Day 44: Sun Room (4th Shift)

Sep 30, 2009 07:14

As soon as she had the chance, Sheena ninja'd herself out of the cafeteria and away from the conversation she'd been semi-forced to have. She probably could have just clammed up and told the boys to go away, but she'd kind of owed at least Endrance some kind of explanation. It wasn't everyday the embodiment of darkness pops up and delivers a ( Read more... )

raine, ronixis, tsubaki, anise, teisel, kuukaku, sam winchester, indiana jones, forte, luffy, lockon (neil), claude, rey, peter parker, dean winchester, brainiac 5, tim drake, guy, heiji, yohji, yuffie, sync, lelouch, ayumu, zoro, chise, okita, sheena, ryoji, kratos, alec, yukari yakumo, setsuna

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Comments 358

thatdamnedninja September 30 2009, 15:35:58 UTC
Plucky was morally retarded.

Yep, that was it. That was the perfect description for what she was.

"You're trying to deprive me of kittens," Yuffie told her seriously, refusing to budge another step. "That is not something a normal human being does to another normal human being. Think about it for a sec. Is that thing beating in your chest a shrivelled prune, weary, wrathful, shunning the radiance of good deeds? Is it? Is it really? Not yet! You still have a chance, Plucky; a chance to grasp the sun's rays with your own two hands! Can you do that when you're knee deep in construction glue and glitter? Hell no you can't. So I'm staying ( ... )


osakapwnzu September 30 2009, 23:47:28 UTC
Heiji'd parked himself on a couch after showering at the speed of light. If there was one thing he knew, it was that people got defensive when they were naked and defenseless--and not always literally. It just didn't help when a suspect was naked. Which sucked, because accusing someone of murder in an onsen would have been an awesome gig.

He cracked open his journal and was going over notes that he'd made, as well as the list of people he'd like to talk to and questions he wanted to ask--when a kitten shot out from beneath his couch with absolutely no warning. He hadn't exactly been paying attention, so the sudden introduction of a fast, fur-covered thing was something of a shock. His journal went up with his legs, and he watched the now-revealed-to-be kitten charge towards Yuffie.

"Good call," he said, smirking a little. "Might've got my ankles."


thatdamnedninja October 1 2009, 00:26:37 UTC
"Might've?" asked Yuffie, sounding disappointed. "Damn. I must be losing my touch ( ... )


osakapwnzu October 1 2009, 00:31:29 UTC
As cute as a kitten on Yuffie's head was, pretty much everything was forgotten when Yuffie mentioned the case. Heiji's eyes visibly widened, and his expression, usually carefree and smirky, clouded over.

"How do you know about that?" He asked, sounding nervous. If word got out that Japan's two best detectives were on the case, the killer might get jumpy and go after him--or worse, Shinichi. He thought he'd been so careful--taking down notes when he saw them, folding them when it was appropriate, et cetera.

Then, he remembered. Oi, Shinichi. He buried his face in his palm and groaned.

"Tell me you don't know who the victim is. Otherwise I'mma kill a Kantoite."


lostonlifesroad October 1 2009, 00:02:29 UTC
Lunch had been a pleasant distraction, and afterward, Kakashi intended to continue the theme by finally starting the book Jiraiya had given him. At least until Shikamaru was finished showering. The jounin couldn't help but hope that the ninja's trademark laziness might make him take a bit longer, but he also knew that he shouldn't count on it. When he chose to, even someone like Shikamaru could be incredible efficient, which didn't bode well for Kakashi's reading time ( ... )


toobothersome October 1 2009, 00:23:18 UTC
Normally, showers at the institute were of no concern to Shikamaru, who couldn't care less about naked people. Naked guys, anyway. Judging by the history in his village, seeing a naked girl would probably end in a concussion or broken bones, so he had to be a little more careful about that. Regardless, he preferred to get it over with as quickly as possible. He had work to do. There was a lot of work to do.

This time, though, rather then immediately head for the showers, he pressed his fingertips to the point where the base of his ribs met his abdomen, half-expecting tenderness or at least some kind of scar. There should be a mark. Something. Anything. Even if last night had been an illusion, it wasn't fair for his body to have forgotten everything so easily when it took almost all of his willpower to keep it at the furthest edge of his thoughts.

What happened to the memories of dead people?Shikamaru showered quickly under water nearly hot enough to scald his skin, then stepped into the relative chill of the changing room ( ... )


lostonlifesroad October 2 2009, 00:00:56 UTC
With neither pretense or preamble, Shikamaru fell into a seat and began talking almost the moment he arrived. Kakashi had been watching for the younger ninja, so he was aware of his approach, at least. But given how completely Shikamaru had avoided talking about his experience from the night before, it wasn't hard to guess what he was trying to keep out of the conversation now. He didn't have to worry so much though. Kakashi did plan on touching on the subject, but something Shikamaru had said on the bulletin struck the jounin. Kakashi wasn't going to force Shikamaru to talk about anything he didn't want to, but he also had a bit of advice for the chuunin as well ( ... )


toobothersome October 2 2009, 01:41:14 UTC
And Kakashi seemed to go right along with it. That was a relief. He settled deeper into the sofa and gave a quiet, comfortable sigh. "I do need to talk to Sakura, but it can wait until tomorrow. It sounds like a good plan." After all, it was Team Seven, and she could probably use some time with her team. "So does the commissioning ( ... )


hajike_tobiume October 1 2009, 00:10:42 UTC
[for Hitsugaya]

Curling up in a chair off to the side, Momo winced a little before smoothing out the first of a few clean napkins she'd taken from the cafeteria. Using her thigh as a makeshift table, the shinigami used the writing half of her broken pencil to draw on the napkin. She kept glancing up a kitten that lay curled up on the nearby chair, her pencil moving across the napkin in a rough sketch of the little ball of fur.

Now that she was capable of drawing again, she missed having a journal. Maybe she'd see if her nurse would allow her another one.


itstaichoutoyou October 1 2009, 00:54:23 UTC
[from here]

After his thankfully uneventful shower, Hitsugaya made his way back to the Sun Room, where he saw Hinamori. She seemed to be engrossed with trying to draw the cat sitting across from her, so Hitsugaya carefully settled himself into the seat beside her. He remained quiet, not wanting to disturb her focus, and waited for her to break the silence when she was ready.


hajike_tobiume October 1 2009, 01:05:22 UTC
"That was quick," Momo replied without looking up when she felt Hitsugaya sit down nearby. "I don't remember you ever taking any less than thirty minutes to bathe when we were kids."


itstaichoutoyou October 1 2009, 01:21:00 UTC
"Hmph. Sometimes people grow out of their childish habits," Hitsugaya said. Feeling a tinge of uncharacteristic mischief, he leaned in close to Hinamori, making sure no one else heard what he said next. "Isn't that right, bed-wetter Momo?"


denied_future October 1 2009, 00:37:20 UTC
[From here]

His hair still wet but his bandages and whatnot luckily dry, Rey entered the Sun Room and sat down on a couch after checking the bulletin board, like he'd done two shifts ago. Unfortunately, as he did so, he was reminded of the wound in his shoulder, wincing as pain shot through the area. That was getting annoying--and incredibly frustrating. The idea that he'd be completely wasting his time for the next few nights due to said wound didn't sit well with him. Maybe it was because now that he didn't even know what he was supposed to do anymore, not doing anything seemed all the more prominent to him.

--Except that was a topic better left ignored for now. He didn't really want to appear any more 'emo,' quote Junpei, than he apparently already did.

[Unknowingly waiting for Takasugi!]


onefellbeast October 1 2009, 19:57:17 UTC
[ and here he is \o/ ]

Since he'd taken his shower earlier, Takasugi bore no interest in another. In fact, he was still brimming with amusement from his lunch earlier, having been provided with quite the entertainment. His mind was already scripting the names of those who'd proven to be strong and who were subjects of interest to him. This institute had its wealth in interesting characters, it seemed.

As the nurse led him towards the couch, his eye drifted to the side before landing on ...someone familiar. Suddenly images flashed through his head -the blond hair, wide eyes, so much blood, the sharp twist of a knife through his own flesh. His hand landed on the bandages on his left arm, rubbing along them as he tried to piece those images together coherently. Whatever had happened to him the night prior...this young boy was most likely related.

Without a word, he sat beside him, awaiting to see his reaction. That would tell him all he needed to know to confirm the truth.


denied_future October 1 2009, 20:22:20 UTC
When he sensed another presence, Rey snapped out of his thoughts and glanced towards the man, before freezing. Just his luck--it was the patient who'd attacked him last night. He knew he'd likely encounter him sooner or later, but, admittedly, he was hoping it'd be never. It wasn't that Rey was afraid, not in the least, but dealing with someone who'd nearly killed him recently wasn't on the top of his to-do list. It'd make things easier if he hated the man or even remotely disliked him, but that wasn't the case. Rey held nothing against him. Which brought up the question: What was he supposed to say?

Instead, he opted for silence.


quickdrawbkiddo October 1 2009, 00:38:19 UTC
[closed to HK-47. Potential threaders plz make inquiries]

With lunch over, and the new knowledge Beatrix possessed, she knew the assassins would need to move fast this upcoming night or that boy and his group would beat them to the prize. That being said, she didn't fancy the idea of going into the night needing to take a hostage, so she was bound and determined to make sure HK-47 was going to show this night.

As she kept an eye out for the droid, she scanned the bulletin board. A few things stood out. Interesting. It seemed the snake was going to be hunting them this night. Even more reason to move quickly. In fact, this was also a way for HK-47 to make things up for absence the previous night.

Turning her back to the board, she watched for the other assassin.


arc_wrench October 1 2009, 04:59:06 UTC
Well, he had managed to escape the second refueling shift with no more mortal embarrassment. Apparently, sometimes just hiding in a corner glaring at everything that came within twenty meters was a successful strategy.

...But it would most certainly not work on the female assassin, who had likely immediately spotted him as soon as his nurse led him into the Sun Room. Oh fierfek.

There was no use in avoiding this, although in the interest of heading off more embarrassment, he had to attempt to appeal to some logic, if not actual mercy. "Supplication: I've already been dealing with every single meatbag with photoreceptors and a working processor about... that today. Please do not mention it any more than absolutely necessary."


quickdrawbkiddo October 1 2009, 05:02:44 UTC
The Bride fixed HK-47 with her cold, hard eyes for a long moment.

"Very well. I will only say this then - the next time you decide to engage in such an activity again with Lockdown, do not let it interfere with our mission in the basement. Should it happen again, I will remove both your and Lockdown's testicles then tack them up on this board," she stated.


arc_wrench October 1 2009, 05:04:57 UTC
Ugh, that was a thought he hadn't really ever wanted to imagine. HK cringed slightly at the imagery that ran through his head. "Affirmative: Understood. It's not as if I am at all eager to repeat such an experience any time soon." It had felt good, but the meatbags were making this so insufferable!


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