Night 44: Activities Shed

Oct 10, 2009 19:59

[from here]

Once inside, Junpei shut the door and swept the area with his flashlight. Good. No creepy crawlies were visible, and he wasn't about to wait to see if any emerged.

Having been in there before, he knew exactly what he wanted and where it was located. Grabbing a mesh bag, Junpei emptied the soccer balls out of it. With an uncharacteristic efficiency fueled by the knowledge that the longer it took him, the longer Evangeline would be waiting (which couldn't be good), he stuffed the leg and chest pieces of a catcher's set into the bag and then grabbed a pair of soccer shin guards to serve as bracers.

Ready to go, Junpei was about to swing the bag over his shoulder when he decided to grab a catcher's mask while he was at it. Just in case. He didn't really think Okita would be taking shots at his face, but he'd rather not ruin his rugged good-looks because he didn't have protection. Now he was ready.

[to here]

minato, junpei

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