Night 46: West Wing, South Hall 1-B

Jan 02, 2010 10:41

[from here]Once out of the female block, Momo hesitated, unsure what she wanted to do. She'd left her room without a thought, her body automatically following the same motions she did every night once she'd secured Laevatein back in its hiding place in her room. She was feeling more comfortable with the broadsword, but there was only so much she ( Read more... )

von karma, argilla, meche, anthy, asuka, scott pilgrim, hinamori momo, yuna, anise, minato, dahlia, mele, yuffie, jade, utena, ayumu, chise, cloud, aerith, taura, alkaid, kinomoto sakura, aidou, harley, ruby, tim drake

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Comments 78

kagurazuki January 2 2010, 22:11:04 UTC
[[from here]]

It didn't take long to reach the larger hallways, but it was terribly dark and empty. She tried not to shake as she let her flashlight scan up and down the hall, even checking the ceiling just in case. No spiders, no vampires, so far, so good. Toshiro's room was just around the corner and down the next hallway, so it should be alright.


kagurazuki January 2 2010, 22:13:53 UTC
[[to here]]


see_my_back January 2 2010, 23:06:03 UTC
[[from here]]

Sakura wasted no time heading out into the main hallway, her flashlight flicking here and there only long enough to determine if the location was safe or a threat before continuing on. Kakashi wanted to compare her to a halfwit loser? She'd show him just how serious she could be!

Her heeled sandals made only the barest of sound as she continued on to their predetermined meeting spot. They'd better damn well get those books tonight. This was getting ridiculous.


see_my_back January 2 2010, 23:08:32 UTC
[[to here]]


tostepforward January 3 2010, 01:50:46 UTC
[from here]

It was almost empty in the hall at the moment, thankfully enough. If she'd had more time before leaving, or at least a little more privacy, Ayumu might have taken the time to pad the contents of her bag so that it made less noise as she moved. As it was, though, she had to move even slower and more carefully, lest it betray her presence with a soft clink of metal on metal.

After a brief pause to establish that it was as quiet as it had initially seemed, she moved on into the next hallway. She had to get this over to Okita's room before he left, lest she miss him in the hallway and he arrived at her room to find Yuffie and whoever else might have decided to show up there.

[going here]


lookitmemama January 3 2010, 05:23:33 UTC
[From here]

Oookay, Asuka remembered this large hallway. She had found Kaworu and Shinji in the corridor to her right. Hopefully as she retraced her steps back to their meeting spot she would find something more productive than two men holding onto each other. Jesus, no amount of bleach was going to wash away that image. A needling thought concerning Shinji's safety poked her in the back of her mind, but it was easily silenced with a deep scowl. She couldn't save wonder boy all the time! He needed to grow a pair and take care of himself! Jeez!

Now she was getting all flustered, great. Even without Shinji here he made her blood boil.


lookitmemama January 7 2010, 07:29:21 UTC
[To here]


ninelivesonce January 3 2010, 06:04:21 UTC
[from here]

Just outside the door, Taura stopped. This was where they'd agreed to meet. She wasn't sure which direction Mr. von Karma would be coming from -- and threats, even here in the barracks, could come from any direction. Even solid walls weren't a guarantee; that had been last night's lesson. So she took up position beside the door without touching the wall.

What looked like casual fidgeting was a calculated series of turns to make sure every direction -- wall included -- came into view over a five-minute stretch. It could be repeated for as long as it took.


perfectrecord January 3 2010, 06:27:15 UTC
[From here]Once again, after checking for hazards, von Karma rounded the corner and headed north into the hallway just outside the female patient block. Only two people were present, a young woman who seemed to have lost her sense of direction... and Taura standing near the wall waiting for him ( ... )


ninelivesonce January 5 2010, 04:14:33 UTC
"You, too. For being prompt, I mean." She meant it; she'd had enough of waiting around in this place; even when nothing attacked, opportunities were slipping out of their grasp.

Taura's voice was just slightly hoarse; a tickle lurked at the back of her throat, but she swallowed it down. "Is that where we're headed? No problem at all." She stretched, rolling the kinks out of her shoulders; muscle rippled in coordinated waves. "Ready when you are."


perfectrecord January 10 2010, 09:54:46 UTC
Hmm... At the faint sound of Taura clearing her throat, von Karma lifted his left eyebrow. Was her raspy voice a lingering side effect from her sedation... or was she nervous about this mission? The former was quite understandable, though still unacceptable to him; had Ms. Taura conducted herself properly in front of the nurses, they would have had no need to sedate her in the first place ( ... )


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