Nightshift 45: M-B Block Hallway

Nov 21, 2009 23:23

[From here]Place was pretty quiet, Tyki noticed. He casually swept the beam of his flashlight around the hallway, but there really was noone in sight. No monster, no patients, nothing. Huh. At this rate, he was going to think he was breaking his personal record of being early or something ( Read more... )

grell, kirk, kvothe, venom, usopp, chekov, hanatarou, two-face, sora, jason, ratchet, zex, hayes, kurogane, artemis, haku, tyki, mccoy, spock, nathan petrelli

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Comments 39

hes_deadjim November 22 2009, 20:54:53 UTC
[from here]

The only signs that he had about this place being something else had really come around dinner shift and... well, now. Even now, he was going on a gut feeling and that intercom message. Doors opening could be explained as a malfunction or terrible judgment, but McCoy's rationalization only went so far. This was about it. No self-respecting medical professional made this big an error when it came to their patients.

That, doubled with the sudden reappearance of his uniform, "Chekov" appearing on that board, the ancient feel to the staff and their technique, and the root of all this, the transporter accident itself, were now all but cementing one of his theories. The doctor kept it to himself for now.

"I agree," McCoy didn't believe in monsters. But he did believe in patients who could get violent. "Did your friend say how long he's been here?"


cmdr_exposition November 22 2009, 21:29:21 UTC
"It didn't come up. We were a bit preoccupied with establishing that he wasn't an Androsynth." Hayes' voice was perhaps a bit more cheerful than the situation warranted. He was beginning to realize, to his shock, that he was feeling... good. This was not, he felt, supposed to happen when you were a prisoner.

But maybe it was normal, if being a prisoner was old news and your new prison had a blue sky. You could probably even see the stars, he realized- it was different when you were seeing them from the ground, with the atmospheric effects making them glitter. His walking pace slowed to a crawl as he contemplated that.


hes_deadjim November 22 2009, 22:31:40 UTC
The doctor shot Hayes a sidelong look. Was it him or did he actually sound somewhat happy? It didn't make any sense. He could think of a lot of things to be feeling right now. Annoyed, frustrated, confused, baffled were good places to start. Happiness would be out of place. Hayes appeared level-minded, definitely, but he'd seen people crack under different circumstances, often very strange and difficult ones. Some people handled it differently. Was he starting to break a little?

McCoy studied the back of the commander's head, searching for any sign of tension in his shoulders or any change to his bearing. He didn't see any. Maybe he was just hearing things.

"What's an Androsynth?" he asked, unable to stop the wariness coming into his voice. The name itself called up thoughts of androids and machinery too advanced for its own good.


cmdr_exposition November 24 2009, 02:55:22 UTC
[to here]


war_wounds November 22 2009, 21:55:23 UTC
[from here]

"Ow! Slaggit!" It might be a little tricky to find glitches in this sim when Ratchet couldn't even see. It was dark as the Pit out here! Even the Central Infirmary wasn't this dim, even in the Long Term Patients ward. Or maybe it was just that human optical sensors weren't supposed to work in low light. Whatever the reason for the darkness was, it was irritating ( ... )


war_wounds November 24 2009, 18:30:03 UTC
[to here]


whirlingwinds November 23 2009, 01:45:37 UTC
[ from here]

Finally, Naruto reached the hallway leading to the rooms. What was Sasuke's room number again? He kept going, knowing he'd remember once he saw the number.


whirlingwinds November 23 2009, 01:48:54 UTC

sir_savien November 23 2009, 02:06:32 UTC
[from here]

Nearly there now. He paused to check the number of the nearest door and was pleased to see that it wasn't too far from Demyx's. He glanced down the hallway briefly before hurrying onward.


sir_savien December 1 2009, 02:21:53 UTC
[to here]


contentincloset November 23 2009, 06:38:24 UTC
"Just what the hell is going on?"

Aiden scratched his head as he came to a more open hallway. The intercom had gone off a second time after what should have been the last announcement, and then the doors had suddenly unlocked. He'd thought he'd imagined it until he'd tried the door himself. His presence in the hallway proved that the doors had unlocked, but he still couldn't figure out the reason. A short? Or maybe something else. It had sounded like the guy in charge had known what he was doing. Maybe he'd just made a mistake and though he was talking to someone else instead of hitting the intercom.

Looking around, Aiden found that lots of other patients were taking advantage of the screw up. It was like a prison break really, except the prison was crazier. Whatever, he'd just go looking for a nurse and ask what the hell was happening. If that got him sent back to his room, then fine. As long as he got some answers.


contentincloset November 23 2009, 06:41:30 UTC
[gone here]


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