatever it was, it looked like the kid hadn't kicked the bucket just yet.

That changed things, didn't it?

Abandoning his idea of getting to the doctor's offices (it could wait), the Noah approached Allen and stopped in front of the kid's nose, cutting of the way to wherever he was headed.

"Fancy seeing you around here, boy," he said with a grin, "Huh, and here I was being worried that someone must have already beaten me to finishing you off."

And before the Exorcist could even utter a response, the Noah got down to business: "I don't know where you've been, but I think you still owe me seven packages full of cigarettes. It's pretty rude to make me wait so long, you know?"


destroyeroftime February 13 2010, 21:24:48 UTC
Allen immediately went on the defensive. He wasn't stupid; he didn't even try to activate his Innocence. He knew from experience that Tyki Mikk wasn't an easy person to fight, and Allen was in a hurry to get somewhere.

He was ready with an angry remark, but his anger was quickly replaced with confusion.

"What are you talking about? Why would I owe you anything?" The anger in his voice was barely restrained. How could the Noah talk to him so easily?! The last time they'd seen each other, Tyki had tried - and almost succeeded - to kill him.


tyki_pon February 14 2010, 00:11:13 UTC
"Well, that's usually what happens when you bet something in a game and end up losing," Tyki pointed out. Even though it had been more of a fight than a game, but that still didn't change the fact that the Noah had won and the little Exorcist had lost. The brat might as well have been a little thankful he hadn't killed him off right there. But what did the Noah get in return? Waiting ages for seven packages of smokes.

Next time he was going to make sure Walker would die, even if he had to chop him to pieces or something. Third time's the charm, right?

"Don't play dumb, boy. I know you're a cheater, but this is really pushing it, you know?" And that was coming from someone who (partly) made a living out of cheating. He thoughtfully took a drag from his cigarette for a moment before continuing: "I think I'll add two more packages of cigarettes to the count. You know, as interest."


rocksthecourt February 12 2010, 17:45:53 UTC
[from here]

This was the part where things could get bad. They needed to pass through the Sun Room to get to the basement entrance. This room had served to do nothing but torment him, both day and night, since his arrival. He hated this room. At night, however, it had proven itself to be extremely dangerous. Klavier had no idea what to expect this time around, but simply walking in without due caution would be a fatal error on both their parts. They needed to examine the room and weight their options.

Something not involving sacrificial heroics would be nice.


falseblack February 12 2010, 18:18:35 UTC
Nigredo was about to answer in the affirmative, except the man had already taken to walking away. He also mentioned things that didn't quite ring as sense in the boy's mind. Stay behind? Stay close? Wasn't that technically his line?

Ah, well. There was a benefit to being the rear guard. Nigredo could, for instance, shove Klavier forward should events come to it. Or force him to stop.

Like now. "Wait," he interjected as the pair drew closer to the Sun Room. "I hear voices in the other room."


rocksthecourt February 14 2010, 19:43:03 UTC
Klavier slowed his pace a little at Nigredo's words. He was right. Several different voices could be faintly heard within the room: Conversational. No signs of screaming, yelling, or fighting of any kind. So no danger from creatures of any kind as of yet. However, he knew better than to believe that deemed the room unquestionably safe to travel through. Things were never that simple. Depending on who the people were and what they were doing, the room may still pose a danger ( ... )


falseblack February 14 2010, 20:52:23 UTC
The boy stuck close to Klavier as the man gave his visual sweep. Nigredo's own eyes, however, were fixed on a single point, in the place beyond the shadows to where the voices were coming from. The tones did not sound dangerous; none of the three distinct tones he caught came off desperate. Perhaps some annoyance, but that was hardly worth hesitation.

When Klavier pulled back and gave his report, Nigredo nodded in a solemn manner. "It might be best to move now, while they're having a conversation," he stated. If one or more was a brainwashed patient, this would be an ideal opening. If there was no danger, there would be no foul in movement. Either way, they had to go.

"Turn off your flashlight. Stick close to the walls, but don't run," he warned as he passed through the threshold. I don't want to stay there for longer than necessary.

[To here.]


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