Night 44: M11-M20 Hallway

Oct 07, 2009 13:06

Indy dressed and left quickly after the doors unlocked, ready to make an early start. He seemed to be the first one out in the hallway, which was fine with him. The fewer people around, the faster he could move--assuming being the first one out in the hall didn't also mean being the first course of King Kong's dinner ( Read more... )

klavier, edgar, yue, manny, dias, indiana jones

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Comments 23

M16 girlsandgadgets October 7 2009, 19:05:21 UTC
Edgar's eyes shifted to the door as it clicked open. The inter-prison communication system certainly had some interesting details- maybe he wouldn't be disassembling it so soon, since he was sure he didn't want to miss any pertinent information, especially any which might aid in escaping. He'd thought he might have a chat with his roommate (whose name he still hadn't gotten) during dinner, but it seemed that idea had fallen through. Perhaps he'd have more luck with that the following night.

Where he wanted his luck focused currently was on the task he had on his mind: getting to the room where he and Kuukaku had found the pressurized tank. He'd cross the bridge of getting the tank back to his room once he had it in his grasp.


girlsandgadgets October 7 2009, 19:57:52 UTC
[To here.]


M12 rocksthecourt October 7 2009, 21:37:33 UTC
He was... sorry? What was Herr Doktor going on about now? First he goes missing and now he was apologizing for the last few nights? Things have been getting extraordinarily bad lately, and if Klavier were to consider the head doctor's absence and peculiar behavior... Was this an act, too? He couldn't be sure, but if the doctor was actually being truthful about that point, it meant he was not involved in the events of the last few evenings. And that was possibly more horrifying than anything else the man could have said.

If he hadn't orchestrated anything then what was going on exactly? Were things simply spiraling out of control or was there something else at play here, going over even Herr Doktor's head. If it was the latter, they were all in very serious trouble. Better to deal with an adversary you somewhat knew than a complete unknown force.

This was a subject he would have been interested in getting a second opinion on. Kristoph's, in particular. However, he had been warned told 'not to find him' tonight. It was such a simple ( ... )


M18 heavens_too_far October 8 2009, 00:25:29 UTC
It took quite a lot to intimidate Dias - much less frighten him - but as he reached for the door to leave his room for the night, he found himself brought up short as he realized his hand was shaking, however minutely. It reflected the anxiety he'd been denying the existence of since last night, a fear his mind refused to acknowledge but that his body remembered ( ... )


Re: M18 lostonlifesroad October 10 2009, 04:38:24 UTC
Dinner hadn't exactly been filled with conversation, but after the last twenty-four hours or so, Kakashi appreciated the silence. He'd read a bit more of his book, and thought a bit more about the situations the ninja faced. While his experience usually counter-balanced it, Kakashi was also a strategist like Shikamaru, and he didn't particularly like the unpredictability factor in the Institute. Here, it lacked the endearing quality that made Naruto so likable ( ... )


M11 winged_moon October 8 2009, 04:38:34 UTC
Dinner had been quiet again tonight, and Yukito was starting to get worried about his roommate. Maybe Ken was getting sick or something? He hoped not. Yue refused to comment on the situation at all, pretending not to notice his other self's train of thought, but Yukito suspected that the guardian was likewise concerned, even if he'd never admit it.

With nothing else to do after polishing off his food in record time, Yukito had taken his journal and gone to sit on his bed, thinking that maybe he should write something about what had been going on. If he got his thoughts down on paper, it might be easier for him to figure out where they led, after all. And maybe if Yue didn't want to talk about things, maybe he'd be willing to write them ( ... )


Re: M11 guardiancomplex October 8 2009, 22:31:35 UTC
[Like an arrow to the moon, from here. Presumably after Ken has left.]

Touya moved through the darkened hallways casually, hands in his pockets. He was pretty confident about the trip, given how many times he'd made it (he could have probably walked it blindfolded after the first time), and it was early enough that he figured monsters hadn't made it to the rooms yet. When he arrived at Yuki's room, he listened for a moment--no sound of talking. Frowning a little, he entered the room quietly.

Yuki was sleeping. For a moment, Touya felt a pang of concern, wondering if his power hadn't been enough and now Yuki needed even more sleep and food yet again. He was probably just sleeping though. Nothing to be worried about. ...he hoped.

His steps were a little quicker than someone who wasn't at all concerned. Kneeling by the bed, Touya put a gentle hand on Yuki's shoulder.

"Oi, Yuki," he called softly, shaking his friend's shoulder lightly. "You okay?"


Re: M11 winged_moon October 9 2009, 05:09:58 UTC
There was a sleepy confused half-second where both selves awoke, Yue alarmed that he hadn't awoken when someone entered the room despite the potential for danger, and Yukito automatically reaching toward glasses he didn't need to wear at the moment. After that hesitation Yue recognized Touya and subsided again with an irritable mutter, and Yukito turned the gesture into a rub at one eye.

"Mmm? Already time?" He blinked once, then smiled at Touya and started to push himself up again. "Sorry, Touya...I thought I'd take a nap, but I guess I slept later than I thought. It hasn't been too long, has it?"

He didn't want to keep Sakura waiting, either, especially with how upset she'd been the night before. And they needed to get something accomplished; he could finally do something about the constant restless irritation from his other self, now that they were healed enough to go out again.


Re: M11 guardiancomplex October 10 2009, 05:27:34 UTC
"No, it hasn't been long," Touya said, unable to keep himself from smiling at Yuki's cheerfulness even after being woken up. If it had been him, he would've growled at whoever had come to drag him out of bed and rolled himself into a cocoon. Some days he was ready to go (usually after he'd had a good rest over the summer or weekend). Other days, his father had to rouse Touya when Sakura's efforts failed.

"You think it takes me more than three minutes to walk over two hallways and down one?" Touya asked, smirking at Yuki as he sat down next to his boyfriend on the bed. "Well at least I know how little you think of me now," he said with a teasing grin.


oftemptation October 8 2009, 15:07:37 UTC
Endrance listened to that intercom announcement with a look of concern. What in the world had happened? He couldn't find it in him to be too sympathetic, however, especially when the man was barely hiding threats.

He nodded once after he got his things together, then headed out.

[to here]


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