Night 44: M1-M10 Hallway

Oct 07, 2009 18:11

Oh gods, it was back. He was going to end up trying to eat someone. Junpei just knew it. last night he managed to avoid that by not leaving his room, mostly because he was waiting for Ryouji who never showed, but that didn't matter. What mattered was Junpei couldn't stay put in his room this night. He needed to blow off some steam. He needed ( Read more... )

junpei, endrance, kvothe, alkaid, hanatarou, howl, dean winchester, kanji, sora, sam winchester, haseo

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Comments 32

M9 sir_savien October 8 2009, 01:41:23 UTC
Kvothe frowned to himself as the last announcement of the day, and the first of the night, played. Ominous and disconcerting news, especially about the monitoring of the bulletin board and the possibility that the events of the previous two nights had been due to something other than Martin Landel. If that was truely the case, this new person or persons could be more of an immediate danger to the population as a whole than Landel. He surpressed the urge to shudder at the memory of the ...creatures, he still refused to think of them as shamblemen, as he retrieved his green coat and the knife concealed in it from the closet. He grabbed a couple spare shirts while he was there, they could be used as bandages in a pinch, and shoved them and what was left of the aspirin he'd gotten when his hand was first broken into a pillowcase. He studied the flashlight for a minute before tearing a strip from his sheet with the aid of the knife and carefully tying it to his right forearm using his left hand and teeth, that would give him light and ( ... )


Re: M9 sir_savien October 8 2009, 02:52:24 UTC
Flashlight tied to his arm and one of the shirts in his bag cut and torn into bandage-sized strips, Kvothe double-checked that his knife was easily accessible where it was concealed inside his coat, took a moment to desperately hope that nothing like the previous nights would occur, and started out. He wanted to get to the main hall quickly to meet Javert. He didn't want to keep the man waiting.


Re: M9 sir_savien October 8 2009, 03:03:44 UTC
[to here]


scintillatingly October 8 2009, 07:23:29 UTC
There was Mr. Landel on the intercom again, trying to act like he had nothing to do with all the weird stuff that had been going on these past few nights. Sora wasn't sure what to think about that. On one hand, it had all been out of the ordinary when things had always adhered to a routine before. There'd also been that whole weird I.R.I.S. thing...

Still, even if the Head Doctor wasn't responsible for those things, he was definitely responsible for a whole lot of other terrible stuff! It wasn't like this excused him.

Brushing it off, Sora realized that he had a job to do. He was back in the leader role, which he had to admit he was pretty happy about. It seemed like Hitsugaya already trusted him, which he was glad for. The boy was quick to grab his flashlight, though he really hoped that Tsubaki or Hokuto would bring maps with them. Why didn't he have a copy of his own, again?

Oh well. They would figure it out one way or another! Waving goodbye to Hanatarou, Sora marched out of their room and down the hall.


scintillatingly October 8 2009, 07:29:15 UTC
[To here.]


[Outside M4] oftemptation October 8 2009, 15:11:27 UTC
[from here]

Endrance paused before knocking this time. Was No, he was just tense. There wasn't any sort of feeling over the weak Avatar-Avatar link. He took a deep breath, composing his face before knocking at the door.


M4 liveforthispart October 9 2009, 00:06:56 UTC
Okay, what the hell was going on around here? What just happened?! When Haseo started acting all weird, Kanji had just assumed the guy was tired or dizzy or something. Then the nurses came in saying something about therapy or counseling or some shit and started carting him off. Who the hell took people to some shrink in the middle of the night? Even if he didn't know what was happening, any idiot could figure out that excuse was a load of bull. But there wasn't much he could do and in the end, he'd spent the rest of dinner time by himself. Normally that idea wouldn't have seemed bad but in this case....

Goddammit, what the hell was going on? Did they take Haseo to the same place Naoto was or was this something else? Oh, this prick Martin thinks he's not feeling good now, he was going to feel a hell of a lot worse once Kanji was through with him! As soon as the doors clicked open, he flung the door open, ready to run out. Then he remembered he should probably grab a flashlight or something and turned back into the room to fetch it. ( ... )


Re: M4 oftemptation October 9 2009, 00:31:41 UTC
"I am. And I'm sorry for frightening you...are you all right?"

That question was quickly forgotten - what in the world was going on? Haseo was...well, if it was their brainwashing, it would mean a fight. Endrance didn't like the prospect, but at least he knew how to handle it, if that was the case. It would be awkward and he knew he'd be apologizing a lot come morning, but it was something he could handle.

"W-what happened, exactly? They didn't say where he was going to be taken or anything...?" The worry in his voice carried over to his face. It wouldn't matter if it had just been a nurse taking him, Endrance didn't think. That would have happened either way. The difference really came in the 'where'. If they'd mentioned a floor, or a specific place, then that could make the difference between needing to brace for a fight or needing to get a rescue party together.


Re: M4 liveforthispart October 9 2009, 00:52:25 UTC
Maybe he should have thought of some better way of saying that. The other guy looked really worried now. Either this guy sucked at holding back his emotions or Kanji sucked at explaining things in a good manner. Probably the second one. As for Blue's question, he wasn't sure how to really answer it since he wasn't all that sure himself.

"Uh, he... started actin' all weird during dinner. I figured he was just tired or somethin' but those hags marched in and took him off somewhere soon after. They didn't say nothin' about where but um..." He tried to remember what it was exactly that the people had said. "They said they were takin' him to some therapy thing. A session or somethin', right? They called it... Um. U... N... No, wait. M-U. That's it. Some therapy thing called 'M-U.' That's all they really said though before runnin' off ( ... )


M7 mitase October 8 2009, 17:48:56 UTC
He'd been hurrying as fast as he could, so Hanatarou was ready to go by the time the announcements were over, but as he gave Sora a belated wave in return and went to grab his own light -- well, he realized there was something he'd forgotten from the night before when it didn't turn on.

He paused for a moment, then shook the thing experimentally and tried again, with no luck. This...probably wasn't a good thing, he decided, but after another couple of minutes of lip-chewing uncertainty, realized that he still had things to do, light or no light. Around the patient rooms there should be people with lights of their own, and he was pretty familiar with the layout by now so he should be okay.

After that, though, well. Hopefully he'd run into someone friendly who could help him get to where he was going?

He was still trying to convince himself that it would turn out okay as he shoved the useless light into his waistband with his sword and headed out.


mitase October 8 2009, 17:50:41 UTC
[going here]


M01 fuzzy_diablo October 8 2009, 22:48:41 UTC
Kurt shivered a little. It was weird, seeing his fingers suddenly merge and regaining feeling in his tail suddenly. His mouth also had to reaccomodate for his fangs--the only thing that didn't seem to be a challenge was his pointy ears. He was blue and fuzzy again, and surprisingly sleek despite his inability to shampoo his fur like he usually did.

"So..." Kurt said, standing up and ripping a hole in the seat of his sweatpants so they would accommodate his tail. He silently apologized to whichever nurse had to fix all of his pants. "Do you have any plans tonight?" he asked Terry.


Re: M01 gothamsfuture October 10 2009, 04:17:04 UTC
Watching Kurt's transformation was interesting, and more importantly, didn't inspire the same urge to rip out his eyes that Tim Drake turning into the Joker had. If anything, Terry almost wanted to laugh when Kurt tore his pants. Accommodating for a tail wasn't the sort of thing he ever thought about, but made perfect sense once he had.

But what really mattered was that Kurt was asking about his plans, and Terry shook his head. "Nothing aside from what I was trying to do last night. What about you?" Since they hadn't exactly made it too far, settling on making a second attempt at it seemed like the most obvious idea. Even if Terry had put in a less than stellar performance the night before, he wasn't about to be tripped up another time.


Re: M01 fuzzy_diablo October 10 2009, 05:48:17 UTC
"I've got nothing," Kurt said, sounding a little embarrassed. He hadn't contacted Kitty over the bulletin, either, so he had no idea if she was just staying in or what. Man he could be a bad friend sometimes. He wondered if Kitty even knew that he'd stopped being such an idiot about hiding that he was a mutant while everyone else was coming out. He guessed so--she seemed pretty okay when they'd met in the Music Room. If she thought he was still avoiding her and Rogue, she probably would've said something about it. Or not said anything at all. Girls could be weird like that.

"I dunno, I didn't contact Kitty before dinnertime. I wonder if she's like... waiting for us to come get her or something," Kurt said, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. He really hoped Terry wasn't going to berate him for not talking to her sooner.

"Maybe we can check the girls' block and then try for the closet? Going through the Sun Room seems like a majorly bad idea."


Re: M01 gothamsfuture October 10 2009, 06:10:13 UTC
Well, so far? Kurt and Terry were both living up to the slacker reputation that went with being a teenager. Terry couldn't say he was particularly proud of the accomplishment, and he knew he'd have to start making firm plans soon. Getting stuff to fight with would definitely help to that end, so Terry stood up and began getting his stuff together. Not that stripping the case off his pillow and fishing out his flashlight and map took long ( ... )


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