Night 45: F21-F30 Hallway

Nov 21, 2009 21:05

Dinner had been pretty quiet. In fact, upon coming to temporary terms with the fact that she was alive, Aerith had wondered if things didn't seem a little too quiet. Traveling across the Planet with AVALANCHE had rendered her used to the constant voice of Gaia in the back of her mind at all times. It hadn't been like Midgar where the only whispers ( Read more... )

falis, kitty pryde, meche, aerith, sophie, hokuto

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F22 himetsuru November 26 2009, 03:49:45 UTC
When the intercom went off and there was that difference in the Head Doctor's voice, Rose sat up quickly in her bed, eyes wide. She didn't like that tone, it reminded her too much of...

The blonde crawled out of her bed and tip toed to the door after she heard a click that sounded very much like the door unlocking. No, it couldn't be. It was her imagination. This was a mental institute with violent patients, herself a prime example. Why would the doors unlock?

Turning the knob, Rose found it was indeed unlocked and peered outside. Blackness. Nothing. No staff, no... wait. There was movement and bobbing lights. This was just like her--

Rose slammed the door shut and shoved her desk chair under the knob. If she could unlock it from the inside, anyone could get in. She didn't like this, not sure if she was starting to lose it again or not. She wasn't feeling the pressure in her head, so she was pretty sure she wasn't going to have an episode. Her eyes flickered over to Sarah. She was really glad she didn't feel an episode coming on because it didn't look like there was anyone around that could stop her from seriously hurting he roommate.

Rose was scared and backed away from the door until she made contact with the dresser. She then slid down to the floor and hugged her knees. She watched the barred door as if expecting something alien, with a bladed tail and burning blood to come bursting through it to get revenge for one of its fallen.

Why did that particular thought pop into her mind?


Re: F22 akarusa November 26 2009, 04:05:34 UTC
[[From here.]]

To be polite, Hokuto knocked rather than just opening the door. "Um... Rose-chan? Sarah-chan?" she called in. "Can I come in?" She wasn't armed, but she'd changed into her usual outfit, the one from home. Maybe it would ring a bell with them.

Hopefully she could keep them from getting into trouble, but she had no idea what she was going to do with them all night. Too bad we can't go raid the Game Room...


Re: F22 himetsuru November 26 2009, 04:12:25 UTC
At the knock, Rose jumped and let out a small eep. Who was knocking on the door? Did they have a bloody axe like in that one movie she'd seen at the last team get-together she attended?

The voice that followed the knock was familiar and Rose was compelled to trust it, but... what was that voice doing on the other side of the door? Maybe Rose was just imagining it, her mind trying to lure her outside where who knew what could happen.

"Go away," she said, not particularly loud. A phantom of her mind should be able to hear it.


Re: F22 akarusa November 26 2009, 04:43:26 UTC
Hokuto heard the reply,and tried not to sigh audibly. "Rose-chan," she called in. "It's--Kazuko." If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Playing along with the brainwashing probably wouldn't get her very far, but right now the important thing was getting in the door.

Yes, she could probably just open it, but she was a little worried about getting ambushed if she did.


Re: F22 himetsuru November 26 2009, 04:48:15 UTC
"Can't be. Kazuko's in her bed, asleep, and not knocking on my door," Rose replied, her voice still not raising any. "Phantoms are only in my head and if I try really hard, I can make you go away."

A pause. "You can't make me come out there where that thing is waiting for me. I'm not that thing."


Re: F22 akarusa November 26 2009, 04:55:02 UTC
Hokuto sighed, and finally just tried the door. Obviously the knob turned, but apparently something was blocking it. "There's no 'thing' waiting out here, but since you never know when one is coming, mind letting me in? You know you can take me."

Okay, maybe addressing the apparent paranoia was a bad idea, but she wasn't sure what wasn't right now.


Re: F22 himetsuru November 26 2009, 05:41:25 UTC
"It's always waiting, always watching... ready for me to slip up. Ready for me to be weak and take me. I'm... always weak. That's why that thing exists, because I didn't want to be weak, so it took me," Rose continued to say, swaying a little as she talked to the door.

A pause. "I can't take you. I can't take anyone without killing them. That's why it took me."


Re: F22 akarusa November 27 2009, 08:08:04 UTC
"You are not weak, any more than you're sick," Hokuto said firmly. "You're one of the strongest people I know. You would have had to be, to survive everything you went through."

She didn't hear Senna talking... hopefully she was just sleeping, because if she'd been taken tonight on top of everything else, Hokuto was going to kill something.


Re: F22 himetsuru November 27 2009, 15:00:09 UTC
"That's not strength; that's luck. I was lucky she didn't kill me too. And the rest was therapy. Lots of therapy. That's the only reason I talk," Rose said.

Why was Rose finding herself wanting to open the door? She was scared of what was on the other side. Staying inside meant she could keep the hunter away, not fall into another time of not being herself. She wouldn't be exposed to the potential of another episode. But maybe, maybe inviting the phantom inside would make it go away. Things only had power if you let them, right?

Slowly, she got to her feet and approached the door. She eyed it for a moment before she shoved the chair aside with her foot and then quickly retreated back to the dresser. She didn't say anything, but watched the door with haunted and scared eyes. She just needed to not give the phantom power.


Re: F22 akarusa November 28 2009, 03:08:55 UTC
Hokuto opened the door slowly, not wanting to startle her and bracing herself for an attack. She didn't think it would happen, but she wasn't about to take a chance that both of them would regret.

When nothing happened, she entered the room and closed the door behind her, still slowly, and looked around. It was a relief to see Senna asleep in bed--not so much to see Falis hiding near the dresser like that, looking so frightened.

"Not that kind of survival," Hokuto said softly, going over to her girl. "The kind where you find the strength to keep on going, even when it's a struggle." For now, she simply moved to sit down next to her, not touching, but close enough to.


Re: F22 himetsuru November 28 2009, 03:22:17 UTC
Rose barely resisted the urge to crawl under her bed and hide (the single act that kept her alive all those years ago) when the door opened. She stayed where she was.

Apparently, her phantom wore red. She wasn't expecting that. There was something familiar, though, as if she'd seen it somewhere before. Must have seen it at Doyleton. That town was certainly behind the times in more ways than just fashion.

When the phantom that was her girlfriend (that's what Hokuto had said, right?) but not her girlfriend sat down, Rose couldn't keep herself from scooting away. She was afraid and she couldn't let the phantom have any power.

"I found that strength. It turned me into an obsessed violent girl that hurt everyone she cared about, unloved by anyone. It turned me into a crazy killer. I have blood on my hands because of strength," she whispered.


Re: F22 akarusa November 28 2009, 03:25:01 UTC
"You are so not unloved," Hokuto said firmly. "Not anymore." She had friends back home, if she remembered them, and friends here, who she'd better remember.

"And you did what you had to. Believe me, Rose-chan... I've been there too." She just looked sad; Sei-chan would make his choice, one way or another, on his own. All she could do now was hope he listened to her.


Re: F22 himetsuru November 28 2009, 03:31:47 UTC
Rose shrunk back even more, her hair falling forward over her shoulder.

"Did you ever send a girl to the hospital beaten so badly she needed surgery just because she asked 'Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?'?" Rose shook her head and trembled. "No, you didn't. No sane person would."


Re: F22 akarusa November 28 2009, 03:58:21 UTC
"If you were insane at the time, why are you still blaming yourself?" she asked softly. She didn't think she could argue that none of that was real, but she wanted to take that haunted look out of her girl's eyes.

Too bad she's so scared of magic even normally... She wanted to cast a shield spell or something to show that "Rose" had been lied to, but not while she was still acting like... this.


Re: F22 himetsuru November 28 2009, 04:03:27 UTC
"Because someone has to," Rose replied. "It's not an excuse."

Rose wrapped her arms about herself. "Besides, you aren't real. You're just a phantom of my mind, trying to lure me out where I can be hunted down and claimed again. I won't go out there. I won't!"


Re: F22 akarusa November 28 2009, 04:10:53 UTC
"Uh-uh." Hokuto shook her head. "I'm not trying to take you anywhere. We can stay right here, all night, if you want." At least she doesn't seem to remember that I told her I died... Unless that was coming.

She was concerned about waking Senna up, but obviously, Falis wasn't going anywhere if she could help it. That was okay, though; they were definitely best off staying in here. And if the room itself didn't feel secure enough, they could hide in the closet... or under the covers.


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