night 45: F-A block hallway.

Nov 21, 2009 19:05

( from here. )So far, so good. Once Bella’s hand touched the corner of the wall, she followed it slowly, her feet stumbling over themselves for a few seconds before she finally got her footing. “Stupid ... disorientating darkness,” she muttered to herself, her cheeks flushed from the thought of falling. That certainly wasn’t high up there on her ( Read more... )

kitty pryde, anthy, asuka, bella, anise, yuffie, sync, utena, ayumu, chise, claude, yomi, aerith, harley, hime, ange

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Comments 42

full_score November 30 2009, 03:39:04 UTC
((From here.))

He never should have gone in there, he kept saying to himself as he darted out of the bathroom door. Somehow, even after Claude had nearly killed him, Sync still managed to win. He wasn't sure which was worse -- the fact he'd nearly murdered a recovered mental patient, or that he'd failed to put an end to a former monster who had the potential to hurt more people later on? Yet undeniable shame washed over him in the form of a cold sweat, and now Claude wanted nothing more than to put as much distance as he could between himself and that place.

What would Guy have done if he'd been in his shoes? What would Dias have done? The answers wouldn't come, would never come after last night. Clenching his teeth, Claude could only force himself to run as fast as his feet would carry him.

Celes and Anise were probably wondering where the hell he'd gone. Quite frankly, he was dreading having to face them after this.

((To here.))


madeinthehrl December 1 2009, 02:08:33 UTC
[from here, waiting for Meche]

There were...more people out here than Maria had expected. So it wasn't just her door that had been unlocked, it had been a lot of people's. Maybe even everyone's. That wasn't safe, was it? It was one thing to pretend it happened at night, but this was something else. This was different. For one thing, it wasn't actually supposed to happen.

Where was her nurse? Did they really all go home for the night? Surely there would be some staff on hand in case something went wrong? This institute was so highly regarded. It didn't make sense for there to be no nighttime supervision. She was sure Papa wouldn't have had her sent to a place like that.

Maria gnawed on her lower lip, trying to shrug off her discomfort. Nobody here seemed hurt yet. That was a good thing, right? But they could get hurt. Why wasn't anyone doing anything about it?


sheisthecause December 1 2009, 05:28:51 UTC
[from here]

It was sort of like speaking of the devil: as soon as Meche started to worry about one zombie-infected friend, she turned the corner and saw the other one right there in the hall. Soma was by herself, moving...differently from usual, Meche thought. As though she was uncertain or preoccupied about something. Or hungry?

"Soma!" Meche called, hurrying over to the younger woman before she really stopped to think about it. "How are you feeling?" She certainly didn't look very happy--not that Meche should really expect her to, she guessed, since the last time they'd seen each other they'd been in the middle of a fight. Feeling a little guilty, Meche glanced around. The hall was mostly empty, but there were a handful of young guys nearby who could probably help her if Soma was feeling peckish.


madeinthehrl December 1 2009, 05:36:25 UTC
Maria turned instinctively, the flashlight beam skittering in the general direction of the voice, and almost regretted it. She needed to learn to stop responding to that. It was what people here knew her as, but...they needed to see the light eventually too, didn't they?

"Meche," she said, offering a faint smile that surprisingly came rather easily. She didn't know the older woman's real name, so she guessed it was all right if she kept calling her that for now. It was a relief to see someone familiar out here in the hallways, even if she hadn't spoken to Meche very often. There was that one time in Doyleton, and...she'd appeared sometimes in her delusions, but...

"I'm all right," she added quickly, aware that she'd paused for a moment. "I'm doing a lot better." That was right; she'd hurt herself a few days ago and Meche had expressed concern. It was nice of her to ask. "Do you know what's going on, though?"


sheisthecause December 1 2009, 20:16:03 UTC
"I'm glad to hear it." Meche came right back with a smile and a private rush of relief--maybe it had just worn off after all, then. Hopefully that meant it wouldn't be too bad if she were a little late getting to Senna and Alita's room. "Senna was pretty worried when she didn't hear back from you on the bulletin board yesterday afternoon, so it's good to see you up and around, you know?" She didn't mention the incident the other night; it didn't really need to be said.

What was going on? A whole lot of things, honestly, but Meche decided she'd better skip to the most important details. "I'm actually on my way over there right now," she explained to Soma. "Senna had a pretty bad day today, so we're both playing hooky from Arts and Crafts tonight, and I wanted to make sure she's feeling okay ( ... )


forcalmeternal December 2 2009, 01:20:09 UTC
[from here]

"Rikku! Paine!" Yuna called softly as she turned the corner into...a bigger hallway. There were some people here, but no Rikku or Paine yet, which...wasn't a big worry! They were probably further on, except...if Yuna had fallen down somewhere in the Farplane (which was the last place she remembered being), then Rikku and Paine would have found her then, wouldn't they? They'd gone ahead, but they couldn't have gone far, and...Yuna didn't even remember falling or feeling dizzy. This wasn't like that time at Djose Temple where she'd been knocked over....

"Ouoh," she muttered in exasperation, shining the light around everywhere before deciding to just keep on going and see if Rikku and Paine were there. If they weren't, she'd...think of something else.


finalwitch December 3 2009, 08:57:04 UTC
[From here.]

At the end of the hallway began another, one stretching east and west. A door stood at the center, another at far left. Here, people also shifted and interacted. Here, again, Ange found herself wondering.

It was far from natural for this many bodies to gather together in a single area. In the dead of night, even. If her assumption was correct and she indeed was in a hospital, these facts were cause for concern. Whoever heard of a medical establishment letting patients roam free when they should be in bed? Not a very good one. Obviously.

She peered cautiously at the three corridors adjacent to the one she came out of, before opting for the door at the other end. It seemed this was where majority of the traffic came from. Best to investigate there.

[To here.]


lookitmemama December 4 2009, 00:33:17 UTC
[From here]Good, she was almost there! Not that she was worried or anything. Every leader had to have a great sense of direction, and Asuka could have nothing less than than an expert one ( ... )


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