Night 46: M-B Block Hallway

Jan 02, 2010 20:18

[From here]Oh yes. What a world of difference the right clothing made. Ordinarily, von Karma would have kept his coat buttoned up just to conceal that horrid logo on the hospital-issued shirts. However, the only reason he was even wearing the shabby-looking coat now was strictly for its function of carrying his items. Hopefully, the trip to the ( Read more... )

von karma, kirk, albedo, guy, peter petrelli, nigredo, two-face, demyx, zex, claude, sasuke, alkaid, peter parker, zack, spock, the flash

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Comments 29

toobothersome January 7 2010, 06:42:12 UTC
[from here]

Shikamaru passed through the halls with practiced alertness but little more, assuming that if anything bad happened, overall probability suggested that he wouldn't be the victim.

[to here]


purpletaint January 8 2010, 07:07:35 UTC
[from here]

Here, only, Albedo paused, a brief wondering slinking in and dispersing just as soon. There was a kind of fear in this, a trepidation. Again, he looked back; again, he continued.


falseblack January 8 2010, 07:18:26 UTC
The scenery came and passed; Nigredo could neither recall or speculate on how long or how far they'd walked. By misfortune, he noted the glance back, and on instinct, he looked away in shame.


purpletaint January 8 2010, 07:45:13 UTC
This glance was held, and left behind; almost a beat out of step, Albedo followed the path he had taken.

[to here]


cigarettes_plz January 10 2010, 03:11:16 UTC
[from here]

He lit a fresh cigarette - long overdue - before answering her question. He didn't really believe that was it, but he didn't pry. Not yet, anyway. "My heart rate's good where it is." He exhaled smoke. "When we find Haine, try not to..."

Breathe too loud? This was kinda insane, really, but so was trying to dissuade Alkaid once she set her mind to something. Some days, he was just asking for trouble. Maybe Landel wouldn't even waste his monsters tonight. He could just sit back and chuckle while Badou got ripped apart trying to get between the two of them.

He kept an eye out for monsters as best he could, anyway, but it was sort of like being careful of the tracks while skipping towards an oncoming train.

"Try not to do whatever you did with Alle." He finished lamely. "Remember, pretend to be a tranny."


constellates January 11 2010, 04:00:18 UTC
"Uh huh, whatever!" The whack on her arm got Alkaid out of the way and starting down the hall, kinda like how you had to smack certain machines before they started moving. Nice face, huh? Yeah, right. Looked like his asshole face to her, but honestly they all looked like that. Asshole through and through, that was for sure.

Glad to get going, Alkaid ran beside her friend, making sure the path in front of them was illuminated.

...Wait, do whatever she did with Alle? What the heck did that mean? She spoke her mind a little bit. "I don't know what that's supposed to mean. I was completely nice to him; he was the one who started talking about his dark past and stuff!!"

She shook her head. "Stuff like that... it should be shared between friends, you kn---what do you mean, tranny? Like I could pretend with these things! I may be manlier than you, but I'm still all woman!!"

Wait, where was she going? She realized then that she didn't really know. Same block, or a different one?


cigarettes_plz January 12 2010, 03:11:11 UTC
"Yeah, he does that. Just cut him a little slack, ok? We were trying to kill each other last time." Badou replied, though he had a rough idea of what had gone on during that conversation. To be fair, he'd told Alle almost exactly the same thing. Seriously, it was like trying to get between two loud, socially retarded kids. Alkaid, it's not nice to call someone a creepy emo kid. and Alle, put down those scissors this instant. We had a talk about this.

Maybe if he got back home he'd quit PI work and run a daycare. At least he'd be getting paid. He'd just have to keep the Bishop away with a plant mister or something.

As for the tranny thing, it was part last-ditch-effort and maybe part teasing Alkaid. That was a luxury, since usually he was the butt of every joke. Badou kept his expression serious even if the darkness helped to hide it. "It'd be pretty simple you know. Pretend you paid for that --" Badou cupped his hands at the level of his chest, moving them up and down a little to suggest heavy boobs. "And don't flip your skir--- ( ... )


constellates January 12 2010, 09:13:35 UTC
Cut him some slack? Alkaid had gone into the conversation fully prepared to forgive the guy for being such an ass to them, and then 'Alle' had taken it in a direction she hadn't really expected. "Uh huh, why shouldn't I worry about your safety? I mean, he doesn't know when he's crossed a line! Who tells people they've just met that they started murdering at eight?"

Though, she did have to wonder if he had just been screwing with her, just to see how she would react. What a jerk he'd be if that was true. Jerk either way, right? She hated when people misled her... She was always such a sucker for it, and often she didn't know she'd been had until it was way, way too late.

"But if you want me to cut him slack, I will. I don't even have to talk to him again, you know!!"

Quickly compiling a list of ways she was manlier than Badou, she ran into the next hallway, assuming from the way the redhead was running that they'd be going out into the main area. Hadn't she just come through here?

[to here]


dual_worlds January 18 2010, 01:30:23 UTC
((From here.))

The light from their flashlights illuminated the halls as they made their way forward. The area was quiet thus far, though Spock continued to remain alert as he observed their surroundings and listened for any signs of an impending attack. He was almost 100 percent certain that McCoy's quarters were located in the hallway at the end of their current path. Even so, there was no reason not to refer to Chekov's map and to verify the correct route.

He glanced toward the ensign, expecting him to confirm where they needed to go.


sewenteen_sir January 19 2010, 00:39:15 UTC
Chekov moved his light lover the floor of the large hallway, looking for signs of an attack. He didn't see anything, and when Commander Spock glanced at him, Chekov took that to mean that the Vulcan hadn't seen anything either.

"M41..." he muttered to himself, illuminating the well-worn page his maps were drawn on. The ensign looked up, back at the map, then tucked it into his pocket. He knew exactly where their end destination was, now.

Smiling a little to himself, he led the Commander across the hallway--feeling a small thrill of self-satisfaction. The Enterprise's navigation required some skill, to be sure, but nothing as outdated as leading a group via a paper map, most likely not drawn to scale and obtained via an unreliable source. Even though he was easily committing the areas he'd seen to memory, he wondered if he shouldn't start a file of to-scale maps for the existing crew ( ... )


sitard3d January 19 2010, 04:17:48 UTC
[From here.]

Well, he might as well continue before Kvothe asked what he meant. "See, there's these things called the Heartless in my universe. They're like - monsters made of darkness, I guess. Anyway, they steal hearts. Usually when a human gets their heart stolen, they just turn into a Heartless themselves. But if a human with a strong will loses their heart, sometimes their body gets left behind, like an empty shell. Those're Nobodies. If they've got a really strong will, their bodies stay more or less human, and they don't look much different from normal people. There aren't very many of us like that, though...and we're not really complete. We don't have hearts, so we can't feel emotions, and we always feel empty." He tapped his chest. "I don't even have a heartbeat. Don't ask me how the heck that works, 'cause I don't really understand this stuff too well myself."


sir_savien January 20 2010, 03:27:12 UTC
Kvothe was silent for a minute as they walked, attempting to wrap his head around that. It didn't really make a lot of sense from his perspective, but he didn't disbelieve Demyx. He'd come face to face with stranger (and more sinister) things than these 'Nobodies.' It was still...well, 'strange' didn't really cover it but he wasn't sure what else to call it. "That's...not like anything I've ever heard of before," he says finally. "I'm not sure I really understand it. How can you not have a heartbeat? That makes no sense, biologically..."


sitard3d January 21 2010, 06:29:23 UTC
"Like I said, don't ask me." Demyx shrugged. "There's only been thirteen of us that we know of, and no one's ever cut one of us open to check...but you can feel, if you want." He tapped his chest again. "Or...well, you can feel that there's nothing to feel, I guess?"

He gestured for Kvothe to follow him as he led the way to the next hall.


sitard3d January 21 2010, 07:10:11 UTC
[To here.]


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