Nightshift 45: East Wing, Hall A [First Floor]

Nov 23, 2009 12:10

( From here.Sean rounded the corner, Chris in tow, and skidded to a stop (fortunately not wearing shoes had helped him run faster, though his feet felt uncharacteristically dirty--the floors were clean, weren't they?). He looked around frantically in the dark for at least one glimpse of a member of the night staff. Nothing. He and Chris were on ( Read more... )

allen, artemis, haku, teresa, hime, schuldig

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Comments 28

faithful_frost November 23 2009, 22:14:34 UTC
He'd figured as much, but he didn't want to bring it up. Besides, at the moment, it wasn't terribly important.

Chris moved a bit ahead of Sean, trying doors and ignoring the way that little voice in him mind kept trying to convince him he could pick a lock, or kick it down or anything equally as silly. "I-I think they're all locked," he managed to stammer out.


k4t4str0ph4l November 25 2009, 08:35:08 UTC
[Has been running flat out since here.]

"Why are you even bothering with this?" Schuldig snarled when the boys were finally in eyesight again, slowing his run to purposeful, angry stalk. He wasn't even winded - speed was one of his few physical talents(out of those that could be discussed in polite company, anyway), so simple running wasn't going to cause him to truly exert himself, at least not yet - but he was growing increasingly irritated. "I'm faster than you are, and I've got longer legs. Even if you run from one side of the institute to the other, do you really think I couldn't catch you if I wanted to? You're just ensuring that when I do eventually corner you, I'll be angry."


byname_bynature November 25 2009, 10:08:16 UTC
"I know, I know!" Sean hissed, trying to think clearly. All of the offices were locked. Maybe they could try the group therapy rooms further down the--

The thought gave way to panic when he heard Schuldig coming at the end of the hallway. This had been taken further than Sean had originally intended. He wished he'd never left his room. He wished that they could find someone who worked during the night. He wished Schuldig wasn't coming at him and Chris holding a hatchet.

Any coherent response or urging for Chris to run again was lost. Schuldig, angry and with a hatchet, was not something he wanted to be close to.

He groped in the dark for Chris' arm, wide-eyed and nearly immobile. Once he had it, he took off blindly--not even sure where he was going at this point.

( To here.)


chainsaw_royal December 1 2009, 00:20:20 UTC
[From here]

It seems they'd made it to their destination - or one of them, at least - without incident. Hime's flashlight revealed the line of doors down either side of the hallway, doctor's offices judging by the signs on them.

"It seems you both have singular enemies; that must give you some sense of confidence when facing them," she commented dryly, inspecting the doors. "I get the excitement of never knowing what will be trying to kill me next."

Walking up to a door at random, she tried the handle. Locked.

"I assume there's no particular order you want to pillage, ransack and loot?" she asked the other two, taking a step back from the door. She smiled at Teresa, indicating the locked doorknob then the warrior's weapon. "Care to do the honors?"


number1smiley December 1 2009, 04:51:44 UTC
"So, it seems," Teresa replied to Allen. "I have been told from another that they believe I am from a place called Australia." Granted that had been Rolo with the assumption that Brittania was the land across the water. She really didn't care, especially knowing what she knew now of that incident with Euphemia ( ... )


destroyeroftime December 1 2009, 06:53:35 UTC
"I know there are other things with blood," he said, slightly annoyed, "and Akuma aren't the same all the time. They have levels, and they evolve. Some of them are much worse than others. They aren't...the only enemy I have to face, but I don't really want to talk about the others, if that's okay." Allen was a little put out by Hime's tone, but he tried his best to not take it personally. Some people just expressed things differently than others, and it wasn't as if he wanted an argument ( ... )


chainsaw_royal December 1 2009, 09:08:56 UTC
It seemed youma and akuma made up for the lack of variety with their own variations, according to those two. And as Teresa had mentioned, there were the Awakened ones. Still, considering that there were some creatures in the Kingdom that there weren't even names for, she would think having your enemies be a somewhat known quantity might be a relief. Not that having things out to kill you was ever a relief ( ... )


byname_bynature December 4 2009, 07:18:19 UTC
( From here.)

Sean raced through the door, hatchet in hand, skidding to a stop a few feet in. "Come on!" he called, gesturing Chris through the door. How Chris was able to carry Schuldig, he wasn't sure, but it was working well enough.

Once Chris was through with Schuldig, he pushed the door shut.


faithful_frost December 4 2009, 07:25:58 UTC
He heard the beast pounding behind him and forced himself to move even faster, feeling the wounds on his legs tearing open further, and stumbled slightly. He felt Schuldig slip slightly and looked up at Sean.

"He's slipping," he shouted, then gasped as he stumbled once against just before he managed to cross the threshold.


damned_monsters December 4 2009, 07:35:03 UTC
The sounds of pursuit didn't cease even as one of them reached relative safety, and the sounds of the leftover's uneven footfalls never even slowed until it was almost on top of the door. It skidded to an abrupt stop just in time to keep it from slamming into the wall of the building, its wings abruptly thrusting forward as lightning played over its feathers and then arced from wingtip to wingtip - and over and through anyone caught between them.


byname_bynature December 4 2009, 08:57:30 UTC
"I got him!" Sean called, pulling Schuldig onto his back and moving away from the door. Chris was bleeding more. They needed to get somewhere safe, and fast. He didn't think he could feel Schuldig's heart beating against his back.

Sean took three quick steps away from the door and turned, seeing the floor below him light up.



tostepforward December 4 2009, 09:28:37 UTC
[from here]

Once in the hallway Yuuko couldn't help but hear some kind of odd commotion going on down at the far end, and she paused a moment to wonder about it. That sounded...kind of like a horse. But why would a horse be wandering around in the middle of the night? Much less in a hallway...

She refused to listen to the tiny voice that told her that this seemed a lot like some of the stories she'd heard, and some of the things she herself had believed about the nights here. It wasn't possible, though. It couldn't be. But still she hesitated, glancing uncertainly back at Rick. "I hope your doctor's office is pretty close...."


theroadsofar December 4 2009, 19:52:56 UTC
Whatever it was, it was pretty much quiet the next moment, although there was a weird smell in the air. Not exactly like that burning smell in the Entry Room, but...dunno, he kept thinking he should know what it was. Still, he didn't see any Green or any other patients charging them, and it sounded pretty safe to him. Wasn't like the monsters under the bed were real and that knife he had wasn't something he wanted to really use, if he could help it. Rick stopped to get a look around, shining his flashlight across the doors.

Third time was the charm. Rick stopped, his flashlight hitting Kisugi's nameplate (he wasn't surprised when it didn't even have any tiny scratches on it) and tried the handle.

"It's locked," he said, frowning. The options were turn around or keep going, but it wasn't like he had a ring of keys on him. Having trips that he could kick down the door or something like he was from COPS was fun except for the part where that was just TV. "Don't suppose you can pick locks?" he asked, half-joking.


tostepforward December 4 2009, 21:36:53 UTC
"Well...normally I could." That was a skill that was legitimately hers, not something she'd only thought she could do because she was supposed to be a ninja. Yuuko had learned it for fun, basically, and because it annoyed her uncle (which she'd always considered a worthwhile endeavor) but in the end it had actually turned out useful enough, considering how often her friends had forgotten their locker keys.

She pulled her attention away from the other end of the hallway, since the noise seemed to have subsided a bit; it was too dark for her to see that far, but she didn't much like the smell that was coming from that direction. Or maybe she was imagining it, just like she'd been imagining all kinds of things tonight. The darkness must just be making her jumpy.

The lock on the doctor's office was a little more complicated than that on a simple locker, and she pointed her flashlight at it with a thoughtful frown. "If I had my picks, maybe. Or even a bit of metal." She did have a pen holding her hair back, but...this was a door lock, ( ... )


theroadsofar December 6 2009, 08:02:07 UTC
If it was a car, then yeah, Rick might've had better luck and it wasn't just wishing he was some poor man's Bruce Campbell: getting into locked cars was kinda par for the course working in a garage 'cause it wasn't that rare of an instance where a customer would turn around to hand the car over to them so they could get to work...and discover they'd just locked their keys inside. Hell, he'd even had to help Matt once or twice like that, even when Matt kept dropping hints about the skill like he as regularly breaking into cars or something.

Rick patted down his pockets. He hadn't exactly thought to snag paperclips before while he was here and the only thing he had that was metal was the bowie knife, which was a bad idea to be flashing around even if Yuuko was a pretty cool chick.

"I got nothing. Could kick it open but it can't be as easy as it looks on the TV," Rick said, pausing and frowning at the door.


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