Nightshift 45: M-B Block Hallway

Nov 21, 2009 23:23

[From here]Place was pretty quiet, Tyki noticed. He casually swept the beam of his flashlight around the hallway, but there really was noone in sight. No monster, no patients, nothing. Huh. At this rate, he was going to think he was breaking his personal record of being early or something ( Read more... )

grell, kirk, kvothe, venom, usopp, chekov, hanatarou, two-face, sora, jason, ratchet, zex, hayes, kurogane, artemis, haku, tyki, mccoy, spock, nathan petrelli

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Comments 39

deadlyjuliet November 23 2009, 14:03:08 UTC
[from here]

M76! M76! He had to get there before Brainy tried to leave and got himself hurt! seemed Geoffrey was already late and so many people were already moving around. Was everyone out? Was it some sort of security malfunction? Did that mean...they could run away? He could run away and leave and go home on some forged-- NO! No! That was bad! There was no way he could ever do that - he wouldn't! He...couldn't.

"...M76." The room number became his mantra as he forced his feet to move forward. Each step was terrifying because his torch barely illuminated the way, not but a meter and a half was visible to him and that left shadows playing on the walls, drawing up demons from his past. Sebastian. If Sebastian were real. He wasn't. He was some delusion Grell had made out of that man, that beautiful man he'd seen just once, struggled with, tried to overcome... "M76."

Geoffrey moved forward.

[to here]


dual_worlds November 23 2009, 18:56:54 UTC
((From here.))

"When I spoke with the Captain earlier, I informed him that he was to wait for us to arrive once night fell," Spock quietly informed Chekov as they stepped into the patient block. Logically, there was no reason for "Bill" to ignore his instructions, particularly if he realized that the nightshift was indeed not as it appeared to be. It was clear that waiting to speak to two prisoners who were more experienced with coping with the Institute was the wisest course of action, to say nothing of the obvious advantage one would have when staying close to companions.

"Provided that I am able to secure his cooperation," he added in an even tone, "I intend to perform a Vulcan mind meld with him in order to ascertain the extent of the damage, and whether his former memories can be properly restored."

It was not a ritual he spoke of lightly, but he believed he ought to explain his intentions to Chekov beforehand. That way, the ensign would have at least some idea of what to expect during their upcoming discussion.


sewenteen_sir November 23 2009, 20:36:41 UTC
Chekov was glad that Commander Spock had some sort of plan, considering he didn't know the first thing about how to assess 'the extent of the damage'.

He'd never seen a Vulcan mind-meld before, but he figured there was a first time for everything. However, the way Commander Spock had said 'secure his cooperation' made it sound like this would be a highly unpleasant situation for Bill. Chekov wasn't sure if he was prepared to pin his commanding officer while another one performed a Vulcan ritual on him against his will.

"Let us hope that he stayed in his room," Chekov said, analyzing the room numbers. "If his door unlocked, he might hawe gone to inwestigate, sir."

[ To here.]


sewenteen_sir November 24 2009, 02:33:18 UTC
[ Back from here.]

Chekov started moving down the hallway more quickly, stuffing the map back in his pocket. He knew where he was going, more or less. It was one of the benefits to being trained as a navigator: once he knew where he was, recalling the map in his memory was a simple matter. He and Commander Spock were like a blinking red arrow on the map in his mind.

"Zis way, sir!" Chekov said with a bit more urgency, pointing to the door that no doubt Commander Spock knew they had to go through. "Zis way and to ze left!"


cmdr_exposition November 24 2009, 02:53:39 UTC
[joining from here]

"They're a clone society that broke away from Earth before I was born," Hayes was explaining, still in that same tone- not exactly cheerful, but unconcerned. "They fell to the Ur-Quan before us and decided to fight for them, and oh, were they hell on the Coreward Front."

He'd started moving again, but found himself quickly overtaken by a couple of unfamiliar prisoners who seemed to have somewhere to be in an awfully big hurry.


scintillatingly November 24 2009, 00:25:02 UTC
[From here.]

There were quite a few other patients who were still lingering around, and Matt had to wonder if any of them happened to be the one they were supposed to meet. Probably not, since they were supposed to be going to someone's room -- and if all went well, they would stay there.

Matt paused and looked back toward Hanatarou, waiting for him to take the lead from now. Hopefully he knew the number, but the boy didn't seem like the sort of person to slip up when it came to something like that.

"Where do we go from here?" he asked, not wanting to seem presumptuous about jumping ahead for that small stretch. While he'd thought himself to be some kind of Keyblade Master before getting here, and then someone with a fairly high position in the "Arts and Crafts Club," he knew that when it came down to it he was just a teenage kid who'd gotten lost along the way.


mitase November 24 2009, 02:11:25 UTC
It was kind of an odd feeling to have someone expecting him to take charge, and Hanatarou wasn't sure what he thought about it. He was already feeling uneasy from dealing with Matt-not-Sora, and now he had to pretend to know what he was doing. Well, as best as he could do so, at least.

"It shouldn't be, er. F-far." He glanced around to orient himself, then started to move toward the closest row of rooms. Not too fast, of course, lest he outrun the light that Matt carried, for what little comfort that small beam could carry. "Um, Demyx-san should be just down here."

[going here]


no_ones_son November 24 2009, 07:54:58 UTC
[from here]

Pretty quiet out here still. His fight with the moron hadn't attracted much attention at all. If Jason had needed more proof that the creatures that were let out at night stayed away from these areas there it was. He and the idiot had been pretty damn loud but there was no sign the noise had attracted anything looking for a snack.

It was probably lucky considering he was unarmed but he was feeling pumped from the fight and monsters didn't sound like anything to be worried about, no matter that he knew otherwise. Adrenaline still hummed through his veins and with the taste of blood and the all over ache and throb of his body it was familiar in all the right ways, like the feeling after a night spent taking care of his city. Step purposeful, he quickly made his way to the end of the hall.

[to here]


gavemyword November 28 2009, 21:08:21 UTC
[from here]

It was dark but navigating down a straight hall wasn't too hard. Jean tried to remember back to his experience the other night before realizing that trying to find his way around the dark via the memories and dreams of his persona seemed like a crazy person thing to do.

Instead, he did the most logical thing he could and wandered down the dark with his arms outstretched. He probably looked retarded as hell but at least no one was around to tease him.


gavemyword November 28 2009, 21:49:36 UTC
[to here]


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