Night 44: M1-M10 Hallway

Oct 07, 2009 18:11

Oh gods, it was back. He was going to end up trying to eat someone. Junpei just knew it. last night he managed to avoid that by not leaving his room, mostly because he was waiting for Ryouji who never showed, but that didn't matter. What mattered was Junpei couldn't stay put in his room this night. He needed to blow off some steam. He needed to get some armor for tomorrow's training. He needed to go meet Evangeline before she decided to turn him into a newt.

Being a newt would suck.

At least he had jeans, a t-shirt that didn't have a stupid smiley face on it and a hat to wear. That made him feel moderately better, even if he was the walking dead with a taste for human flesh. At least he still looked like himself, the rotting flesh only visible on his ankle, which was covered up by his pants. With a pair of heavy boots on, walking didn't hurt much. Oh, it still hurt, but he wasn't limping about. It seemed Trismegistos still had some regenerating punch in this damned place.

Grabbing his baseball bat, Junpei gave a pathetic sigh before he left his room. Time to get the evoker.

[to here]

junpei, endrance, kvothe, alkaid, hanatarou, howl, dean winchester, kanji, sora, sam winchester, haseo

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