Night 45: F21-F30 Hallway

Nov 21, 2009 21:05

Dinner had been pretty quiet. In fact, upon coming to temporary terms with the fact that she was alive, Aerith had wondered if things didn't seem a little too quiet. Traveling across the Planet with AVALANCHE had rendered her used to the constant voice of Gaia in the back of her mind at all times. It hadn't been like Midgar where the only whispers ( Read more... )

falis, kitty pryde, meche, aerith, sophie, hokuto

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Comments 57

petalwitch November 22 2009, 03:07:26 UTC
It didn't seem like anyone else was occupying the hallway. Sighing, Aerith picked a direction at random and started walking down the hall. She wished they'd left her a staff or some materia along with her clothes.

[to here.


goesthruphases November 24 2009, 01:55:01 UTC
Kitty was actually getting used to the quiet dinners. It was a little odd considering the ruckus she was used to at mealtime, but it was kind of nice in its own way. At the very least, it gave her a little time to prepare for the coming night.

Once the doctor's voice came over the intercom announcing the beginning of night, and once the doors unlocked, the teen hopped up from the bed. She wanted to meet up with the others as quickly as possible; she didn't know who 'Matt' was, but she was curious about Mr. Logan. It had been quite a shock to learn that he was there -- or at least had been. She could understand someone managing to capture her or Kurt, kind of, but Mr. Logan? That was just scary.

Grabbing her flashlight, Kitty opened the door and did a quick sweep of the hall. It seemed empty, which was... creepy, honestly. Rather than think too much on that though, she moved out and headed towards the end of the hall.

[to here]


F22 himetsuru November 26 2009, 03:49:45 UTC
When the intercom went off and there was that difference in the Head Doctor's voice, Rose sat up quickly in her bed, eyes wide. She didn't like that tone, it reminded her too much of...

The blonde crawled out of her bed and tip toed to the door after she heard a click that sounded very much like the door unlocking. No, it couldn't be. It was her imagination. This was a mental institute with violent patients, herself a prime example. Why would the doors unlock?

Turning the knob, Rose found it was indeed unlocked and peered outside. Blackness. Nothing. No staff, no... wait. There was movement and bobbing lights. This was just like her--

Rose slammed the door shut and shoved her desk chair under the knob. If she could unlock it from the inside, anyone could get in. She didn't like this, not sure if she was starting to lose it again or not. She wasn't feeling the pressure in her head, so she was pretty sure she wasn't going to have an episode. Her eyes flickered over to Sarah. She was really glad she didn't feel an ( ... )


Re: F22 akarusa November 26 2009, 04:05:34 UTC
[[From here.]]

To be polite, Hokuto knocked rather than just opening the door. "Um... Rose-chan? Sarah-chan?" she called in. "Can I come in?" She wasn't armed, but she'd changed into her usual outfit, the one from home. Maybe it would ring a bell with them.

Hopefully she could keep them from getting into trouble, but she had no idea what she was going to do with them all night. Too bad we can't go raid the Game Room...


Re: F22 himetsuru November 26 2009, 04:12:25 UTC
At the knock, Rose jumped and let out a small eep. Who was knocking on the door? Did they have a bloody axe like in that one movie she'd seen at the last team get-together she attended?

The voice that followed the knock was familiar and Rose was compelled to trust it, but... what was that voice doing on the other side of the door? Maybe Rose was just imagining it, her mind trying to lure her outside where who knew what could happen.

"Go away," she said, not particularly loud. A phantom of her mind should be able to hear it.


Re: F22 akarusa November 26 2009, 04:43:26 UTC
Hokuto heard the reply,and tried not to sigh audibly. "Rose-chan," she called in. "It's--Kazuko." If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Playing along with the brainwashing probably wouldn't get her very far, but right now the important thing was getting in the door.

Yes, she could probably just open it, but she was a little worried about getting ambushed if she did.


mrs_nose December 8 2009, 12:12:22 UTC
Like a busy, worrying hand at her shoulder, Sophie was stirred awake by the lack of noise. If anything else, the booming and ringing in her ears had stopped but in it's place was a sudden blinding darkness. Heart hammering in her chest, she dully wondered just how close the Witch of the Waste had gotten to Howl. If they were feeling the battle this far away, she couldn’t imagine what was happening outside in Porthaven.

"Oh, bother that witch," Sophie muttered, raising a hand to scrub at her face indelicately. Eyes adjusting to the darkness, it surprised Sophie to find a stone ceiling swim into view. Strange… Shouldn't it have been a door? The Porthaven door to be precise and, oh goodness where did Michael go? Why was she lying down?

Sophie sat up, alarmed. This was most certainly not Howl's castle unless there was some secret room she hadn't been told about, which was entirely possible with Howl being all wit whenever she was around, but all she could concentrate on was that this wasn't at all the other end of the Porthaven door ( ... )


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