Nightshift 42: Bohr Street

Jul 19, 2009 20:37

[from here]

Windows were dark on Bohr street, but doors worryingly open, and Phoenix's eyes kept darting to each new entrance they passed, dark rectangles like open graves. He tried to think of what was this way, but his mind was a spinning blank, bolting like a rabbit every time a new face turned to stare at them with those hollow, filmy eyes. " ( Read more... )

s.t., ronixis, endrance, kenshin, guy, batman, tsukasa, tobias, depth charge, mele, utena, claude, edgeworth, juri, the flash, phoenix

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Comments 47

high_prosecutor July 20 2009, 01:49:49 UTC
"If memory serves, there's an antiques store right around the next corner," Edgeworth said, thinking quickly. "It's worth a shot on the weapons front, and we can go from there with figuring out where's safe to barricade in.

[to here]


mugenreppa July 20 2009, 02:09:59 UTC
She felt the change. The ki of a practitioner of Juken was very distinct, but it was still ki, it was still the energy of life. The rinshi held traces of rinki, but they all held a bit of Rio-sama's ki from when he'd revived them all. And his was living ki among the distinct energy of the dead. So when she looked up, she could say she'd almost expected it ( ... )


mugenreppa July 20 2009, 02:29:18 UTC
[to here]


scarletspeedstr July 20 2009, 13:48:47 UTC
All in all, today had actually been pretty good. After lunch Bruce had wanted to take a look around the town, check out where everything and everyone was and maybe look into getting a few items one way or another, and Wally hadn't really had any other plans beyond keeping an eye on the older man and Bart, so had ended up tagging along, one eye open in case he spotted the younger speedster as well. It had actually been kinda relaxing in one way. Just walking and talking together (well, Wally had done most of the talking while Bruce alternatively made non-committal noises or asked the occasional question) had been a lot like hanging out on the Watchtower again. Bats doing his thing with watching a bazillion monitor screens at once and yet never missing a detail while Wally played solitaire, tried to hold a conversation for two people on his own, and got snacks all at once.

The only difference was that so far he hadn't gotten that final glare that signalled the Flash to go find something else to do for a while. Before Bats found him ( ... )


gothamnight July 22 2009, 03:40:18 UTC
If bad things came in threes- Bruce thought almost absently as he fractured a zombie's arm. With Clark's death, the counseling, and this thing occurring within just was enough to make anyone suspicious, never mind the scores of patients who'd been trying for weeks to understand the forces that made Landel's so formidable. Bruce anticipated a lively bulletin the next morning; for now, though...

There was an undeniable I knew it feeling to this sudden catastrophe; lunch and the afternoon had gone too well for comfort, and after last night, it'd take more than a horde of zombies to divert Bruce's focus. The change in the town was hardly subtle-in fact, it'd been obvious as soon as the sun went down that their surroundings had changed. Like a true ghost town, the buildings were in shambles and the dull luster of the walls evoked bloodshed. Bruce assumed this was the first time a change of this scale had happened; as he threw a second zombie into the first one, Bruce couldn't help but wonder if the next time they came into ( ... )


scalyfishman July 20 2009, 19:31:42 UTC
[From here]

One more street, that was all. Cuffing the viscous splatter from the most recent dispatch off of his face (that shirt wasn't going to be white for much longer) Depth Charge threw backsides look to the others again. "So. When we get there we clear it, grab what we can, and then...?"


buteo_sapiens July 20 2009, 20:38:00 UTC
< We're Search and Rescue, right? We should search for and rescue people. > Tobias lit on a lamppost for a moment, hawk body hunched and breathing quickly. It had been days since he'd flown properly-- not since he'd gotten here-- but he was pretty sure he usually didn't have this much trouble at night. < That's what heroes do, right? >


unmocked_lawr July 20 2009, 21:25:02 UTC
Javert kept his gaze straight ahead, toward where he knew the hardware store was located, but he couldn't hold back a short laugh as he drove the point of his awl into the eye of the nearest shambling undead Doyletonian. God help him if he stopped to think about it; this was almost too much to take. "I should like to know just when, exactly, we stopped being patients who were slightly less than helpless and started being heroes. I'm not sure I like the sound of it."

Charging the next one and driving in its ribcage with brute force (which took considerably less effort than he was entirely comfortable with), he continued, "We should check to see that the sheriff's office has been secured on our way back. Most of the patients seemed to be in Magus Park when the attacks began; they should know that there's someplace relatively safe where they can go."


scalyfishman July 21 2009, 17:41:01 UTC
Depth Charge didn't look up. For a moment he didn't answer, either. Then, finally, he gave a little snort. "Hah... heroes, huh? Haven't heard that one in a while." And for good reason, too. Back when he became an Imperial Peace Marshall? Yeah. Maybe, just maybe, he'd actually thought he was the hero.

The difference a few stellar cycles could make was disturbing. The fear (and yes, he realised dully, it was a fear) that they were going to repeat themselves here was almost overwhelming, embedding itself into his every thought. With each step came the familiar echo of loss, and with that a painful reminder of how he could have prevented it.

But this wasn't a matter of track records or old wounds. It was about keeping as many people alive as possible right now. "Got it."

[Angsting over to here~]


toxicspiderman July 22 2009, 00:30:51 UTC
[from here]

The next street was almost peaceful. A chorus of moans, the slamming of feet, distant screams. Fifteen minutes after Orosco struck out Marty Barrett, that's what it reminded him of. All it needed was a few sirens and some fucking beer spilled on the sidewalk. Or mouthwash. Anything. He'd get down on his hands and knees and lick it up, zombie guts and all.

On second thought, he wasn't that desperate. He kept running.

[to here]


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